Against PETCO, and any other negligent pet store/chains?!?!?

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Sorry for the long hiatus....I am back and brighter/better than ever. I wish i can have something good to talk about, but i wanna get right down to business.

Petco....i want EVERYONES thoughts on them. How are their conditions with reptiles in your area? Is the staff knowledgable? Do they tell you proper care info. with reptiles? Do the reptiles look well kept and responsive and active? Are they using proper lighting techniques (uvb, heating, proper ambient/basking temp's). What does it look like their diets consist of?

Heres the scoop. I started on this forum a herp. noob. I had very little knowledge and information and what i was told on how to care came out of the mouths of petco employees which after i came to this site, i was immediatly shown the light.

I dont know about the thousands of herp/pet lovers that come to this site every year for information and advice feels about petco, but ive had it up to my head with them.

The petco's near my area, which is north jersey, have such horrible conditions for these reptiles it's not even funny. I recently wrote petco about the conditions and they responded with "something will be done about it" and claimed that it was the actual stores fault, not petcos. Well, 3 weeks later i went back to the store and absolutely no changes what so even.

You tell me how you feel about baby's eating iceburg lettuce and small meal worms. How about having about 20 of them in a 10 gallon tank with NO UVB, vita-sand for substrate, and only ONE heat light....the red night light 50 watt. Yeah, idk about you guys but im pretty enraged. And this isn't just one petco, this is ALL 3 PETCOS within REASON of my house. And best of all, the therm. under the light reads 80 degrees, as well as the strip therm. on the outside.

I know this may break some hearts, but to see these poor dragons barely keeping their eyes open, stacked one on top of another under this pathetic "heat bulb", just trying to survive such harsh conditions. Im not dealin with it anymore. Reptiles are living breathing creatures with needs. If someones gunna franchise a pet store and sell them at inflated prices and with false information given on how to care for them, the least they can do is give the beardies livable conditions.

I am DEDICATED to putting an end to this. Anyone who is with me is with me but i will stop at nothing until this is reversed. I would like all the help, feedback, support, and ideas anyone has to share and input. Im sure it's been thought of before and hell, maybe even petitioned....but it's not working. These places are making millions and giving out false information to millions, not to mention the probably hundreds of deaths that must occur their EVERY DAY.

I dont know what to do, which is why im turning to you all. You all have brought so much light to the darkness of petco, that i think its time to put all our voices together....and eventually, we will be heard.

And folks, its not just beardies....but they definatley have the worst conditions with beardies over all their other animals. (crested geckos on repti bark in dry conditions, etc)


I don't think it is a shock for any of us to go into a pet store any more with high hopes. What is ultimately disheartening is the small store owners. You would have to believe that they open there business with a desire to sell quality animals to people that share their same enthusiasm for pets. So many times these stores have decrepid conditions too. I live in the STL area and there is only one store that I can think of out of the 20 or so that I have been in that even remotely takes care of their animals. I have relegated myself to only purchasing products online unless of emergency. I always dream of opening an emporium where it will be a bastion for all of these wonderful creatures, that will only sell with proper care and the due dilligence that they deserve. Unfortunately I doubt I will ever have the money for such a thing. I think that many factors come into this "epidemic" that are beyond our control. I applied at a petland for a second job, because I had heard so many horrible stories about them. The conditions at my local store are no different. I believed that if I got the second job I could change things. I told the manager what I expected and he agreed that he would want to do what he could. The fact that corporate always blames it on individual stores is a hoax. It is a way to delegate blame downward without true accountability for their practices. The manager of this specific petland told me that part of the problem was that the way the store was setup and the turnover in animals made it impossible to give each different species the individual husbandry that it needs. This is directly a corporate decision in layout of stores.
Another problem is the information that is given to pet owners. Do you think they really want to shy a prospective customer away by inundating them with the information needed to properly care and maintain the animal? No, unfortunately most people think the idea of an exotic animal is great, so they get one. If they knew how much it would cost to properly maintain and care for that animal do you think they would still make the purchase? Unfortunately not likely. I would venture to say the number one cost for pet shops is overhead. They don't love these creatures, they want to turn a profit. They don't need to give more info than is necessary, that would cut into profit. Gettin long I know.. Another reason that we see such disregard is the lack of veterinarians that specialize in our wonderful creatures. Most people realize when something is wrong, and after growing to love this animal now don't have anyone to seek help from. If you get a degree to be a vet, realize that there are more than just dogs and cats. The last thing contributing to this atrocity is the suppliers themselves. They are the ones who sale these products to the large chains that get their product cheap. Everyone on here knows that most of these are often dangerous if not fatal. So why do they continue to push them...Because people continue to buy it. I would never have known had I not found this site. I am glad I chose to do the research before I bought my first reptile. What we need to do is inundate these corporations with product sheets, care guides, and links to this site and others. We are the ones that have to inform when the corporations only look for profit. Profit starts with the consumer. If we get people to desire the proper equipment, substrates, UVB, tank sizes, feeders, then that is what they will seek out. Take the megaray for example. They are running out before the next restock. Why? Because they have a superior product. Do you see them sold in any pet stores? Doubtful. If we continue to buy products that aren't as good, and often times dangerous these companies have no real motivation to change their ways.Maybe your on to something here lamofbodom. Look at Tatsus army... If we all worked together to do our part and inform, we may just be able to change the current conditions and trade practices in the reptile industry. Nobody should accept that it is just the way it is. Speak up and be heard. If you don't like conditions in a store tell the manager. Then go back and tell him again. and again. and again. I know my 2 cents turned into a dollar. Sorry for the length. I think about it alot.


Original Poster
i couldnt have said it better myself. I agree with EVERYTHING you stated.

I really do think that we can do something. Even if it's local. Maybe the media can help?

I agree that it's time to step up and have our voices heard. Maybe we won't bring this "change" everywhere, but i think once you get it in the eye of the public....things will work out. I mean, look at how the public reacted to the vick's dog case. Im sure hearing dogs are suffering wins the hearts of more americans than reptiles suffering, but it's in the same league. I'd say most people have enough hearts that they don't want to see anything suffer.

I think your two cents is the same attitude everyone needs.

I have a good feeling about this. Im gunna start brainstorming a stategy.


I think the best thing to do is be organized. RLF( Reptile Liberation Front) ha ha. all kidding aside. We need to all agree on a proper and well put together information sheet on husbandry, care, herp vets, websites, etc.. Then we need to have an attachment that everyone can download, and we all set out to disseminate that information to all the pet stores you can think off. If people have the drive and the stores tell you no, stand outside and hand them out. Talk to your stores about products that are harmful, as well as alternatives that are not. How much money do you think a pet store could make off selling tile for example. They can charge double and I bet people would buy it. For an owner its a way of offsetting some of the cost. Tile($5-10) Sand... you have to continuously clean and replace. People can put out a add on craigslist offering support or help to people who can't find it otherwise. There are many things to do, we just have to be willing to set aside time out of our busy lives to provide action to a cause we all hold dear.


Ya, petco what can i say about them. well they are alright when it comes down to reptiles. I think that they are a little lify on the substrate. One time I went in and I noticed that the bearded dragons where on some sort of aspin bedding i talked to one of the workers about it and i don't even think he cared as long as he got payed. But he got fired or quit. Other then that I think that they are a good place to go if you don't have a local pet shop like i do. I normally go to my local pet shop because first it is local and second i think it is cleaner and the reptiles look like they are taken care of better. so ya petco is a good place to go at times but if i where you watch what they do and if you are not sure ask for info sheets they alwyays have them. Hope this helped.


New member
Here is an interesting thought: Where do these large big box stores get their bearded dragons?
I seriously doubt they breed them themselves. More likely they probably get them from local independent breeders. Maybe if this action was directed at them, there may be more success.
I don't want to trash breeders as there are probably good people out there who truly care for beardies. However, there are probably a lot who are just in it for the buck. They are bringing animals into this world that go unwanted. They are similar to people who breed dogs, cats, whatever.



Original Poster
As i said before, my gf used to work for petco. One of my dragons, peanut, was according to her, originated in el salvador. Im not sure if she's just reading the box they come shipped in or if she knows this for a fact, but i think that implies that no they are probably not company breeders.

And, yes, im gunna have to agree that more than likely whoever's breeding them is doing it for money, not for the well being of keepin animals populated.

Good input though...maybe there are breeders out there who have a heart.

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Trust me I know how you feel thats why I started a petition against them?Have you seen my thread on it?Also the link to my petition is in my sig.There has been some forward progress but its slow going.They have modified the care sheets to include other substrates besides sand and also have agreed to allow each store to make their own decision on whether or not to use calcisand or repticarpet.Its not over but as I said there is some progress and hopefully more to come.Sign the petition,start your own,email and call customer service dont give up we can make things change.


Original Poster
hey vick.

thanks for your effort as well. I think change will happen, definately slowly but surely.

Coming from my girlfriend who used to be a petco employee, according to her most recent expierence which she just quit petco 3 weeks ago, corporate sends them a type of "floor plan"....basically telling them exactly is used as substrate, how many accessories are in the cages, how many reptiles can be in a cage, etc. Maybe things have changed, but she did work there until recently so im assuming her info is current. These things are called "planograms"....

Anyways, i made it a point to contact petco's customer relations department after sending them a letter explaining to them about the conditions and how they replyed with that they're gunna contact the store manager and fix things, and than here we are weeks later with nothing changed.

So today, i went to petco, snapped some photos of the dragons tank and sent it to customer relations. Maybe that'll show them that im not just another complaining customer.


Original Poster


Original Poster
an update....heres the response from the email i sent.
i also got another one from some guy who's signature said he was the district manager....that one was him asking me to contact him personally on his cell to discuss the matter.

Dear Joseph,

Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention. I sincerely apologize that the store I notified about your previous complaint did nothing to rectify this situation. I have notified the District Manager as well as the Regional Companion Animal Coordinator about these issues and these stores and one of them should be in contact with you soon to get some more information. We definitely take complaints like this very seriously as the well being of the animals are PETCO's top priority. Again, I apologize that the store neglected to fix these issues and assure you that I have placed this complaint the the proper hands to get something done.


Chris V.
Customer Relations Coordinator

At PETCO, Animals Always Come First... Our People Make it Happen!


Hatchling Member
I work at Petsmart, we've got the same awful planograms and too many things wrong to even count.
My main complaint to my manager is the fact that there is no UVB.

I'm thinking I should take a step further than my own manager, maybe step up to a Complaint manager or something.
Because her response is always "I can't do anything. Corporate does it. Not me."

I'm kind of afraid to get fired for stirring up trouble in my own store, but it's worth it.
They're cutting hours anyway.


Reading the letter from corporate they make it sound like animals are there top priority... We all know this isn't true, but they matter of factly state it. If you get fired for doing whats right for the animals then I would say that you would maybe have a case. You should talk with lamofbodom to get a copy of that letter just in case. I think we may have the ball rolln a little here. We have recieved communication from the stores, and all it will take is for everyone that reads this to go into their local store and complain about the housing. Tell them that you will be following up with corporate and that you expect to see improvements or they will lose your business. If everyone would do this it would be very impactful. Its not just the reptile sales they would lose, but it would also be all of the product associated with them. Thats impact! Everbody please help! There is only one way to stop the machine and that is to speak up in mass!


Original Poster
Thank you all so much. I knew this forum would be a big confidence booster for me.

I have started a chain on myspace that hopefully everyone will get the chance to see. It inculdes videos of investigations of the mills that petco/petsmart get's most of their animals from. It also includes facts researched by myself and coming from the mouth of an ex petco girlfriend.

Also, i recieved a e-mail and phone call from corporate office in san diego! I'd have to say that after doing my own investigating and bringing my own photos to their attention, now they wanna "discuss". Here is there message, followed by my response. Also, a link to my myspace can be found....if you have myspace, go ahead and add me. Youll find my bulletins which you can feel free to copy and repost....we have to get as many people involved as we can. Seriously, it brings a tear to my eye to to know that were all in this together.

anyways, here it is for ya.

Hi Joseph
I just received your concern regarding reptile care and tried the number listed on the email. I was told I had the wrong number.
I would like to talk about your concerns. I can assure you that the animals in our care are our top priority and I would appreciate a chance to discuss them.

Here is my cell:

Thank you,
Brent Cadle
District Manager
Petco Animal Supplies
District # 90 East Florida

Blackberry 858-334-5537
Fax. 858-526-2808
Email. [email protected]

And heres my response.


Not to sound like "that guy", but actions speak louder than words. You and i both know that this kind of stuff has been floating around petco for a while now and more and more intelligent, respectable people are starting to see the light. We can talk over the phone, discuss whatever it is you would like to speak about, but in the end...facts are facts. There are more and more websites starting to bring petco's cruelty to animals to the light, the reptile forums are loaded with people who were given false care information from petco as well as complaints of sick animals.

Look, im not an *****...i'm a businessman just like yourself and everyone over at corporate. I know your a business and i know your intentions may not be bad, but what your doing is wrong. What your doing is unethical. My girlfriend worked for petco for almost 2 years, were very aware of your "planorgrams" and we know that when it comes down to it, corporate makes the decision with reptile displays....substrates to be used, etc.

The bottom line is, i dont think theres anything words can say to make up for the damage that is done. I guarantee you personally that i won't give up till i see ultimate change, and i know im backed up by thosands of people. There are petitions online with 3400 signatures and counting over petco's horrible atmosphere and treatment of animals. Let us not forget the san francisco incident....its hard to forget when it happens not even 10 minutes away from me...not to mention the hundreds of other stores that are brought to the light via internet forums. Changes need to be made.

Maybe some petco's have it right, but i think it's safe to say a majority doesn't.

See for yourself what the people have to say... look at the signatures....see what they have to say....cmon man, wen it all comes down to have to have a heart....and you and i BOTH know that whats going on here is wrong. whether you wanna say it or not, and i understand that your jsut doing your job, you also understand that im doing mine as well....


Joe's myspace....


The petco in my city of 29,000 the times im there they only have 2 beardys in there at a time. And when I was talking to him he told me about the sand not being good for them and that the basking rock is not good for them since they can't tell heat from there bellys. When I held one of the beardys it seemed really alert It looked in good condition to me.

Ive heard such bad things about petco and petsmart what am I missing. What else should I look for to make sure my beardy is the healthest it can be. Im going to be a first time beardy owner and I want to make sure im going to do things right so I know before I go and bring him/her home.
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