Allison and Ramoth:

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Well some of you know the story of The Dragon Princesses and their trip to live in a new castle in Tn when they were very young. I have returned to continue their story, (if my computer will let me) :lol:

Once Ramoth woke up they have had a very busy spring and the summer is off to a great start! Both seem to have stopped growing, or eating for that matter. I am going tomorrow to pick up some dragon candy, waxies and PW's (if I can find them near) Hope that perks up the old appitite. I know adults eat less and they ARE both over 1 yr now....still a slave worries. How are they to keep their nice plump princess tummies if they don't stuff themselves silly? :mrgreen:
OK I' going to try for some picts here cross your fingers.
The Princesses arrival day:

That is Katherine's hand! :shock:

Early fun on the Bonsai:

Ramoth Before Christmas:

Allison before Christmas:

This is Jan or Feb:

As you can see they have grown a LOT!
I'll post more recent picts as soon as I get PB to co-operate. :lol:
Sandy H

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Wow look at those behemoths! Looks like some lucky babies got a good mommy :)



Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the welcome folks. :D The internet is moving too slow this weekend to upload picts. It would take all day. I'll try to get a batch up monday when things speed up again. I'll weigh and measure the girls later today and post that this evening.

Sandy H :mrgreen:


Sub-Adult Member
wow, they got quite large! I love the name Ramoth, I'm such an Anne McCaffrey fan! Have fun with the little buggers :)

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Hi Sandy! Welcome back! :D
Glad to hear Allison and Ramoth are doing well. Recent pics would be nice(I've seen those photos already :roll: :p )

Are the human kids enjoying their summer so far? Are they swimming alot this year?


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Thanks everyone. Yes Dawn- I know those are old. :p I thought I would just remind everyone how cute they are. :D I am having "discussions" with PB and loseing the argument. I'll see if my DH has any better luck this evening. OK?
Katherine is on the swim team now and loving it. We have spent many afternoons at the pool.

My zoo now includes: 2 darling dragon Princesses, one Golden retriever, one Lg white dog, 2 purry furries, 10 adult chickens (4 nesting :shock: ) 11 half grown chicks, 3 small chicks and 11 Guinea fowl. And of course Katherine and Daniel. My DH is my co-zoo keeper. :mrgreen: We are NOT bored!

Sandy H

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Welcome back Sandy, it's good to hear from you. I remember most of those pics and am looking forward to see more up to date photos. I hope your girls had a lovely 1st birthday party, it's amazing how time flies and with the human and animal kingdom you have at your place, it's amazing you have any spare time at all!

YEAH for Katherine being on the swim team, glad she's having fun with that. Swimming is a great exercise, too, has great benefits. My aunt, who's 79 this year, still swims 3x/week and sure doesn't look her age, maybe 10 yrs younger.

Your Princesses look great, sorry to hear they're not eating, seems most dragons slow down after they hit a year, they're not really growing much anymore. We had 4 on a hunger strike after they all woke up from brumation, you'd have thought they'd be starving, but no, they lost some weight, then about a month ago they all got hungry again. We still offered all their usual food daily. Now they're eating everything, just as usual, beardies, you can't figure them out half the time, but we all love them anyway.

I hope your computer stays on for you, mine keeps freezing, but then works again. Don't you just love technology?

I'll be waiting to see some up to date pics......waiting......waiting.......waiting. I just love pics of your princesses and if you can include Katherine and Daniel, bet they've grown, too, since we last heard!

Take care

Rubio, Sweetie, Leo & Lonzo say HI to Allison and Ramoth, especially the boys!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Now for the long awaited stats! :D I know you were hoping for picts, get over it, and take what you can get. :lol: It's a busy week.
Ramoth is 8 in snout to vent 14 1/2 in nose to tail tip (tail is a tad short) weight 356 g
Allison is 8 in snout to vent 10 1/2 in nose to tail tip ( tail is a little nub) weight 322 g

I thought they looked the same length, but the tail difference messes with my eyes. :D They have gone through 5 doz supers in 4 days. I think the hunger strike is over! Gotta order in bulk again! :blob8: :blob5:
Hope for picts soon. I'll see what I can do.

Sandy H :mrgreen:

beardie parents Sicko
protiemama":1vmx9nqh said:
Now for the long awaited stats! :D I know you were hoping for picts, get over it, and take what you can get. :lol: It's a busy week.
Ramoth is 8 in snout to vent 14 1/2 in nose to tail tip (tail is a tad short) weight 356 g
Allison is 8 in snout to vent 10 1/2 in nose to tail tip ( tail is a little nub) weight 322 g

I thought they looked the same length, but the tail difference messes with my eyes. :D They have gone through 5 doz supers in 4 days. I think the hunger strike is over! Gotta order in bulk again! :blob8: :blob5:
Hope for picts soon. I'll see what I can do.

Sandy H :mrgreen:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Sandy H, that "get over it" made me laugh. Good attitude!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Sandy, your girls are in great shape, can't wait to see pics of them now. Isn't it funny how they'll stuff themselves, then go on hunger strikes? It doesn't seem to matter the age, I think they do it to keep us off balance, never knowing if we'll be stuck with alot of bugs. :mrgreen: Dragons can be silly :D :D

I know we'll have to wait, you've had enough trouble with your computer, so we'll be patient, just like we always are :roll:



Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
We're back again. I gotta get online more often!.
The girls are growing again. :D I can't measure them. Keith has been home the last 2 days and the house looks like a tornado hit it! He had so much fun with the kids before he went back today. Anyhoo I cant find any form of measuring device. :shock:
I did find the scale though. Ramoth weighed in at 401gr and Allison is up to 337gr. Allie has slowed down her eating again, but looks like she will shed soon. Ramoth has been shedding in great chunks. Her head looked like it exploded yesterday. When I bathed her she rubbed the toothbrush like a cat! :lol: Sorry I couldnt hold the camera and the brush. Another section of back peeled today.
More later, gotta cut the grass.
Sandy H :mrgreen:

fresnowitte Sicko
Hi Sandy!
Glad to hear that the girls are doing good. Can't wait until PB cooperates with you so I can see new pic's.

Glad to have you back! :wink:
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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