ANOTHER UPDATE. Long term syringe feeding?

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Juvie Member
I did notice his eyes twitching too. Poor little guy :( I'm wondering if it is possibly something neurological going on here. I'd much rather let someone else chime in on this


Original Poster

I'm not sure how much longer he's going to be hanging in there. Outside time usually made him super active to where I had to chase him a few times. Now he's been sitting here for about 45 mins. Pavement isn't hot either. It's not a hot day, but I thought some sun time might help. He's just been sitting there, but at least he's holding himself up. I've got some worms around that he looks at, but that's about it. It's getting harder to feed him, but I'm still trying. We thought about taking him to another vet, but it's a bit more expensive. It's just hard to see him keep going down hill and not being sure why or how else to help. :(


Juvie Member
Poor baby :( I'm so sorry you are going through this. I know it has to be tough.
A second opinion may be good just to be double sure there is nothing more that can be done


Original Poster
I didn't want to make a completely new thread.

We finally came to the decision to have Izzy euthanized. It wasn't easy at all, but he had just given up. Vet didn't have many solutions, and he just wasn't gaining no matter how much I tried to feed. It was wearing the both of us down. I thought it would be easier than when we had to do the same to our 16 year old dog, but I was so wrong! Lol

I just wanted to thank you guys for everything!!

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
I'm sad to hear that. It's a very difficult decision but if he wasn't gaining then it was probably the right choice so he doesn't continue to suffer. You did the best you could to help him and I'm sure he appreciated it.

AHBD Sicko
I'm so takes so much out of us when we see them suffer and we try so hard, just wishing and wanting them to be better. :( All my sympathy to you, and yes, you tried everything + did your best.


Original Poster
Thanks, guys. I'm just glad I got to spend the time with him that I did. It's so weird seeing the enclosure lights off! But I know it'll get easier
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