Coccidia Round 2 with Albon

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My bearded dragon got results 30 days ago for 4+ coccidia. We did 5 days of Albon .07ml. Unfortunately during her recheck they found the same amount so nothing improved in those 30 days. They don't have ponazuril so we are doing Albon again .07ml but for 21 days. I'm really worried how harsh this is going to be on her system for 3 weeks. I'm going to make my slurry recipe which has probotics in it and lots of hydration. I was wondering if anyone else had experience with Albon, especially at such a great length?

Also as an FYI, she is on paper towel, only has non-porus items in her tank. It's cleaned daily with a steam cleaner, sanikein, and ammonia 1:10 mix. She doesn't even poop in her tank she only poops when I take her out and watch her so I don't think she's reinfecting herself that way. She gets a bath daily too. Her bugs get thrown out if she doesn't eat them and she gets a new feeder bowl and new tongs that are cleaned every day.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Poor girl, the Albon will definitely take it's toll on her. Were you wanting to try another anti-coccidial medication? I have an online reptile
supply store, & do have either liquid Toltrazuril or paste Toltrazuril. The Toltrazuril is the same active ingredient as Ponazuril so it is a really
good medication but very mild with virtually no side effects.
I see you are using our cleaner, Sanikein! How do you like it?
It sounds like you are doing everything you can to get her system cleared out. Coccidia is a big pain to get rid of!
Are you giving a probiotic also?



Original Poster

Poor girl, the Albon will definitely take it's toll on her. Were you wanting to try another anti-coccidial medication? I have an online reptile
supply store, & do have either liquid Toltrazuril or paste Toltrazuril. The Toltrazuril is the same active ingredient as Ponazuril so it is a really
good medication but very mild with virtually no side effects.
I see you are using our cleaner, Sanikein! How do you like it?
It sounds like you are doing everything you can to get her system cleared out. Coccidia is a big pain to get rid of!
Are you giving a probiotic also?

Hi Tracie! The sanikein has been helping a lot so thank you for that. I'm worried to give her any other medicine than the one that the vet recommended. Would you recommend to do toltrazil instead of Albon or a combination? Our vet really seems to be pushing to use Albon again 😕
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