About the same. He laid around most of the day. I kept putting him backunder his UV and lamp and he would spaz out and fumble away... It's almost like he has cerabel palsy when he runs. His feet fold in on him. Sometimes he doesn't even use one of his front legs, if it's tucked up underneath him when he sprints out of his sleep. I got him to take his .2cc's of Repta+boost, a little squash and some water. He is opening his eyes for short brief sessions very infrequently. He got two baths today. I think he just knows we are torturing him each time we do this
Do we think there is something neurological going on? Can a dragon have cerabel palsy? Or is it cause he's super weak? I've never in my life seen a baby quite like him. We've named him Wink, cause all he does is sleep