ANOTHER UPDATE. Long term syringe feeding?

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AHBD Sicko
That sounds like a bit of progress, and if you can get him out in the sun it should boost his energy level. Keep up the good work !


Original Poster
I have a bit of an update I'm excited about! I hope you guys come back to read this lol

I took him outside for about 45mins. He pooped AND ate two superworms on his own (with a little help). I figured since he was so active outside today (I had to actually chase him down), I'd try some worms we've had for a while. I'm so happy he ate. This was after I syringe fed him, too. His poop was really runny. Not sure if it's because of him being sick or because he hasn't had anything solid for such a long time.


Original Poster

I can rarely get a good picture of his bad eye, but this is it.

And of course, I had to record this awesome moment for us, lol.

AHBD Sicko
That's really good to hear ! And the video is epic. :) Well, when you're waiting for that kind of action. :lol: Remember to put him in the grass if it's hot, any kind of pavement can get really hot in a short time.

But that's good that he was active outside, the poo may straighten out once he's on more solid diet.


Juvie Member
So happy to hear that. If he is eating on his own and atleast eagerly licking drops of the baby food (without you needing to force feed) than this is a great sign. Sounds like he's getting his appetite back


Original Poster
Thanks!! I'm going to try again with a couple of dubia roaches. He always went crazy for those.


Juvie Member
Sounds like your hard work and extra love is paying off. Let us know how he does with the Dubia. The runny poo could be due to the baby food. Just keep him extra hydrated and keep trying to get him to eat live food on his own


Original Poster
I was able to have a few free hours this morning and took Izzy to the vet. Unfortunately, he went back to not eating or even being interested in anything. He's in a new enclosure where he seems more active. I also took him to work with me these last couple of weeks and had him outside, which he loooved. I'm still syringe feeding, and he's actually been pooping more often.

they did a fecal and found pin worms. But the vet said it shouldn't be what's causing such drastic weight loss the way he has been. He went down to 260 in less than a week. Vet said it could be kidney failure. Or he also felt a small mass towards the lower abdominal area, he said could be his testicles, (which he's never been able to feel in normal dragons) or it could be an intestinal tumor. Right now x rays aren't the best option because he's loss so much body fat/mass.

They gave me dewormers and some other stuff to give him for a week. All I can do is keep him well hydrated and feed him more.

Hopefully I can get some weight back on him. It just sucks because he's not as lethargic anymore, runs fast outside, but I just can't seem to keep the weight on him.

AHBD Sicko
Aw, poor Izzy ! I'm wondering if the change to a new tank has caused even more reluctance to eat, relocation stress happens even within your house if put in to a new enclosure. And maybe all the traveling is adding to the stress. I truly hope there is no tumor or kidney trouble, keep offering syringe feedings several times a day and extra water mixed in with one of the meals. I hope he can get through this !


Original Poster
I've thought about maybe the change and traveling affecting him, too, but I think his new enclosure is better. He's actually pooped a few times in there. I think it's all around warmer and he can get closer to basking. His older one was longer than it was wide and the heat was concentrated in one small area.
The only reason I took him with me was because we were working out town so we spent the week at a friends house, they were literally at a waking distance from the jobs we've been doing. I just couldn't leave him knowing he wouldn't eat on his own. But I totally get what you're saying.

He used to drink plenty of water when I would soak him. I tried yesterday and he started drinking fine. But I don't know if he choked or what because he kinda started thrashing around shaking his head. He stopped right when I picked him him. So I think I'll just keep offering water via syringe. He also keeps doing this weird thing with his mouth that he's never done before. The vet tried checking to see maybe if he had an injury, but Izzy wasnt having it. I've never seen him so aggressive or his beard so black. He definitely hated the vet lol


Juvie Member
I'm really sorry to hear all of this. Just keep offering food and maybe mix up some slurries if you need to just to keep nutrition in him. Pinworms are one of those things that are normal for beardies to have in small amounts so your vet is right that wouldn't cause this. While he's on medication (I'm assuming panacur?) try to keep him well hyderated by giving extra daily mist and more weekly baths. Keep us updated and let us know how he's doing. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will end up being something minor and your guys will pull through


Original Poster
Yes, panacur is the one. And yeah, he suggested two soaks a day. On top of that, after I feed him I just give him water via syringe and mix his food with a little more liquid.

I got a video of his little mouth tic. Not sure if you guys have seen this before.


Original Poster
I also noticed his eye when I watched the video after recording it. I hadn't noticed the eye before.

He's been doing it for maybe a little over a month. It lasts a few seconds. Usually when I go to feed him, he'll do it and I drop some food in. He stops the twitching and seems like he starts taking to the food.

The vet couldn't find anything physically wrong. Then again, Izzy fought hard when he tried checking his mouth.
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