Sub-Adult Member
Yeah that makes sense about the calcium, thanks!
And I think I OVER think everything. Before I got my first and only beardie I was going crazy trying to get all this info. I was printing stuff out and stalking this forum and others, and even though I was really prepared, for the first couple weeks I was so nervous! :roll: I even brought him to the vet for no reason "just to be safe", and the vet actually laughed at me. Its ok, better to be a little crazy than not care enough.
And I think I OVER think everything. Before I got my first and only beardie I was going crazy trying to get all this info. I was printing stuff out and stalking this forum and others, and even though I was really prepared, for the first couple weeks I was so nervous! :roll: I even brought him to the vet for no reason "just to be safe", and the vet actually laughed at me. Its ok, better to be a little crazy than not care enough.