Breeding Crickets

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Hi, I am thinking of starting a cricket farm in my old 20 gallon tank. I read some information on the internet about how to set up my tank pretty well and it seems like a big money saver. The only thing I'm wondering about is the downfalls.. Does the crickets' noise are really annoying? Does it smell that bad? Do you have a lot of dead crickets? Any information concerning cricket breeding would be appreciate. Thanks!
Also, if you would like to recommend another type of breeding instead go ahead! Thanks!


Juvie Member
Honestly, crix are loud,smelly critters. They jump high, & run fast. If it wasn't for my jack russell, who dislikes crix more than I do, I would probably be invaded. He would catch all the escapee's :) he's the warden & executioner of the feeders :D


Original Poster
Would you recommend another type of breeding instead? Maybe some silkworms, phoenix worms, superworms? In other words what would be the best daily food for a bearded dragon that won't cause me that much trouble breeding? Thanks :)


Juvie Member
I would recommend dubia roaches or silkworms, supers are ok if your dragon is big enough (over 16"). I don't have any experiance breeding silkies, as I have cocoons, no moths yet though

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Superworms breed fairly easy, less die off than crickets, easier to take care of, make no noise & don't smell like crickets do. Your beardie should be at least 15" though as they can be a little harder for them to digest them.

We have dubia roaches that we bought in April at a reptile show & they are breeding very quickly. They are easy to take care of & don't climb.

I tried raising hornworms, they went through the pupae stage & then turned into moths but they didn't lay any eggs before they died off even though I gave them sugar water. The moths were adorable & I felt so bad when they died. I guess hornworms are harder to raise.

Another thing to keep in mind is that it's a good idea to offer more than one live feeder at a time so it keeps the beardies interested & they don't get bored of it.


crickets are annoying, they smell, theyre one of the less easier feeders to breed (IMO),

roaches, mealies, supers, waxworms are MUCH easier to handle/maintain/breed

but if youre still set on crix i will tell you my set up

i layed about 2 inches of eco earth in a ten gallon
i then put two UTHs on the bottom of the tank
then i added 100 adults and let them go to work for 3 weeks
i have thousands of crix (nasty)
whatever substrate the eggs are kept in, it needs to be moist at ALL times


Hatchling Member
Icky Icky crickets! My dubias are in the mail RIGHT NOW, and I'm so excited! I'm a little nervous about the whole "Holy Crap, what if one TOUCHES me!??!" thing, but I think I'll get over it.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Ah, crickets are not that bad. :D I have never had any problems with them, & if you keep them right they really don't smell. If you keep the bin cleaned out properly they have no smell. If you don't crowd them you wont have die offs, either.
It is all what you want to do. I have been breeding crickets for years.



New member
wowowow everybody. now i feel like an outcast here im a cricket breeder and i think i can answer this question. i know none of you are really on my side but heres some facts about breeding crickets:

Yes many can die without proper feeder food for them.

They honestly dont get that smelly unless you shove your nose into the enclosure.

about the noise it matters on what kind you get, if you get crickets from a pet store they are not noisy unless they are ready to breed, i have around 8 dozen of them under my desk next to my bearded dragons enclosure and he makes more sound then they do.

a single female cricket can lay around 100 eggs in a year.

and to every feeder breeding theres always downsides:

you have to maintain the cricket colony, they do require little heat.

plus the food and water, ect.

and you need to divide all of the adult crickets when all eggs have been layed, you need a second enclosure for the adults until the new generation of crickets become large enough, as babies they are just little bit size snacks for the adults.

And the best thing about it is in all do well tie they pay for them selves.
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