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New member
Hi all.

This is my bearded dragon’s first time brumating. He just turned 2 in December. He’s been brumating since before Halloween. I’ve had his lights off the entire time with his ceramic heat lamp still on. I’ve seen a bunch of posts from people saying they keep their lights off the whole brumation season and other posts of people saying they keep the lights on - just less time to imitate the winter season. Would I be able to start leaving his lights on starting now? I would only keep them on for a period of time before turning them off again. Just feel like he’s been brumating for some time now. I’m new to this - this is my first brumation season so I’m unsure!! Lol

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hi all.

This is my bearded dragon’s first time brumating. He just turned 2 in December. He’s been brumating since before Halloween. I’ve had his lights off the entire time with his ceramic heat lamp still on. I’ve seen a bunch of posts from people saying they keep their lights off the whole brumation season and other posts of people saying they keep the lights on - just less time to imitate the winter season. Would I be able to start leaving his lights on starting now? I would only keep them on for a period of time before turning them off again. Just feel like he’s been brumating for some time now. I’m new to this - this is my first brumation season so I’m unsure!! Lol
How long has he been brumating ? They should not brumate for more than 3 months --- have you had him out to offer water at all? If not do so now- and weigh him -- weigh in grams on a kitchen food scale -- the light thing we can figure out after we get some more info from you - has he been out at all since going down ?


New member
Original Poster
He’s been brumating since October. I haven’t had him out at all. I read on some other forums not to force them to wake up so I haven’t done anything

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
He’s been brumating since October. I haven’t had him out at all. I read on some other forums not to force them to wake up so I haven’t done anything
Its been 3 months turn his lights on and start warming the tank --- get him out offer water -- its going to take some time for the appetite to come back -- so feed him slowly -- get a weight on him now and keep checking his weight for the next month see if hes losing it or starts to gain --


Juvie Member
I don't bother mine while they're sleeping. They know what they're doing more than I do. If mine wake up I will offer water and if they stay up I'll offer food. I have one that sleeps for usually 4-5 months and I have heard of others that sleep that long too.

As far as the lights go I turn off the uvb, cause why waste it if they aren't using it but keep their heat lights on as usual. I do adjust their timers for different seasons though whether they are brumating or not.

AHBD Sicko
Yes a healthy dragon knows what to do and there are rarely times that they would have a problem. My boys are both 10 yrs. old and one fell asleep early October and just woke a few days ago, the other was the same but woke a few weeks ago. Both ate the day after waking, greens and superworms but not huge meals. There's no rigid set rule on how long to let them brumate. I like to keep the lights on part of the day just because these guys are old and I like to keep it at 3 months , 4 at most because of their age. Years ago when some of my first dragons were brumating one woke up with an R.I. which wasn't bad and was treated easily with Baytril. That dragon was the only one that had slept for 5 months so I just keep it in check at around 3 months now which is about how long they choose to sleep anyway on average. But yes you could turn your lights on now for 10 hours to mimic spring and see if he wants to become active.


Hatchling Member
quite common for Beardies to exceed brumation for longer than 3 months. As long as they aren't losing weight leave them to do whats natural to them
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