Bearded dragons poo


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Hello, I rescued a 2 year old male bearded dragon on Saturday from a man who couldn’t take of him and didn’t look after him properly. I have never had a bearded dragon before but did the research and got his set up all correct for him apart from substrate as the man said he eats sand and ended up in the vets so I’m trying to figure what to give him instead so I’m just using what he was using for now. So he pooed today for the first time since being with me and I’m unsure if this looks ok or not I have googled some say it can be normal some say maybe not so just wanted to get an opinion of someone who can see his poo. Thank youu


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Sir Henry of Scales
the poop doesn't actually look bad. i'm more concerned about the substrate, which you mentioned. i would replace it with non-adhesive shelf liner. it is super easy to keep clean. some people will also do slate tile for part or all of the tank to help keep nails filed down. i personally do just the shelf liner because sir henry of scales runs around the house a lot so his nails file down that way instead.


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the poop doesn't actually look bad. i'm more concerned about the substrate, which you mentioned. i would replace it with non-adhesive shelf liner. it is super easy to keep clean. some people will also do slate tile for part or all of the tank to help keep nails filed down. i personally do just the shelf liner because sir henry of scales runs around the house a lot so his nails file down that way instead.
Thank you for getting back to about his poo looking ok and for the substrate suggestion, I will have a look around for some today and get it changed asap


Sub-Adult Member
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Beardie name(s)
Sir Henry of Scales
Thank you for getting back to about his poo looking ok and for the substrate suggestion, I will have a look around for some today and get it changed asap
no problem. looking at your profile, i think the other things look good, but if you ever need help or have questions, just ask. we're all here to try and bring the best life to beardies and their humans. post us some pictures of your scaly baby. we love pics!

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