Ceramic tile - Need Help!

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Gray-bearded Member
McBeck":1daaljwd said:
MrSpectrum":1daaljwd said:
He doesn't even avail himself of a soft cardboard area.
I would guess, since they bask on a rock all day, their heinies aren't as sensitive as we may project on them.
Mine actually sleeps on a piece of petrified wood. Until such time as they come out with a Sleep Number basking rock, she will just have to make due... :mrgreen:
ZaRDoZ has slept on the tile floor (despite other options) every night we've had him--until this week. The last couple nights, he's slept on top of his tower, which is capped with real slate tiles.
I think it's due to him gorging himself at a couple of meals, and he just didn't want to move after basking up there until lights-out, but who can say... :dontknow: Dragonz iz weerd [sic]. :lol:


Original Poster
Thanks for all of the feedback - I appreciate the help. I will be tiling the new enclosure over the next few days with plenty of cure time. Going to be using some of the advice shared here.
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