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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

The mouth area looks somewhat like that area is going to possibly shed.
The scales should heal up yes. If you have some raw unpasteurized honey you can use
some of that on any of the scales that look damaged.
That looks a little bit like a bit of blood. If he strained a little bit when he went to the bathroom
that could have caused some blood. Or heavy worm or parasite levels can cause that. Do you
have any probiotics for him?



Hatchling Member
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i use probiotics and i mix it w his occ so he can have some and I think the blood is from both straining and high counts of coccidia his last stool sample said he has an extremely high count and both the meds did not work so we are ditching that vet and April 31 we will get him a vet visit with a different vet so he can lose his parasites! and also is it normal for bearded dragons to dream/move in there sleep? bc Chester is deep sleeping right now and he just randomly started waving! it was ADORABLE then he waved his other arm I'm wondering what could he be dreaming about! he's never waved for me before so this is new to me! :mrgreen:


Hatchling Member
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look how big his poop is today!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

It does have blood involved, is he having trouble going to the bathroom, or are his urates
hard? Are you able to get a fecal done on him to determine what his levels are?
Since his stools are a bit large then he might be straining a little bit which can definitely cause
some blood but his parasite levels could be elevated from stress.
Can you give him some probiotics for help with settling his tummy?



Hatchling Member
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Drache613":3og85jmu said:

It does have blood involved, is he having trouble going to the bathroom, or are his urates
hard? Are you able to get a fecal done on him to determine what his levels are?
Since his stools are a bit large then he might be straining a little bit which can definitely cause
some blood but his parasite levels could be elevated from stress.
Can you give him some probiotics for help with settling his tummy?

he's having trouble going to the bathroom and his urates are liquid I think his urates are like that because he's getting ALOT of hydration or from his parasites idk and I give him probiotics mixed w his occ every day! and he also gets calcium every day and also he's been straining like this ever since I've gotten him so could it be normal the way he poops and I'm just stressing about it? and yes I'm able to get a fecal done but I'm having a hard time trusting/finding one bc we trusted this one and then none of their meds worked so we are not going back there but I have some choices I can tell you if you think you can help? and whenever he poops near me I can hear his back crack because he's pushing so hard?? i def don't think its mbd we change his bulb every 5 months!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is your boy doing tonight?
Since his urates are soft & not very formed then he shouldn't be dehydrated then. You may
need to get a fecal recheck since he seems to still be having some trouble right now.
Remind me again, which UVB light do you use?



Hatchling Member
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Drache613":1wh23g0o said:

How is your boy doing tonight?
Since his urates are soft & not very formed then he shouldn't be dehydrated then. You may
need to get a fecal recheck since he seems to still be having some trouble right now.
Remind me again, which UVB light do you use?


ok we will get another fecal done and my uvb is a 24" Arcadia 12% t5 uvb and is 14 inches away from it


Hatchling Member
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chestermymunchkin":3acr3axh said:
Drache613":3acr3axh said:

How is your boy doing tonight?
Since his urates are soft & not very formed then he shouldn't be dehydrated then. You may
need to get a fecal recheck since he seems to still be having some trouble right now.
Remind me again, which UVB light do you use?


ok we will get another fecal done and my UVB is a 24" Arcadia 12% T5 UVB and is 14 inches away from it
and he is doing great! he ate freshly grown collred greens and a leaf of mustard greens! he ate a great amount! (I'm growing collard and mustard greens for him) :D


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is it normal that he spends most of his time on his basking spot because he spends almost every day on it and I don't see him when I'm at school but he stays on his basking spot most of the time is it because he doesn't have too much enrichment mabe? its 105-110 most of the time and sometimes gets up to 117! and he's considered an adult so idk why he spends most of his time up there is it normal rarely heall go down but when he gets too hot he comes down usually once a day is it normal??? :?


Hatchling Member
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my whole family caught a cold we know its not covid because one of us got tested so it's just because our week immune systems :( how do you care for a bearded dragon with a cold? can they get a cold? and do I do certain safety precautions? thanks :!: :D
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