Bloody lip - might have injested something, not acting norma

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Hi I'm new to this site & very worried about my beardie Puff. I usually let him run around on the floor while I'm watching TV and last night after I put him back in his cage I noticed a small line of what looked like blood coming from his lip. I immediately thought he might have ingested something foreign but I didn't see him try to eat anything while he was out of the cage. I wiped it off and looked for a cut but couldn't find any, there didn't seem to be any cuts or bleeding inside his mouth either. Today he hasn't eaten any of the celery I gave him and didn't move from his basking spot. When I took him out he immediately ran under the couch which is strange for him and didn't even mind when I gave him a bath - usually he tries to climb out or something. I'm scared that he ate something but I can't feel anything in his stomach... He seems very different. Any suggestions??


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likenzieil":4d79a said:
Hi I'm new to this site & very worried about my beardie Puff. I usually let him run around on the floor while I'm watching TV and last night after I put him back in his cage I noticed a small line of what looked like blood coming from his lip. I immediately thought he might have ingested something foreign but I didn't see him try to eat anything while he was out of the cage. I wiped it off and looked for a cut but couldn't find any, there didn't seem to be any cuts or bleeding inside his mouth either. Today he hasn't eaten any of the celery I gave him and didn't move from his basking spot. When I took him out he immediately ran under the couch which is strange for him and didn't even mind when I gave him a bath - usually he tries to climb out or something. I'm scared that he ate something but I can't feel anything in his stomach... He seems very different. Any suggestions??

Any updates?


Original Poster
He seems to be acting fine - I've given him a bath everyday & he's eating but he still hasn't passed anything except urates. It's been about 2 days which is abnormal for him (usually goes everyday) & he ate ~120 crickets + greens so I'm worried that he might impacting him. Tried giving him some applesauce but he didn't like it much. Guess I'll wait to see what happens, any suggestions?

whiskersmom Addict
Retired Moderator
Well unfortunately it sounds as if he may have ingested something. I would take him to the vet to have an xray done. If what he may have swallowed is sharp, it could do some damage to his insides, or block him altogether. Good luck, I hope he didn't swallow any thing and is just trying to drive you absolutely nuts with worry! :banghead:


Original Poster
Haha if he is that's a mean trick - especially during finals! We're actually going to the vet on Monday for a general check-up (I don't think his previous owner ever took him & want to make sure everything is OK) hopefully my little buddy can hold out until then! I didn't want to give him anymore crickets until he passed something but he goes crazy when he's running around on the floor & sees their cage. Trying to tone it down on the diet, just don't want to give him much more if nothing is coming out.


Original Poster
Yes! poop! However small it may be I'm so happy he passed something! Nothing looked to be abnormal, a much on cricket remains & some urates - hopefully everything will go back to normal. Still going to the vet on Monday, X-rays & blood work but so relieved! :lol:

whiskersmom Addict
Retired Moderator
Definitely a good sign! Yippeee!!! :blob5: Don't forget us when you get the good news that your dragon is a happy, healthy, brat that likes to worry his beardie slave! :lol: We'll be waiting for the good news too! :wink:


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OK here's the update:

Went to the (pricey!) vet for a general check up & some blood work. The vet thinks that Puff has a systemic infection that probably has been going on for a while - could explain the weird scales and the most recent occurrence with his spikes (tip are black and look like they're rotting almost.) Red blood cells were too high (dehydrated), white blood cells were low (infection) so the vet gave him a shot to get him hydrated and started him on antibiotics. The diet I had him on wasn't the best for him, too many crickets and not enough greens so I'm changing it & also bought a supplemental product "Critical Care" to hydrate Puff & get his diet on track. The chemical panel showed that normal kidney function but apparently they could still be an underlying problem. Going back in a month to redo the blood & chemical work, hopefully Puff will be better!

The antibiotics should be interesting... I have to give Puff a shot every 3 days - he was not thrilled about it in the vet when I gave him one. First time I've ever seen him black beard.
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