Blankets and Water

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Hatchling Member
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Mine eats about 3 super worms about twice a week, maybe. The owner told me when I bought him from her that 2-3 super worms about every other day. I sent her a message to ask what kind of greens and fruits she gave Murphy because he has not eaten any greens for me, and she only said back that "he is picky, like me".

I'm so confused.


Hatchling Member
super worms are not very rich in really anything. their shells when eaten in excess can also cause impaction. greens are what most adult and late juvinal beardies should be eating. as they grow they will need more protein so its good to feed them roaches, crickets, and the like. i dust twice a week with multi vitamin and 3 or 4 times with calcium. a variety of food helps, if you feed all the same all of the time they get sick of it. mine never turns down super worms but just isnt very filling. kinda like us eating a bag of "healthy potato chips" not much to em. if i buy a 100ct cup of super worms sindragosa will eat all 100 in one or two sittings if i let her but when they come back out she needs some serious warm bath time to pass that mass of shell... i limit her intake of them to a few a day along with other food at most but i prefer to keep it to a hand full a week.

when she up right refuses to eat i will take her into the bathroom and i put beardie pellets, roaches, berries, greens, and vitimin/calcium powder in a blender along with green bean baby food. i load that up into a syringe and ill squirt some on her nose to lick up. there are times however she upright refuses to eat that so ill slide my finger in to get her mouth open and squirt the syringe a small bit at a time side ways into her mouth (need to make sure she dosent aspirate so never squirt directly down the throat). you can pull down the edge of their mouth and slide the small syringe along their gums untill they open, its how you feed them meds as well. anyway once they start eating and licking you just keep squirting the food onto their nose/tong and they will keep laping it up. i will measure it in grams and make sure she eats up at least 1/30th her body weight.

its common for beardies to go on hunger strike around the time the seasons change. a day or two with out eating isnt out of hte norm and generally they will decide to eat again after this but if it goes into 3 or 4 days with out eating (sindragosa has done this before) then i break out the syringe... generally one session of eating that way and she is back to chasing her roaches, lol.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I'll have to read what you wrote a few times to digest it. My first question I is are these roaches and crickets dried, or alive? I bought meal worms, but he wouldn't eat any of them.

I guess I'll get some of his greens, and blend them with some berries and see if I can get any down him.


Hatchling Member
dried and dead food??? for my sindragosa? never!

her food setup and me trying to get her to eat... >.< she didnt have breakfast this morning either


Hatchling Member

sleeping in the bed, lights were out:


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
oh my goodness, I don't think I could do the roaches, that is sooo gross. I tried blending up the foot, that worked well, I got the dropper and offered him some and that went okay until the end of the dropper broke. I stopped at that point. I will pick up a plastic dropper today after work.

I did like I always do and I gave him his breakfast, turnip greens, a few raspberries, and a few blueberries with some baby arugula sprouts, and his calcium vit d sprinkled over it. I didn't offer super worms this morning. He turned them down all day yesterday.

I gave him another bath yesterday after trying the dropper. I don't think the little guy knew that he could swim. Yesterday he really loved being under the bathtub water flow, and when he was pushed out of it he swam back under and stuck his HEAD under the running water. He closed his eyes and just floated around. Every once in a while his body would drift a bit and he would scramble like he is not used to it or something like that. I think I am probably teaching him about water. He seems to really love it.


Hatchling Member
the water behavior is normal, you can hold your hand out and let him hold onto your hand to stabilize. the roaches are also quite easy to care for, they dont smell, easy to keep in a dark place, breed freely, and once you setup the colony it supports itself.

could always try food like this too:

if he ate all that food then id say you are doin good, thats all great greens and veg to have.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
He has been enjoying learning to swim and loves the water to splatter all over him. I went and bought a plastic dropper tonight and tried giving him more blended veggies. It didn't work well, but he had a taste. He pooped, which is the quickest he has done that so far. Last one was on Saturday and now today. I got him some crickets as a feeder. i put on in the cage. he is not interested. The poop though had some greens in it, so He has eaten some without me knowing then, which was excellent news for me!!!

Now I am trying to find some other types of feeders that I can supply him. Crickets is the only one available to me in the small town I live in.


Hatchling Member
mine dosnt like crickets much either, she wont eat small stuff. she prefers the large 1-2 inch large food's. i highly recomend this: even to just buy a small amount to feet over a week or so, cheap and easy to get. also you can buy horned worms like in that last video i posted. i buy from this site: and you buy small guys so more for your money and let them sit in a warm area (under basking lights) for 4 days or so and they will be full sized adults. spray them with water and clean their containers they come in. (warning the worms smell terrible) the greens your bearie is eating is great tho, also with the pooing. sindragosa goes every morning in the shower, she has always prefered to go with flowing water around her so im not surprised yours is the same. they will put hteir heads down into the water too and slowly open/close their mouths to drink. when they do this they normally pancake out so done be alarmed if he does that.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Murphy in the shower this morning while I was getting ready for work.


Last night after I drained the water from the bath tub, he was still trying to swim swishing his arms behind him and he was barely in a puddle. He is loving his new water activities.


Hatchling Member
thats good, swiming is great exercise and helps with hydration. so long as they dont get stressed its a great activity.

glad to hear he is having new experiences :)


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I'm definitely making sure he is not getting stressed. He floats and does well, and then he starts going sideways to his left and that is when he panics just a bit and starts swimming. So I make sure I have my hand out. It's been kind of a bonding thing.

I checked the websites you gave me for all the bugs (ick), and I have a call in to our other store in town to see if they have any feeders. If they don't then I'll have to order for sure. The only pet stores that I have found that I can drive to (1 1/2 hour drive) is Petco and they don't really have any good feeders.


Hatchling Member
yea and ordering from online is WAY cheaper. local shop charges 1.50 a roach so for 50 of them i would pay 75.00 vs a 400 or more order for that same price online.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
So, I have checked EVERYWHERE in town now.

Sportsman has meal worms and Night crawlers
Mini pet Mart has Meal worms, super worms, and crickets
Florence Pet Center: has NOTHING.

So, the only staple feeder available is crickets, but what about the Night crawlers, aren't those Earthworms? Is that something? I see it on the list as "Possibly Earthworms".

Is a Night Crawler an Earthworm?
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