Both my beardys eyes are swollen shut & leaking help!!!

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About 5days ago I noticed my 1year & 4month old beardys right eye started looking swollen. & I got nervous about it. I do know beardys will puff there eyes out when shedding to help the skin around the eye, but this wasnt the case. For us who have seen the difference btwn a beardy puffing its eyes out for shedding & swelling, you can tell a BIG difference. But I was hoping maybe she got something in it, or maybe she scratched it because she did just get done shedding a few days earlier. So everyday I gave her baths & even gave her baths with Iodine in it just incase there was in infection. I would easily pour water over the eye and dabing it with a clean towel. After 2days went by, they eye wasnt getting better it was getting worse & quickkk. It became swollen SHUT and once in awhile I would check & it would be leaking, but I cant tell if its leaking like a goo or if its her crying because its clean & literally looks like tears :'(. You know how bad it feels thinking my babys crying because shes in pain.......
Anyways, again I would dab it with a clean towel & give her baths. She would enjoy the bath ALOT. Constantly moving around cleaning herself drinking etc. Even though it was swollen shut she would still open it like twice maybe 3times a day just to move around for a quick 2nd. So I figured it was hurting her & thats why she was keeping it closed.
Now since yesterday, she hasnt openned her right eye at all & its still leaking out & now her left eye is shut. Her left eye isnt NEARLY swollen shut like her right eye, her right eye is puffed swollen & all blue around it like its bruised and everytime u touch anywhere near it she smacks ur hand away. Her left eye is bruised like blue around it but isnt really puffy just seems like its bothering her so shes keeping it closed but wont open it.
Now, before I started typing this, I noticed below her right eye, like where he mouth is, her upper lip is swollen outwards like she has and over lip and its swollen around the right side of her faace.
I do know theres nothing I can do now that I do need a vet. I tried to make a call at the vet that I went to before, but there booked till June2nd. & i def dont want to wait till June 2nds. But they said they take emergency calls, for me to call tomorrow Friday righttt when they open at 815am & tell them whats wrong & hopefully they can get me in. If not, Im not sure what to do because it will be the weekend, she cant eat because she cant see but I am gonna grab babyfood tomo & syringe feed her. But Im scared its a really bad infection & that im gonna have to prepare for the worst. Im telling you all this because 1- I need to vent to ppl who understand and 2- Does anyone have and idea what it can be.
Sorry for all the mis spelling but Im not caring about how I sound or spell, Im upset and want people to see this asap. PLEASE HELP!


Juvie Member
Poor thing!!
Do you have any sterile eye drops that you can rinse her face with? I'm not sure if betatine is ok for faces, but maybe someone else can hopefully answer that ASAP.
I would say it's an emergency, since you've noticed the swelling spreading so rapidly.
If you look close can you see any punctures or scratches? Maybe a cricket bite or scratch that got infected? Because the fluid is clear, I don't think that it's on the surface of the eye, but it's always better to get the vet to look.

diamc Sicko
Staff member
I agree with BlueMorpho, a vet visit is in order ASAP, no way around that.

Since there are some dangerous UVB lights that can cause serious eye issues, please fill us in on the brand & type that you're using and what the distance of this particular bulb is to his basking spot. Do you have a bright white basking bulb alongside the UVB light?

Also, what type of substrate is on the bottom of the tank? If it's a loose substrate, he may have gotten some in his eyes that got infected and is now spreading to his face.

Picking up some saline eye wash like humans use to wash foreign bodies out of their eyes would be a good idea.

Could you post pictures of him and his tank for us?

Since he can't see to eat, would be a good idea to pick up some chicken (or turkey) and squash (or sweet potato) baby food and offer drops on his nose to see if he will lick it off.


Original Poster
Yea idk if Iodine was a good choice to use but I didnt know what else to do =/. I highlyyyy doubt thats the reason because she was bad before I used it, the most maybeee it irritated it but I hope not!

Shes on plastic tiles that I cut perfectly to fit the tank so its not any loose substrate. & as bad as it is I hand feed her supers & dubia for I can make sure nothing gets a bite of her. Which made her little lazy lol but its ok shes still my baby!

Its 1:51 am in Connecticut were I live. I had few people over tonight having fun & had bring someone home about a hour ago. Before I left I checked on her make sure shes breathing. & I been noticing like a black thing on her right nose hole kind of like a crush. 1st time I noticed it other day i used my figure wipe it away & all good. But then I seen it and tried and nothing happen so I figured maybe it was a dark cut or some type bruising & the color is from the leaking. Well I got curious and grabbed a toothpick and woke her up and figured id make sure and i felt it coming off but I couldnt just whipe it off it was sticking. So i grabbed tweezers and pulled and slowly came out what I can only explain as it looked like a booger/piece of skin that was very loose. I dnt know if that was from the leakege or wut. But I was happy to get it out for she can breath better. I stupidly threw it out right away and when I got back home I went in the garbage looking for It for I can atleast take a picture of it but couldnt find it.

I use ReptiSun 10 & its about 6-8inches above and about 4inches to the side of were she basks. And her heating lamp which is a regular light bulb thinkkkkk its 60watts which puts the temp at 90 is 6-8inches right above her. I do know some lights can mess there eyes up but I replace the bulbs regularly and always buy ReptiSun which i heard nothing but good things from.

I have my alarm set for 8:13am because the vet opens at 815 so this way I can call right away & constantly till someone answers & ask for and emergency visit. If by any chance they say no. Im making her comfortable and going to every animal hospital/vet I can find & putting her on there desk for maybeee there see her and feel bad & take her in!!!

I will take pics tomorrow & try to post them & let everyone know exactkly was said when I get off the phone in the morning & Ill keep updating. If its not to much trouble, I know alot people always say "Oh ye I will!" but I know rarely does, but say a small prey for her. Even as ur reading if its in your head. Im not a religious person myself but Ill take any help from anyone/anything at this point! Especially for fact I dont have much $$ & the last vet visit ran me about 200$ for a check up for her which nothing was wrong. & if I have to pay 200$ which it WILL be more because im sure she will need meds & possibly surgery, I will be completely broke & not eating for few days. Which i dnt care about I dnt need pitty. Im just really hoping it wont come to that =/. I dnt know Im gonna TRY get some sleep. Hope everyone doing well & thanks for the concerns!!!


Original Poster

It's 9:28am. I woke up at 813am. & started googling & calling every vet & animal hospital I can. Of course with my luck no where could take her. Finallllllly, after 45mins of calling & straight begging places (Im NOT someone to beg) I got a place that can see her atm 4:30pm today Friday! I grabbed her before I made the calls make sure everything okay and of course shes sleeping in a crazy position & I couldnt see her breathing & my heart STOPPED!
But I picked her up and she started moving around. I grabbed a tooth pick and put it in both nostrils because seems like there clogged with a flap of skin and but I dont know if its a flag of skin or just her nose being swollen. There was nothing I can get out of her nostrils like I was able to lastnight. Soo maybe thats a good thing. Im just worried shes not able to breath. Its bad enough my heart is breaking knowing she cant see and probably in pain & uncomfortable.
My father keeps telling me to prepare for the worst but I cant give up. Everyone on here I know is the same way towards there animals with how much we love them or else this website wouldnt exsist.
Hope everyone is having better luck with there beardys & has a good day. Ill update when I have further news.

P.S. I left my number for our usual vet to call me & atleast give me his best option without seeing her so Ill update after that call.


Juvie Member
Don't give up. I really hope she gets through. I'm glad that you were promt in looking for vets; it sounds like the swelling is spreading really fast. She's so lucky to have a human who loves her as much as you do!!
Keep us posted! Sending hugs and prayers your way!


Original Poster
The hugs & preys mean more then you know hun so thank you. Yea Im doing my best. I have two beardys & a dog & there my world!!
They all literally saved my life. I could tell you some dramatic stories how literally they saved my life that you be amazed by, so I do everything in my power to return the love & care :).
Just sucks because if the bills is over 200$ I cant pay and Im pretty sure its not going be cheap because its 75$ just for the visit =/. Prey I get someone who can give me a deal. It is spreading very fast. But I ran out to store get babyfood for her and came back & she moved across her tank. & as im typing this she must of none and started moving again. Soo sad see her inching slowly because she doesnt know where she is. Im gonna warm her up, feed her and put her on my chest for she can feel her daddys heart & know she safe :').

Ill update once I get a call or after the vet. Please keep sending the love!!!

AHBD Sicko
Hi there, I'm sorry to hear about your beardie ! :( Is the Reptisun bulb a long tube or a compact bulb ? How long have you had it ? As was mentioned,the compacts can cause eye irritation at close range. Something that will soothe and can possibly heal her eyes is unpasteurized honey. I've used it over the years with 2 separate eye injuries which healed quickly. It's a natural antibacterial/ antibiotic and can be used directly on the eye or any wound. Just thin it down with a bit of warm water and apply 2-3X daily with a Q-tip. It really works for infections , and is cheap to can get it at any health food store. Hope your baby will be O.K. !


Original Poster
The uvb is the ReptiSun 10.0 and its not the long tube bulb. Its not like a heating bulb. It looks JUST like the long tube ones but its only like 4inches long and points downwards. All the ReptiSun 10.0 are usually great no matter what unless your putting it directly ontop of something lol. But yea I turned the UV off all day yesterday and today and tomo Im only going to have it on for hour just for she does get some & she doesnt open her eyes AT ALL really so not like it'll do dmg. But just incase im gonna put it on the opposite side of the tank for 30-60minutes, thats if I EVEN decide to Im not sure yet.
But I got lucky, I was scared this was going to run me hundreds & hundreds of dollars. Last time I took her to the vet for a regular check up it ran me 150$ for nothing to be done & this is something serious so I figured it would be atleast triple that which I dont have.
I made and appointment with a vet, but called my regular vet & he called me back & said it seems like maybe something got infected or like a piece of a worm got jammed in the back of her mouth causing everything to swell and get infected, or and absent or whatever it is. So he said he cant see me but he be more then happy to write me and antibiotic for me to pick up right away & he said even if he looked at her the end result would most likely be me getting this prescription. Soooo that saved me the 75$ fee of just going there plus all the procedures. Said Im a nice young gentlemen lol guess being kind does work in your favor (Im 23). The receipt says the prescription is Baytril Solution Mls. Its downstairs in the fridge so it might have a different name on it but said that its a wide varied antibiotic to use it once a day and if I dont see improvement by the middle of next week then I'll have to bring her in. SO LETS HOPE :)!


Gray-bearded Member
Hello, I hope your baby is doing better. The uvb you have is the wrong one,,,you need to get the long tube one! Just leave the one you have off until you get the right one. You can buy the fixture for it at under cabinet fixture,,,I actually buy the long slender under cabinet fixtures and they are very nice and east to mount inside the viv.
Keep us posted on how your baby is doing. Also, you could apply for care credit for your vet bill.


Original Poster
I thought as long as its the ReptiSun 10.0 it should be all good. Its not a a regular bulb type ones that they sell it like has 2 oval pices that are connected that face str8 down. I thought they were good to use??? But I do have the fixture for the long tube ones I use to use it but then I found the ones Im using now which dont cost as much so I went with the ones im using now.
Gonna be PISSSSED if maybe thats what happened. Why the hell make these things if this is what happens to these poor animals?!?! My baby is in pain, cant eat, cant see, nothing, not to mention shes probably so scared not knowing whats going on!!!

[Comment removed by moderator. Know you're upset but this is a PG-13 forum and don't want young members reading what was written]

I think im noticing a cut near her lip but I cant remember if that was there the first day I noticed all this because if so I think she scratched her eye & got it infected. But it could of also ripped from the swelling or got cut from when I would touch the eye and she would try to knock my hand away. Idk.
Just want her get better....

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am so sorry that your dragon's eyes are so bad. Were you able to get some sterile saline solution & a vet appointment I hope?
Unfortunately, the "mini" tube/compact type or coil looking UVB is the incorrect light for the UVB. The correct one is the long single tube UVB. So until you are able to get the long tube Reptisun 10, I recommend completely turning off the UVB light you have now to let the eyes start to heal.
She will likely need at least a month without any UVB at all, to heal. Just use a bright white basking light for heating & brightness. Which basking light are you using?
This is not your fault, so don't blame yourself. The industry is not well regulated at all, unfortunately.
If she isn't eating, you can get some chicken or turkey baby food along with some squash or sweet potato baby food. You can use a plastic dropper or syringe to feed her with to get some nutrition into her.

Please keep us posted on her.



Original Poster
Wow a hole month without UVB? Is she going to be okay without UVB for that long? I havent had the UVB on her since this happened because I know it can hurt her eyes.
No I didnt get the solution instead I got antibiotics from a Vet. He helped me out alot saving me like 400$. Shes on it once a day & told me to call him the middle of next week to update him & if nothing is improving then I need to bring her in for a nice expensive exam. But whatever I need to do I'll do.
Its very hard to feed her the liquid meds the vet gave me. She can barely open her mouth. & I cant force the syringe they gave me in her mouth because shes biting down soo hard I would literally break her jaw to get in there. So what I did yesterday was I got the syringe and put it under her lip and put a few drops of water. But I think she has no feeling or shes just really that uncomfortable because she will let her gums fill up with water inside her mouth before the teeth & let it drink out without trying to drink it =/. But luckily after about 30sec of waiting she took a few sips, so when she did that I quickly squirted the medicine in.
Well today, she was being very difficult. Again couldnt get her jaw open. I watched a video on youtube on how to open her mouth without hurting her so I had to grab under her beardy and above her nose and force open her mouth which hasssssssss to be painful for her :'(. Problem is doing that I dont have a free hand to then squirt the meds in her mouth. So I had to literally put the syringe in my mouth and bite down on it and with my tongue squirt the meds in her mouth haha. Everyone was saying how there very impressed with how far Im willing to go to take care of her. & then I got a warm towel and pressed it on both eyes, again making her uncomfortable and holding it there for a few minutes. So thats all I can do for my baby so lets hope it works.
Yea I went out and got babyfood, but like I said she cant see & i honestly dont think she can smell or feel much either on her face. She wont eat it. So I forced open her mouth and squirted some of the babyfood in her mouth & it looks like she didnt even swallow it that she just let it sit on her tongue =(...
Worries me alottt that shes not eating. I know they can go awhile without food but she needs all the vitamins and energy she can get especially from food. But I guess if she cant eat at all then were just hope she hangs in there and when shes alittle better maybe she will want to eat something.
So sad that she sits in her basking spot and I hear a thump and look over & she fell off because she cant see what shes doing. So I lowered the spot because its one of the bridges that stick to the glass they can crawl on.
After pressing a warm towel on her bad eye, alot of the liquid came out & it looks like the swelling went down because theres not as much liquid in there.
Keep the inputs coming, more knowledge I can get the better & more comfortable I can make my baby.
Thank you for all the help everyone,

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Well, if you can get her outside for some nice sunshine that would be ideal. The glare in the tank with a new UVB right now would be to much for her eyes. Since she has extensive eye damage right now, it will take a little bit of time for them to heal up.
The swelling may be improving a little bit?
That is great you are getting her to at least take some fluids & have gotten the medication into her also. Which medication are you giving her?
It is very hard to get the mouth open, I agree. Good luck, I hope she gets better soon. Let us know how things progress.
Have you already ordered the Reptisun 10 tube bulb now?

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