Both my beardys eyes are swollen shut & leaking help!!!

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Funny lol I was JUST coming on here to ask if it be okay to bring her outside for alittle while for the Uvs. Cool Ill get to that.
The swelling does seem to be down a bit but it could be because I been adding pressure with a warm towel so its been pushing out the liquid. I was able to push her eye open alittle to look in and but I couldnt see anything.
Im just worried she cant breath. You know how when you look at there nostrils you can see like inside, and see like a piece of skin to the side? Well that piece of skins is pushed up covering her nostrils. So I grab a toothpick and stick it in & slowly move it around to make sure its opened up. She does have problems breathing alittle bit because shes over weight (1 to many superworms lol fatazz) She weighed 505grams last year & the vet said her fat might press on her lungs sometimes which makes her wheeze a bit but said nothing to worry about just to get her exercise & less feedings.
The med is Baytril Solution 10cc. Im suppose to give her 2cc once a day. So when I turn her lights on I give her and hour to warm up a bit, then I get to it. Then afterwards I wrap her in a towel on my pillow on the side of my bed & I take her basking light and put it about 6inches away from her on & incline for while shes wrapped she can get some heat because I lowered her basking spot for the light its blaring on her. So Im gonna need get a stronger bulb to keep her temps up. She is active. I mean compared to what I THINK she would be. Because literally, if you seen her you would probably cry for her she looks like death. I catch her moving once in awhile & she does like once or twice a day, when she decides to move around, she opens up 1 of her eyes to see where shes going. But then most the time she keeps it shut & hopes she will get somewhere lol.
If this works Ill be VERY suprised. Its THAT BAD. Drac you actually no me, well you have talked to me MANYYYY of times. Last year I had another account I had a few thousand posts & we always talked. Just saying that to show that I do know ALOT about beardys I have done hundreds of hours or research and im obsessed with my babys to get them the best of the best. So I dont want anyone thinkng im over reacting because I dont know whats going on (except the stupid UVB but thats just cuz I was stupid and got confused between the names lol).
Let me ask you something. Over a month ago her tail rotted at the top & fell of =/. & since then her tail hasnt been the same, the top is really rough. Could that maybe cause and infection to spread to her head? Or maybe make her ammune system low so she cant fight this off? I was going to bring her to vet but everyone I talked to said its pretty common for that to happen these days, that its not a GOOD thing, but its not that bad. Its kinda of like a little cut to us that it rarely ever causes problems.
Again sorry about my spelling & grammar. To lazy to correct it because after this Im doing her meds so Im rushing.


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Been 5days since I started giving her the meds from the vets. & even tho she seems to be doing better I dont know how good you would say. The vet told me to give them a call by Wed-Thursday of this week to tell them whats going on. The swelling went down alot on her right eye which is the bad one but its still swollen & all types of messed up looking. That small piece of skin they can use to put over there eyes when the UV or light is to strong for there eyes is sticking out, & all crumbled up in her right eye. Almost looks like it blew up. And below that her bottom lip is always stuck open kinda like it has no muscle like she cant shut it. Reminds me of someone having a struck and 1 side of there body goes limb. Looks like theres a cut on it but it doesnt seem like that would cause the lip to do that.
Her left eye, which is also blue & shut but dont think its really swollen, is opening up for when she wants to see wuts going on or change a position but thats it and only for a few sec & you can also see the piece of skin or eye protector over her eyeball when she opens that one up but that one looks normal just looks like she has it there because its bothering her.
Im very afraid shes going to need surgery, I dont have the $$ for that & my Dad cant help me out either.
But I been feeding her babyfood mixed with water and calcium/vitamin sprey for she gets alittle bit of everything. I just feel bad because i need to fight her to get her mouth open but I know its for a good cause.
Shes also pooping & peeing.
Ill update again tomorrow

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I was hoping she was improving by now! I am sorry she still isn't doing well now.
Do you have a picture of her eye?
How much food are you able to get into her? At least she is taking in some food & going to the bathroom also.
What is the strength of the Baytril solution? You mentioned that you give 2cc's? Or did you mean .2cc's?
How are her temperatures now, is she basking as well as can be expected?

I hope that she starts to improve, soon.



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It just says 0.2cc, once a day. And then it says Baystril Solution 10cc. So i dont know the strength. I even uppered her dose myself and been giving 0.3cc a day just because I dont think the vet quite understands how bad she is. Her temps are alittle low there at 85 and she mostly just stays were I put her because she cant see and move around. But when she does she stays on the heated side of the tank which is a 40gal breeder. I havent gotten the UVB light yet because I literally been broke. But Im hoping to get it in the next 2days.
Was thinking I might put the uvb on her still even if its bad for her eyes because its not like shes openning them at all so it cant do any dmg.

Big thing I should add. For some reason I feel like maybe she had a stroke at some point. Maybe before all this like the day of or day before it started or maybe during all this, Im not sure. Because shes hanging her head sides to the right which is the side of the bad eye which she wasnt really doing that much before. & since day1 of all this her lip on the right side has just been flopped open hanging. & it seems like shes not able to walk that much. She will smack me away with her left hand when shes bothered and when I try to clean out her left nostril she will freakout. But when I clean out her right nostril she doesnt move, indicating she cant feel what Im doing. Im reallllllly hoping this isnt the case. I dont even know if Beardys can have strokes I hope not.
She had crust over the bad right eye yesterday. I dont know if it was a scab from healing or a crust from the goo shes leaking. But it was over her eye for fact if she wanted to open it she couldnt. So I softly started rubbing it with a warm towel and it came off & out flew, literally flew and popped out was like a ball of yellow goo, and then the eye started leaking more then usual. & everyday it just keeps leaking and leaking & when I try to open it to look in I cant even see her eyeball. So Im hoping it didnt like maybe pop or something.....
I was getting SOOO hopeful. She was opening her eyes for me & starting to move around & eating n pooping. But now, not so much & Im feeling like this is a battle that won be won for me and Empress. Maybe shes going to die no matter how much effort I put in. Or maybe me doing all this is keeping her just barely alive but in pain. I dont know what to do dude :"(.....
Sucks sooo bad. If I lose her im gonna lose a part of myself, she was my first reptile ever my first beardy shes what got me into loving this hobby. The vet wanted me to give them a call by today but I think I might wait till Monday to call because we still have a good amount of the Baystril left. & even though i see some improvements I also see little dis-improvements too. So hes going to tell me to bring her in which I cant do without my father because he needs to pay. So Im going to talk my Dad first then maybe call & ask if I should call back after we run out of the medicine.
Yea Ill try to upload pics now


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Sorry the picture quality sucks my camera phone isnt the greatest at taking pics as your see.

This pic is a pic of her lip as you can see how it just hangs there -

This pic when I took her outside because when were outside she seems to open her eyes more. I dont know if its because the heat and sounds or if it makes her feel good. But its hard to see but this is the bad eye alittle open. Seems like theres something in there which is what I believe to be the little flap of skin there put over there eyeball when there eyes are getting damaged & it looks to me as if its all types of messed up -

This a pic of her bad eye shut which is how it usually is -

This is and over view of her eye and you can see how that side of her face is swollen a bit -

This is a pic of her other eye which is her left eye which isnt swollen or leaking its just always shut & she rarely opens it & when she does you can see the flap of skin over here eyeball like shes trying to protect her eyeball from getting burned or hurt -

AHBD Sicko
Hi Adam, you're really doing a great job taking care of your girl, :) and her eyes don't look as bad as I pictured them. There is definitely some type of infection going on though....It's probably best to not press on her eye anymore, [ might be painful ] and leave her nose plugs be, she can still breathe with them and it can be dangerous to pluck them out with a toothpick. Adam, have you tried the unpasteurized honey ? It's not a wive's tale, it really works well as an antibacterial/antibiotic. Ask your dad to get some from the health food store. Then dilute a little bit with an equal amount of warm water + apply it to her eyes and her mouth. And you can put it directly on her eyes, I did it with 2 beardies of mine over the years. If you Google it, you will find lots of info about raw honey as medicine, even being used in Germany in a hospital with cancer patients who have slow healing wounds.

And by the way, since it's just been a short time since you got rid of the UVB that was too close [ that may have burned her eyes ] it will take a little while to see progress. I'm not sure about what happened to her mouth, except the infection in the eye had possibly spread there. Don't worry about getting much food in her, just a little water for now.


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Im freaking out right now! I was just outside on a towel with her getting her some warm fresh air n nice naturel UVs & I was thinking how I need make sure hes hydrated and shes not getting any calcium or vitamins so I got small warm cup of water and put some of the ReptiCalcium in it with Vitamin Supplement and mixed it around and was syringe feeding it to her. For she got some vitamins, calcium & water all at once. Did about 3syringe full and stop with her and out know where she started freaking out literally trying to hop in the air n crawl and it seems like her right side like her right front n back legs arent working so she kept like hoping it circles n jumped on me n im trying grab her calm her down and she starts throwing up n foaming from the mouth &&&&& pooping all over me all at once. Kinda like her body just started spitting everything out from all over the place and i ran inside with her and put her on my bed n started petting her n she stopped. She was breathing soo hard like she was freaking out. Now shes just laying there like nothing happened :((((((. Yea Im gonna get the honey, anything at the moment that can help Ill do!!!!!!!!! This sooo hard :(

AHBD Sicko
Oh, that sounds terribly upsetting ! Has she calmed down now ? I hope so....I think 3 syringe fulls was just too much, next time just one or just a half. Every other day is fine so she has less stress. She's grown, so she doesn't need as much nutrients as a baby. It's good to get her in the sun though. Hope she gets through all of this....let her rest as much as possible, and don't worry about getting food +supplements in her.


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Veryyyy upsetting I started crying thinking this is it shes gonna die in my arms a mess. Terrible feeling thinking that. Yea she calmed down shes in her tank now. As Im reading this I hear something & look over and she tried to turn around and fell off her basking spot and started flinging her arms to grab something but she cant see whats near her so I moved her :(.
I Dont understand why she cant move that well with her right side though unless the infection spread to her head and like paralyzing one side a bit..........
Yea I wont feed her the calicium anymore, was thinking I was doing a good thing trying get all the vitamins I can in her. Ill stick to the anitbiotic the doctor gave me, babyfood and I am as we speak about to walk out the door and get honey.
You know ontop of there head behind there eyes on both side u can feel what feels like veins almost? Like right ontop her head behind her eyes almost on and angel. But those are swollen to.
And shes trying to walk right now and she cant because she cant move 1side of her body. Last time I seen ANYTHING like this was my exs dog. The dog got hit by the neighbor ontop of its head which causes the dog to go half parlyzed on 1side. Literally when my Empress tries to walk looks jusssssssst like the dog did when it would try to walk (was a smaller maltese).

AHBD Sicko
I's sorry this is so hard on you + Empress. :( When you get some time can you put up a video of how she walks ? And when you get honey make sure it's unpasteurized, from the health food store.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am sorry Empress has not improved a lot.
It is hard when they are ill but it sounds like you are doing everything you can. Perhaps something scared her outside?
She could have had a stroke, it does happen in reptiles. Based on your description, that is a possibility.
You could try cleaning her mouth out with a diluted betadine solution in case it is getting infected. Be sure she has a 95-110 basking range to keep her system working better.
The honey is very effective so let us know how that works for her. The eyes don't look as bad as I was thinking, either. At night place some warm, moist chamomile tea bags over her eyes to help with swelling & infection, too.



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Trussssst me the eyes were about 10times worst. There the best they been in that pic since it all happened. They would b constantly leaking all weird looking and the swelling was about 4 5 6times bigger. So imagine that and then look at the pics, so she must be getting better or atleast the eyes are.
Yea Im scared she had a stroke and scares me even more thinking she had one and I had no idea. Idk how to help her with that tho. All she doing is staying in same spot sleeping which scares me I check on her every few mins make sure shes breathing...
I bought the honey today because I couldnt find it yesterday.
I mix some of it in a cup of water so it becomes like paste and rub it on the inside of her eyes and her mouth?

AHBD Sicko
Yes, mix with water, equal parts just so it is not so thick + hard to work with. Get a clean plastic lid, like from a peanut butter jar or similar, then heat [ warm, not hot ] about 2 tablespoons water + mix in the honey, then apply gently with a Q-tip. Be careful that when you do her mouth, do it kind of quickly.....beardies like the taste [ usually ] and may try to bite the Q-tip.


Original Poster
Heres a video of her trying to walk. You can see how she just goes in complete circles because she cant move her right side...Its soo sad. & she leans her head to the side she cant move probably because she lost all feeling. I dont think I can fix this........So upset i hate this.....

Ok wait. Do I get 2tablespoon of water & mix the honey in warm it up all together? Or just warm up the water then add the honey?
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