Bearded dragon has swollen neck


So we have two bearded dragons. One is thriving and the other hasn't been eating or moving around as much. He's super lethargic and his bears is saggy. I felt around and it feels like there is a small bump but my boyfriend doesn't feel it. I may be just feeling things because I've had a beardy die In the past from an ulcer the vet couldn't fix. Anyways he's still eating just not as much. This morning he was very excited to get some kale but he isn't always rushing to food like that. It's been a few weeks we haven't had the money for a vet but we've kept up with everything. His uvb light is new, he gets regular baths (2-3 a week and only for 20-30 min) and he gets both meal worms and greens which we switch up between kale, green bell peppers, apples (occasionally) and we'll throw in some other greens as well or fruits but we always research before hand. I'll let them run around every now and then and hold them both too I feel like we've done everything right and I'm worried about him. I have a little money saved but we won't be able to the vet this week and I'm wondering if anyone knows of anything that can possibly help that won't hurt him...

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How long has his beard been more saggy, just a few weeks? Did it come on suddenly or slowly?
It could be determined by something he ate possibly or something the insects are gutloaded with.
We can review your tank setup & nutrition, etc to see if anything might need to be changed. Has
his beard been dark at all?
Also, trauma or injury can cause this also. The soft tissue can get damaged from a fall, then become



Original Poster

How long has his beard been more saggy, just a few weeks? Did it come on suddenly or slowly?
It could be determined by something he ate possibly or something the insects are gutloaded with.
We can review your tank setup & nutrition, etc to see if anything might need to be changed. Has
his beard been dark at all?
Also, trauma or injury can cause this also. The soft tissue can get damaged from a fall, then become

It's now been a little over a month we do have an appointment set up for the 19th it's the soonest they had. I clean the tanks out every other week and give them baths 3 times a week but it's very possible he hurt himself he at one point he climbed out of his tank and jumped to the floor from a desk. There's no way for him to do that anymore but I'm not sure that's what it was because that was well before I feel. His nutrition is also very good he gets enough calcium and a good mix of bugs and veggies

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Has his beard gone down in size?
If he hit his chin or beard on anything when he jumped or
fell then that is a possibility there was some trauma which
would have caused the swelling.
At least he is eating well right now. Please keep us posted
on him & let us know how the vet visit goes.


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I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
She was having a staring contest with a mealworm. I guess I never taught her to not play with her food, lol.
bro went to bed already, it’s 10:36 pm
Definitely going to be using this image if I ever catch a fence lizard again.

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