Baby not getting better

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Sub-Adult Member
Baby dragon rescued from Big chain pet store , ( I work there) still not getting better. I finally found repta +boost, formerly reptaAid. It says to give him .2 cc. Is that total for the day? And supplement baby food? I've been using turkey. Someone suggested force feeding crickets, but that's just not flying with him. What should his feeding schedule be?


Sub-Adult Member
I had to use the Repta boost with my petsmart baby, I separated the dose into two separate feedings. I would give the boost then put a couple back legless crickets in the tank in front of him the boost seemed to give him enough energy to hunt a few crickets. Hopefully this helps



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He's not even willing to open his eyes today.... ( sigh)... he's not lapping up anything on his own. If I put him under his basking spot he will therma regulate and move to the other side of the cage.... Then fall back down again. He has not popped in two days... Is he just failure to thrive or am I doing something wrong? He seemed to he in better shape when we got him. :( He is under a brand new reptile sun 10. And his basking spot is 106. His husbandry is fine.... He's getting two baths a day. Now repta+boost. ( is that supposed to be .2 cc's a feeding or all day?) should I still be trying to get in the baby food? Water? Anything else? I mixed the baby food with calcium before the Repra+boost, but that's supposed to be complete. Should I stop that?

Beardednoob Addict
Not to doubt any credibility but, just to confirm. Can you post a picture of his enclosure, and of him?

And by REPTILE sun 10 do you mean Reptisun 10.0? Is it a linear, compact/coil or?


Sub-Adult Member
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Here is his setup, it's a repti-sun 10, 24in from petmountain. It is too big to go inside the tank and I have a cat so leaving the lid off isn't an option.

He is 4g's (weighed today) and about 4 1/2 to 5 inches long.


Here he is, about 5 minutes ago on his hammock. his head is resting on the suction cups holding it up :(

Beardednoob Addict
Is the reptisun obstructed, It doesn't appear he can get close enough to it.
I am not saying that is the issue but, it is an observation.
What are his temps and how are you measuring them?
What tank is he in? 20 gallon? Tall?
Have you tried to switch his light for one you know works? Perhaps the bulb is faulty.
What is his basking light?


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
2o gallon long, he is 7 inches away from the light. The light is brand new from pet mountain. Less than 2 weeks old. I have a cat so there is a screen and it's too long to fit inside the cage. The basking bulb is a 65 watt floodlight... Temps measured by an accurite probe thermometer from wal mart. How would I check to see if the bulb is faulty? And as far as a feeding schedule? Repta+boost .2cc a day and baths and water? I live in Ca and can take him outside for natural sunlight. I thought the repti-sun would do the trick but I guess not....

Beardednoob Addict
TwistedCrayon":9qrtwlem said:
2o gallon long, he is 7 inches away from the light. The light is brand new from pet mountain. Less than 2 weeks old. I have a cat so there is a screen and it's too long to fit inside the cage. The basking bulb is a 65 watt floodlight... Temps measured by an accurite probe thermometer from wal mart. How would I check to see if the bulb is faulty? And as far as a feeding schedule? Repta+boost .2cc a day and baths and water? I live in Ca and can take him outside for natural sunlight. I thought the repti-sun would do the trick but I guess not....

Try the natural sunlight if he perks up outside I would consider changing the bulb. Reptisun 10.0's are the best lights for bearded dragons but, there are bound to be bad bulbs no matter the manufacturer, there is a chance is all I am saying.

Repta boost @ .2cc a day and baths daily plus baby food at least 3 times a day if possible.


Juvie Member
I have a cat so there is a screen and it's too long to fit inside the cage.

I accidentally bought a UVB once that was too long as well and i fitted it diagonally inside the cage, is this maybe an option to get yours inside. The screen will filter some of the UVB and inside really is best if possible. If it isnt an option the previous suggestins about natural sunlight is a really good option, the UVB absorbed outside will show an improvement within a few days if this is the issue with your beardie.

Also have you contacted petmountain? Since your bulb is so new maybe they will swop it for a shorter one?


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
I'm gunna hafta order a new one anyway. I have three bulbs all the same size for my previos four. Two are still babies and I'm gunna hafta seperate the babies soon... so I'm gunna need 5 provided this one makes it. I'm not taking him out of the game just yet...

He is 4 g's and about 5inchs. (I weighed him yesterday, but can't seen to find a ruler)


Sub-Adult Member
so yep the 0.2ml is for the whole day. I would seperate it into 2 different feedings of 0.1ml and place some slow crickets in front of him. With my liitle one and the boost, it seemd after 15 mins or so to give him enough energy to grab a few crickets on his own.


Beardednoob Addict
TwistedCrayon":32q0x3t8 said:
I'm gunna hafta order a new one anyway. I have three bulbs all the same size for my previos four. Two are still babies and I'm gunna hafta seperate the babies soon... so I'm gunna need 5 provided this one makes it. I'm not taking him out of the game just yet...

He is 4 g's and about 5inchs. (I weighed him yesterday, but can't seen to find a ruler)
Have you tried bringing him outside? in the sun?


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
He's opened his eyes a few times today, to raised hisbasking spot to absorb more UV. Took him outside, gave him a bath and he lapped up the .1 repta+boost. He is still thermal regulating on his own (moving outta the basking area to the other side of the tank)

All positive signs... Let's cross our fingers...
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