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I've have recently spoken to a vet who suggested i had my bearded checked out for a fecal to check for coccidea. I havent wormed him before which i now understand i should have been. But i was goin to have the tests done first. i am thinking of insureing him first as i'm worried this is going to be expensive before i take him. Please can some one just explain what the disease is symptoms and treatment.

Thank You


Hatchling Member
Why? He'll be tested postive. That's not bad. Just depends on how much. Unless your beardie is showing signs that you are concerned with, I would hold off unless you REALLY know and trust your vet. If your beardie is eating and pooping normally, is active and alert, and has no signs that make you worried - i'd stick with well enough.

If you do trust your vet (to not just try to generate business for the labs and their office), you can do a fecal and they can look for other parrasites as well and get a count of the coccidea. You should go in knowing what acceptable and dangerous count levels are...


Original Poster
Main reason is he's a 2yr old but quite skinny for his age. Ive recently re done his tank so its a better setup hoping it would increase his appertite (which is poor) and to make him more energetic. He is very laid back and isnt that active and i am proberly over worring i just wanna make sure he's happy and healthy.
This is why id like to know peoples views on it so i apperiate any advise.



Hatchling Member
Are you sure your temps are good? Basking temps high enough? Correct UVB source and he is close enough to it?

Do you bath him in luke warm water at least once a week for about 20 mins at a time (ensures he is staying hydrated)?

What do you feed him? Are his stools (poop) really runny and REALLY stinky?

Do you have any pics of the beardie and tank?



Original Poster
I,ve been told his tank is ok for him he has a UV tube a ceramic bulb what runs on theromstat plus a basking bulb most of the time his tank running on average of 30c in the middle high at one end cooller at other.
He has about 2 baths a week what he enjoys. His diet isnt as good as it could be because of his appertite he eats meal worms once a week and crickets in his tank. Veg he has 2-3 times a week. I've been told be a reptile lecturer at a nearby college that his eating habits are normal but his size worries me as he is skinny. I have one picture which isn't briliant and doesnt show how thin he is. Do you want me to send one via email?
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