Bad diarrhea


Beardie name(s)
My bearded dragon echo has had a few weird poops but nothing to concern me they all still had some sort of formation but this one has had no formation. I did give a really insane big hot warm and I regret is since I read later that I shouldn’t have do to many problems. I’m worried I may have done something to have made him sick. I may do a fecal test from Amazon since the vet near me does it for like 550 and that’s just insane if anyone can help me for now I will really appreciate it.


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Here’s another pic without his basking in the way
Please no more really hot baths- how many poops like this? Are you feeding lots of food that has a lot of water content? Surface basking temps should be 95-100 for 6 months and up and taken w a digital probe thermometer- the price for a fecal should not be over a $100 - mine are $45 and they just went up


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Please no more really hot baths- how many poops like this? Are you feeding lots of food that has a lot of water content? Surface basking temps should be 95-100 for 6 months and up and taken w a digital probe thermometer- the price for a fecal should not be over a $100 - mine are $45 and they just went up
I’m don’t usually give him hot baths and his diet usually contains BSFL and roaches but some weeks we have hornworms delivered and they just got to big his temps do stay from 95-100 I use a Lazer temp gun and I usually have to have the air conditioning on for him since it’s way to hot during the summer


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I’m don’t usually give him hot baths and his diet usually contains BSFL and roaches but some weeks we have hornworms delivered and they just got to big his temps do stay from 95-100 I use a Lazer temp gun and I usually have to have the air conditioning on for him since it’s way to hot during the summer
Ohhh my phone auto corrected it lol I meant a really big hornworm not a really warm bath


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I forgot to add but I give him a country green blend it has collard greens and some other stuff I dust that with vitamin powder and a veggie but this week I didn’t give him a veggie but I gave him a half of an apple slice spilt up since he really likes apples
Ok the horn worms are hydrating worms - don't feed him any more see if the poops straighten out - please start feeding fresh salads everyday - collards turnip greens mustard or kale

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I forgot to add but I give him a country green blend it has collard greens and some other stuff I dust that with vitamin powder and a veggie but this week I didn’t give him a veggie but I gave him a half of an apple slice spilt up since he really likes apples
Ok was the apple before the poop


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ok omit the apple next salad and watch the poops for the next few days- does the poop have a really bad smell like it will drive you out of the room?
His poops have always smelled really bad compared to my other bearded dragon qibli. It doesn’t drive me out of the room because his cage is in a more ventilated area/ room but when I walk near it does smell bad.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
His poops have always smelled really bad compared to my other bearded dragon qibli. It doesn’t drive me out of the room because his cage is in a more ventilated area/ room but when I walk near it does smell bad.
He has always been a stressed little man ever since a kid but my other beardie is completely fine and I do the exact same thing for the both of them I’m starting to think it’s just his personality but I read that it could be because his stress that he has bad smelling poops. It’s almost like his beard is always a grey color.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
His poops have always smelled really bad compared to my other bearded dragon qibli. It doesn’t drive me out of the room because his cage is in a more ventilated area/ room but when I walk near it does smell bad.
Possible parasites then --- please get a fecal 24 hr sample and take to your vet --- have them test it for parasites and go from there ---- if they require a visit in NO enemas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Under no circumstances NO enemas!!

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