Beardie has mysterious pink lump above eye

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Hi all! I apologize if this post is in the wrong section. I'm very new 🙂.

The other day I noticed a tiny pink lump on Butternut's upper eye skin. Today, it looks like it's gotten a bit darker and a smidge bigger. There's no discharge. It almost looks like a bug bite or a wart. Butternut doesn't seem bothered by it, though when I touched it, it she did close her eye. Her activity and appetite levels appear normal otherwise.

The closest exotic vet is a couple hours away (and I'm pretty sure I owe them money from my last visit 😥). Before I make the trip, I'd like to know if anyone has seen this before in their beardies or has any idea of what it might be. I've put some watered-down manuka honey on the spot and have begun giving her diluted manuka honey and echinacea and goldenseal in a dropper in case it might be due to an infection (at the advice of a previous vet). I've attached a couple pictures: the first one is when I first noticed the lump Monday, and the second is what it looks like today. Thank you for any and all advice!


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AHBD Sicko
It does look like a possible bug bite, I'm sure that you're careful with feedings but double check to be sure there are no insects hiding in the enclosure. It could also be just a slight scratch from moving around her decor. Either way it doesn't look bad right now but just keep an eye on it and don't touch it or anything other than to keep it clean and apply any honey or antibiotic cream.


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Thank you so much for replying. I do get the occasional gnat/tiny moth-like buggers hovering around her light fixtures that may be the culprit, so I've put out some honey and vinegar to hopefully get any in the vicinity. I'm definitely keeping a close eye on the bump. I feel like a worrywart when it comes to Butternut, haha!

AHBD Sicko
It wouldn't be a gnat or moth, they really can't bite but a hidden cricket, dubia or superworm could come out at night or a spider lurking in the cage. I doubt that's what it is, hopefully it's just a scratch from maneuvering under something.


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It wouldn't be a gnat or moth, they really can't bite but a hidden cricket, dubia or superworm could come out at night or a spider lurking in the cage. I doubt that's what it is, hopefully it's just a scratch from maneuvering under something.
I mostly hand-feed her with tongs so I can make sure she doesn't get bitten or eat too many bugs at one time. Her feeders definitely wouldn't be the cause. But I do have rough rocks in her tank for her to climb/rub up against that could have given her a scratch, maybe.


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So it still looks like the bump is getting taller and a duller pink color. I think there might also be another bump or two forming around the initial bump as well? It's kind of hard to tell. Still wondering if anyone has any ideas besides a possible cut. It truly does look like a wart. Also, the spot doesn't seem to be responding to antibiotic cream or the honey.

AHBD Sicko
Can you post a pic ? It sounds like something that's best seen by the vet unfortunately since it's still growing.


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I realize the second bump was also visible in the first couple pics. The last photo is what her face looked like a few weeks ago, so the bumps appeared rather quickly... I'm wondering if they could be blisters caused by any of the uv or heat lights.


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AHBD Sicko
That doesn't look too bad. I highly doubt it's a burn but how close can Butternut get to the heat lamp ? BTW, love her name !


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That doesn't look too bad. I highly doubt it's a burn but how close can Butternut get to the heat lamp ? BTW, love her name !
Likely not close enough to burn her, but I've decided to move one of her uv bars anyway since it's in her direct line of sight and might be annoying her. I check her temps regularly, though I live in a very, very hot area so the midday temperatures outside/in the house sometimes spike her tank temps. Either way, I'll keep monitoring for new bumps and hopefully the main one she has will show some signs of shrinking (Also, she got her name since butternut squash was the first and only vegetable she'd eat growing up 😁).

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I agree, it most likely isn't a burn. It doesn't look too bad though. Continue with the manuka honey
daily if you can, it will help any infection that might be brewing, to clear up.
That is so cute, Butternut....her favorite veggie when she was a kid.



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Update: I think I figured out what the lump is... I noticed Butternut trying to nuzzle next to/under a rock yesterday and the swollen area above her eye was rubbing against it. The lump looked like it was wanting to scab over before she aggravated it again 😓. I believe it's a bit of exposed tissue that got inflamed. I'm continuing treatment with antibiotic ointment and manuka honey while trying to prevent her from scratching herself against the rocks again.


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xp29 Addict
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Bless her heart. They are stubborn creatures though once they decide to do something its hard to convince them otherwise lol. Does she have a hide she can get under? If not maybe giving her one will get her to not to that.
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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