Bearded dragon too small?


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My little brother has an adult bearded dragon in either a 40-50 gallon tank (I know, we need a new one) I understand they grow to the size of their tank but he looks a bit thin, i don’t know how often he feeds him but wanted to know if it warranted having a talk. i don’t have many recent pictures but I will post more soon.


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Original Poster
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these are 4x2x2 tanks---
Zen Habitats I have 2 of these tanks - the original ones - I dont care for the black background same w/ these no feedback on these tanks same w/ these no feedback too heavy all glass and I dont like the basking bulb connected to the UVB fixture-
you dont want a tank less than 18" tall - too hard to get temps in the tank -
Thanks so much! I’m interested in the zen habitats tank but they’re on pre-order right now, hopefully I’ll be able to get one!

AHBD Sicko
Hey, it's really nice that you're helping out this dragon as well as showing your brother how to do it ! Getting a reptile is different than a cat or dog, as far as getting the right equipment it can seem like there's so much info to comb through. He looks lethargic but he doesn't appear deformed so his body condition may not be too bad right now. He does need the right uvb ASAP as Karrie mentioned so you're off to a good start ! We'll be pulling for him !


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hazel my female two year old beardie
Agreeing with Karrie, correct UVB,basking light, and a good tank is the main thing of a beardies growth and health.
Food is also key. My beardie has a stunted growth so mine is a little smaller than average but is a healthy dragon. He doesn't look too bad just looks thin. He'll be nice and healthy once everything is on track! Keep us on updates!


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small update, I fed him as soon as I got home. He’s a bit stubborn about eating his salads but I was able to entice him with some worms. i’m going to talk to my brother about his care tomorrow.


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AHBD Sicko
O.K, good to hear ! Try to get greens to ad to the carrots for sure. Kale, turnip, mustard, collard, arugula, just buy a small amount of each, not a whole bunch. He is not actually thin, his condition looks good. Does he have any trouble walking ? Is he clumsy, slow, trembling ? Those are the important things to consider. Fattening him up is not a concern at all but proper nutrition + lights are.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hazel my female two year old beardie
small update, I fed him as soon as I got home. He’s a bit stubborn about eating his salads but I was able to entice him with some worms. i’m going to talk to my brother about his care tomorrow.
Looking at him he looks exactly like my Hazel! That's great that he ate! And I agree he does not actually look bad. Gorgeous beardie!
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Original Poster
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O.K, good to hear ! Try to get greens to ad to the carrots for sure. Kale, turnip, mustard, collard, arugula, just buy a small amount of each, not a whole bunch. He is not actually thin, his condition looks good. Does he have any trouble walking ? Is he clumsy, slow, trembling ? Those are the important things to consider. Fattening him up is not a concern at all but proper nutrition + lights are.
Don’t worry, I found some turnip greens we had to give him after I took the photos. He doesnt move very much but he doesn’t seem to have trouble when he does. We have been working on nutrition and My brother agrees he doesn’t take care of him very well so he is considering letting me take over care.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hazel my female two year old beardie
Don’t worry, I found some turnip greens we had to give him after I took the photos. He doesnt move very much but he doesn’t seem to have trouble when he does. We have been working on nutrition and My brother agrees he doesn’t take care of him very well so he is considering letting me take over care.
That's great to hear that your brother agrees for you to take care of him!

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