Are Madagascar hissing cockroaches good to feed to your beardie?

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I would normally feed my beardie Dubia roaches but last time I had tried ordering them my supplier told me that they have a shortage of them and can't ship any to me right now, but they could send me Madagascar hissing cockroaches instead. My beardie had just come out of brumation and hadn't eaten any meat for quite some time so it was pretty urgent so I ended up ordering the hissing roaches. My question is, is it ok if I feed my beardie hissing roaches until I can get my hands on some Dubia roaches? I might even keep some of the hissing roaches as pets, they seem pretty cool :)

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I would normally feed my beardie Dubia roaches but last time I had tried ordering them my supplier told me that they have a shortage of them and can't ship any to me right now, but they could send me Madagascar hissing cockroaches instead. My beardie had just come out of brumation and hadn't eaten any meat for quite some time so it was pretty urgent so I ended up ordering the hissing roaches. My question is, is it ok if I feed my beardie hissing roaches until I can get my hands on some Dubia roaches? I might even keep some of the hissing roaches as pets, they seem pretty cool :)
I would not they can choke your dragon-- try ordering from here


Original Poster
I would not they can choke your dragon-- try ordering from here
I only gave her the small ones so I think she's gonna be fine, also the problem with ordering from that site is, well, I can't. I live in Croatia lmao
I'll probably figure something out but are the small ones a choking hazard as well?

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I only gave her the small ones so I think she's gonna be fine, also the problem with ordering from that site is, well, I can't. I live in Croatia lmao
I'll probably figure something out but are the small ones a choking hazard as well?
I have heard some horror stories - feeding the small ones would be better than feeding the real big ones - try finding another supplier or another feeder like crickets or BSFL also know as calci worms phoenix worms or nutri grubs


Original Poster
I have heard some horror stories - feeding the small ones would be better than feeding the real big ones - try finding another supplier or another feeder like crickets or BSFL also know as calci worms phoenix worms or nutri grubs
Ok well thanks for your help, I'm definitely keeping the hissers as pets. Also, I got lucky and found a new supplier relatively quickly. I just hope my beardie will be ok from eating them...
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