Bearded dragon genetics (for someone experienced in biology)?

Hi, I'm not interested in breeding my dragon, but I am in college and want to learn more about dragon genetics.
Anyone have more in-depth information or research on their genome/how their phenotypes are determined? More than just "this is dominant this is recessive, % chance of this or that." I'm searching and only finding information on adenovirus lol.

xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
There is six pages on this site, click through them in the left panel. They are genetics 101(the page i linked),102,103, 104,105,and 106. I read through it a year or so back and remember it being pretty detailed.


Hi, I'm not interested in breeding my dragon, but I am in college and want to learn more about dragon genetics.
Anyone have more in-depth information or research on their genome/how their phenotypes are determined? More than just "this is dominant this is recessive, % chance of this or that." I'm searching and only finding information on adenovirus lol.

I can say that dragon genetics is a fictional field of science that describes the genetic structure and heredity of dragons in a mythical world. Dragons are depicted in different ways in different cultures, and, accordingly, the genetic characteristics of these creatures may also differ. I just once in college asked do my research paper for me, found for this. However, if we consider dragons from a scientific point of view, we can assume that the genetics of dragons, like any other creatures, is associated with their evolution and heredity. Perhaps dragons have special genes that determine their size, body shape, wings, fire-breathing abilities, and so on. That's what I think!
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