Allison and Ramoth:

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Well some of you know the story of The Dragon Princesses and their trip to live in a new castle in Tn when they were very young. I have returned to continue their story, (if my computer will let me) :lol:

Once Ramoth woke up they have had a very busy spring and the summer is off to a great start! Both seem to have stopped growing, or eating for that matter. I am going tomorrow to pick up some dragon candy, waxies and PW's (if I can find them near) Hope that perks up the old appitite. I know adults eat less and they ARE both over 1 yr now....still a slave worries. How are they to keep their nice plump princess tummies if they don't stuff themselves silly? :mrgreen:
OK I' going to try for some picts here cross your fingers.
The Princesses arrival day:

That is Katherine's hand! :shock:

Early fun on the Bonsai:

Ramoth Before Christmas:

Allison before Christmas:

This is Jan or Feb:

As you can see they have grown a LOT!
I'll post more recent picts as soon as I get PB to co-operate. :lol:
Sandy H


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
My goodness, my little thread has been busy today! :shock: :D
Janicer- it is so good to hear from you again! I have been wondering about ya'll. So very sorry to hear about Popcorn. :cry: I know how much you loved her. Congrats on Spike. I know he'll adjust just fine! :D
A SECOND Masters degree. :shock: What on earth will you do with 2? (I don't even have my 1st. Maybe in 12 more years) What is the second in?

Barb- Thanks and I hope your thanksgiving is delightfully busy too. We go to SIL's house on Thurs. 2 of her 4 will be in w/t kids. Prob 20 or so people in all. Then on Fri. it's off to BIL's house. Both his kids will be there with their kids. 'Bout the same # of people. At least I don't have to worry about MY house. Unfortunately, the in laws are not exactly the kind of folks we are used to being with. Daniel picks up some "interesting" new words every time we see them. :oops:

The girls are sleeping. Allie was awake 4 hours yesterday and the day before, :D not today. :( I'll get Ramoth up to bathe tomorrow. She'd sleep till Christmas if I let her.
I am going to try PB again. I found my lost file of picts. Now to see if it will accept them. :banghead: Wish me luck. I may even post one or two tonight.MAY! :D

Sandy H :mrgreen:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Without further ado- Bath pictures! :D Ok, they are a few months old, but they are new to you. :mrgreen:
Two in the tub!

Ramoth: I luvz my baff!
What? I'm taking a break!

Iz MY rock!

I tol you-Iz mine!

Enough for one day. I gotta get to bed. The dragons are sleeping all day, but the kids are ready to go way too early EVERY day! :lol:
G'night everyone,
Sandy H :mrgreen:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to anyone who is still watching the girls. And as a special Christmas gift- more picts. No they are not awake. These are pre-brumation shots.
But they are still cute. :mrgreen:
Ah, sleep,perchance to dream.

I told you I sleep THIS way!

Does this scale make me look fat?

Hmmm, wonder where the picts of Allie went? :? Well hope you enjoyed Ramoth. Merry Christmas to all!

Sandy's Zoo :mrgreen:

beardie parents Sicko
Aww, he's still adorable. I understand the problems dealing with a beardie that likes to sleep. Rosie has been asleep all week. This is day 5 of her sleeping. Goldie has been waking up but not eating, which worries us, especially Bill as he thinks she's loosing weight. The last time Rosie woke up (last weekend or before) she got testy with Goldie and literally tried to eat her tail. I put her in her tank and she didn't seem sorry at all. Maybe she was angry because we got her up.


Juvie Member
Tatty, Cooper, Rudy, and Spike wish you all a Merry Christmas. We are happy to see the princesses doing so well. I also got done with my two "impossible" classes this fall and managed to pull an A in each one.

Tatty :D

beardie parents Sicko
Contatulations, Tatty! I knew you could do it.

I have missed 'seeing' you on this place lately. I hope to see more of you in the future. I do understand when you are too busy, tho.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I just wanted to wish you & your family, Katherine, Daniel, Allison and Ramoth A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS :D :D :D

And hope your internet connection works better in 2011, I miss hearing about Katherine and Daniel and how well they're doing, and hear about your princesses.
Deb, Roger, Sweetie, Lonzo, Rubio, Leo, Didi, Rocco our golden gecko and GianCarlo, our Beta fish. (can you tell I married an Italian?)

Have a very joyous, comfy Christmas weekend :D :D

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Hi Sandy! :wave:
Thanks for the Christmas wishes! Love the pics of Ramoth, LOL. She is looking so pretty! When do we get to see Allie? :roll:
Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. Sorry about all the snow. Do not think of sharing any of it with me. It has been in the 30's here and that is about all I can take.
Happy New Year!

beardie parents Sicko
I know what you mean, Dawn. We are supposed to get snow somewhere between Wednesday evening and Thursday am. We like it because we know it won't last long and we are looking forward to a "snow day" on Thursday. Well, we will see. It doesn't take much to give us a snow day.

spurlee01 Addict
Aw, great pics, Sandy! It looks like you have some creative nappers.

As for the snow, it is not even the end of December and I'm SICK of it. Our kids have already missed 3 days of school :shock: . That's usually about what they miss in the entire year. At this rate, they'll have to delay the start of NEXT year so kids can make up this year.

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Hi Sandy, Thanks for the pm to direct's so discouraging when you loose touch, but your other thread has been locked..............I can't believe how big the girls are now, and they look so healthy, I know PB is a pain, I don't get it either, but love the pics you posted.........Have a great New Year............pray all is well with you and the family.
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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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