- Beardie name(s)
- Xion (she-on)
Sorry I've been making so many threads. For the duration of Xion's pinworm treatment I've replaced her substrate with paper towel, but she's been incredibly restless as a result. Throughout the day she'll run to the front of the tank and repeatedly try to get through the glass, scratching it, etc. She's starting to get black marks on the tip of her snout and I'm worried she's going to start really hurting herself. She was even previously launching herself at the walls, though I think I managed to fix that by turning the wallpaper around (Guessing she was trying to climb the picture of a rock wall). I try to let her out to run around at least once a day, but once she's back in it's back to desperately looking for an exit. Her medication lasts a month, so I'm concerned that she'll keep doing this the whole time.
Any suggestions on how to ease her nerves? What to do if the mark on her snout gets worse?
Update: Hit or miss solution I found, playing videos on my phone. Sometimes it grabs her attention and she'll just sit quietly and watch for a bit. It won't work forever, but anything to keep her from hurting herself when I can.
Any suggestions on how to ease her nerves? What to do if the mark on her snout gets worse?
Update: Hit or miss solution I found, playing videos on my phone. Sometimes it grabs her attention and she'll just sit quietly and watch for a bit. It won't work forever, but anything to keep her from hurting herself when I can.
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