Brumation while dehydrated.


Original Poster
Lizzy still seems to have "runny" poop and droopy eyes. I just switched to paper towels which I will have for a week until her new bedding arrives on Friday, and hopefully, I can take better pictures of her poop.

When I cleaned her terrarium today, there was quite a bit of dry poop under the sand, and it's one of the reasons why I wanted to switch to a non-loose substrate. I honestly don't know what im doing wrong, she gets kale, bok choi, and butternut squash, and im getting a few new greens tomorrow morning for her. Lizzy also gets a variety of insects, dubia, red runners, crickets, and zophobas. There is nothing wrong with her temperatures and UVB.

I need help getting rid of the issues she has been having since I got her, I have no clue what's causing it. What is a few good greens to feed her, I can not get my hands on collard greens, mustard greens, or turnip greens!!!

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Lizzy still seems to have "runny" poop and droopy eyes. I just switched to paper towels which I will have for a week until her new bedding arrives on Friday, and hopefully, I can take better pictures of her poop.

When I cleaned her terrarium today, there was quite a bit of dry poop under the sand, and it's one of the reasons why I wanted to switch to a non-loose substrate. I honestly don't know what im doing wrong, she gets kale, bok choi, and butternut squash, and im getting a few new greens tomorrow morning for her. Lizzy also gets a variety of insects, dubia, red runners, crickets, and zophobas. There is nothing wrong with her temperatures and UVB.

I need help getting rid of the issues she has been having since I got her, I have no clue what's causing it. What is a few good greens to feed her, I can not get my hands on collard greens, mustard greens, or turnip greens!!!
Argula- prickly pear cactus leaves- you can get them off Amazon


Original Poster
You have already tested for parasites, right?
Yes, we have been at the vet 3 times now for medication. They are for sure gone now, but im gonna take another test just incase. She runs around like crazy and eats without any problems, its just her stool and eyes that worries me now.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
Idk about the eyes but the stool didn't look too bad on the last pic. Could be just very high hydration levels or low minal levels could probably also lead to them just passing water straight through, I guess.

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