super worms are not very rich in really anything. their shells when eaten in excess can also cause impaction. greens are what most adult and late juvinal beardies should be eating. as they grow they will need more protein so its good to feed them roaches, crickets, and the like. i dust twice a week with multi vitamin and 3 or 4 times with calcium. a variety of food helps, if you feed all the same all of the time they get sick of it. mine never turns down super worms but just isnt very filling. kinda like us eating a bag of "healthy potato chips" not much to em. if i buy a 100ct cup of super worms sindragosa will eat all 100 in one or two sittings if i let her but when they come back out she needs some serious warm
bath time to pass that mass of shell... i limit her intake of them to a few a day along with other food at most but i prefer to keep it to a hand full a week.
when she up right refuses to eat i will take her into the bathroom and i put beardie pellets, roaches, berries, greens, and vitimin/calcium powder in a blender along with green bean baby food. i load that up into a syringe and ill squirt some on her nose to lick up. there are times however she upright refuses to eat that so ill slide my finger in to get her mouth open and squirt the syringe a small bit at a time side ways into her mouth (need to make sure she dosent aspirate so never squirt directly down the throat). you can pull down the edge of their mouth and slide the small syringe along their gums untill they open, its how you feed them meds as well. anyway once they start eating and licking you just keep squirting the food onto their nose/tong and they will keep laping it up. i will measure it in grams and make sure she eats up at least 1/30th her body weight.
its common for beardies to go on hunger strike around the time the seasons change. a day or two with out eating isnt out of hte norm and generally they will decide to eat again after this but if it goes into 3 or 4 days with out eating (sindragosa has done this before) then i break out the syringe... generally one session of eating that way and she is back to chasing her roaches, lol.