Beardie with no name!

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Got the following little chap on Tuesday after recently losing our 2yr old Piggy to illness.



As of yet not named though we like Sprout or Gambit.
Already has got character eating some food even greens which surprised me as Piggy nevertouched his.
Any suggestions for names would be a help. :blob5: :blob8:


Extreme Poster
He certainly is the size of a sprout at the moment! So tiny and cute!
Congrats on getting him!

Names are hard. Maybe give it some time to see his personality (or is it a she?) I like the name Gambit too.

Mommy of Sunny

Juvie Member
I am a sucker for a baby beardie!!! Oh my goodness! Thanks for the pictures. Both names are adorable. But I love Sprout! How cute!

Dracos Dragon

Original Poster
The wife and I are proud to announce that we have now named our little chap.
Yesterday and this morning we caught him arm waving at what we are unsure and we came up with the name Quaver (Quaver the Waver).

So heres Quaver:

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either she really likes me, or shes hungry
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I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
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