Aerogore Passed Away...

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First, I want to say that it has been an uphill battle since I got him back in 2016. When I got him, he was undernourished and had an improper habitat. No UVB lights. Lack of heat. And the humidity was registering over 60% in the habitat. The habitat was small, even for a three month old. There was feces in his water dish, he was being fed those red pellets mixed with meal worms. He looked absolutely miserable. I only went into this pet store to pick up some cat food, but walked out spending $300~ is the bearded dragon starter supplies along with a new member of the family.

Now, I never personally had a bearded dragon, but I grew up in an environment that was very centered around pets of all types. So I knew the basics, like they need special light, heat, humidity, and supplement requirements. That they ate things like crickets and roaches. That they needed to be fed leafy greens and vegetables. Etc. I won't say I was an expert going into it, but I will say I knew more than the average pet shop employee going into this relationship.

So after I got him home, I immediately noticed he was walking on the backs of his hands, and his back legs had noticeable problems. I immediately called the vet and scheduled an appointment. I also had a fecal done while I was there, and there were no parasites. The vet took some Xrays and said that there is noticeable bone loss, and gave me a super calcium supplement to give him, and directed me to give it to him for a few weeks, which I did. At this point, my vet diagnosed him with MBD. I assumed it was from the lack of UVB and the lack of care he got in the first three months of his development. I didn't think there was anything more than that. My vet also advised he may not be able to walk correctly for the rest of his life, and deemed him disabled.

His movements began getting worse as time went on until he lost complete use of his back legs. When that happened, he wasn't able to hunt anymore. So I put him on a Repashy diet of Grub Pie, Veggie Burger, Grubs and Fruit, Bluey Buffet and a few others to give him a variety. I hand fed him every day via a syringe, twice a day. He had healthy bowel movements, and alert eyes, but he really didn't move around too much. I assumed he was in some amount of pain from his back legs. I soaked him regularly in pure epsom salt, which my vet cleared. I couldn't really give him anything for the pain, just try and make him as comfortable as possible.

I started getting worried of him falling off his hammock so I substituted his rocks for cushy cat beds and crate liners, and sort of child proofed his tank so he couldn't hurt himself, and made it easier for him to get around.

He was always a happy dragon, and enjoyed being held and cuddled. He slept in his own little bed hooked up to a heating pad underneath every night to keep his night time temperatures up to boost his immune system, which is what my vet recommended.

For the next year and a half, he didn't really get any worse, but he didn't show signs of getting any better either. But he definitely loved being held and kissed. He was such a docile baby, not one aggressive bone in his body. He didn't deserve the fate he had.

Around April, he started suffering from complications of an upper respiratory infection. I treated him orally with Baytril. He got better, then relapsed. I tried Tylan orally. No improvement. Finally I began fogging him with Baytril again, and he got better again by July.

This is where things go down hill. I noticed him getting what I called a buddha belly in August. I just assumed I was feeding him too much, so I tried to supplement more of the Veggie Burger and Grassland Grazer into his diet instead of going for the Grub Pie, which was just protein. I figured that would help. The pudge didn't really go away.

His behavior really didn't drastically change all that much for me to be alarmed there was a problem other than the usual. But after careful consideration, I am assuming that was a sign that his liver was failing. In retrospect, there is really nothing my vet could have done at that point, because it was already too far gone. I thought maybe the antibiotics did it to him, as I did give him an extended double rounded treatment. Maybe it was too harsh on his system and his liver began to fail? I only did what I felt was right, and sought the advice of my vet and followed his recommendations. In retrospect, drowning in his own mucus I think would have been more traumatizing than having his liver shut down. I don't really know to be honest.

All I know is that he was fine this morning, and when I came home, he was in a pile of his own vomit hanging off his hammock face down. His entire body was yellow from jaundice. I guess it happened quickly for him. I immediately picked him up thinking he just fell and then realized the lifeless corpse in my hands, still warm from the basking light. I tried to shake him awake but he was already gone. I rinsed off his body and held him for an hour and said my goodbyes. Then I prepared a box for him, I opened one of his pillows and lined it with stuffing so he would be comfortable. Then made a cross with palms and placed it inside. I dug the hole, crying the whole time. Kissed him goodbye, and buried him and placed flowers from the garden over his grave.

He was only two years old. I did everything I could to ensure he was happy and healthy, but my attempts were all in vein. I feel like I failed him because he died alone. I was at work. I should have been here with him. Maybe I could have saved him somehow. I still don't understand what actually happened. He was absolutely fine that morning. He ate his breakfast. He was alert. He was fine. Then I came home to that graphic scene and literally lost my ****. I didn't even want to believe he was dead. I sat there for two hours holding him hoping he would wake up, as his body began to stiffen from rigamortis in complete denial.

Needless to say I am really broken up about this. I loved and bonded with that dragon like he was my own child. In many ways he was like a baby, because of how intently I took care of him and fed him like a baby, and held him like a baby. I have been crying for a full 18 hours now. I just can't get over this.

But in between crying spells, I have been thinking of getting another dragon. But then argue with myself that rebounding on a new dragon right after the death of my cherished pet wouldn't be fair to the new dragon, myself, or Aerogore. I can see me trying to fill the void with a new dragon, but then what if this new dragon's personality is radically different than Aerogore's and it hurts more because he won't interact with me in the way that Aerogore did and I end up resenting the new dragon for it? Then I was like, what if the new dragon is also terminally sick as well and I got through the same battle all over again. Or worse, what if the new dragon is an aggressive ******* that won't even let me hold it? That would kill me even more.

I just don't know what to do. For beardie owners on their 2nd, 3rd or 4th dragon... How long did you wait to get a new one after your beardie passed away? What was your experiences like with the new pet? Did you find it rewarding? did you feel like it helped the grieving process for you? I need some advice here. I am like... Lost right now. Every day was centered around caring for that dragon, whether it was preparing his meals, bathing him, cleaning his tank, or cleaning his bedding, it was always centered around him. Now I feel like I lost my sense of purpose. I feel like I lost a piece of myself. My heart is broken. And I don't know what to do.


Hatchling Member
My heart and prayers go out to you! Aerogore was very lucky to have found you and to have been loved by you. I wish I had magic words to heal the tear in your heart.

I personally have not lost a beardie. I have my first and only beardie and the only reason I have her is because my dog of 16 years passed away a year ago and for a year I was deeply heartbroken. Never even considered a beardie but was tricked into holding one and well that beardie ended up going home with me. I am no longer as deeply heartbroken as I was before I got her and I believe she helped heal my broken heart a bit. I hope some of the more experienced owners can help you with your decision.

AHBD Sicko
Hi there, first of all I'm really sorry for the loss of your special little friend. :( It always hurts us animal lovers to lose a pet, so my heart goes out to you. Sounds like he had great care right to the end.

I've had beardies since the 90's and never been without one but others who have lost beardies asked the same Q's as you now. Most of them did get another dragon fairly soon after and reported feeling better with a new creature to dote on. I think that's the best thing, maybe wait a week or so but begin to think of whether you want a baby, juvenile or even a special needs older dragon. I think you'd feel better. Even if the dragon were to be stand offish to a degree, you'd still be giving a home to a pet that needs one.

You can always handle the new potential one for 15-20 minutes to see the temperament. Check your local rescue if they have any or on Craig's list. Or go with a breeder or if you see a special one at a store, it's up to you. Best wishes to you, you'll be a great beardie parent again when the time comes.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
My heart goes out to you- I know how you feel as we lost Trogdor last mid March- it was very upsetting as she came home as a babysitting job for the summer from the high school that my daughter took on- we learned everything we could learn on the internet- I didnt find this website till after we lost her- she was a older dragon and very unhappy in her tank as it was only a 20 gal tank - we ended up w/ her permanently and bought her a 50 gal tank and had her for almost 4 years I believe- in that time we gave her the best life she could of had from the previous life she was living - she sat in that small tank for years at the high school w/ her lights on at 2 AM in the morning and off during the day figure that one out--? anyway she was a lot happier coming here to live and we babied her and doted on her giving her lots of free time out of her tank and feeding her vegies like she was supposed to have - her diet before was of meal worms and crickets w/ no vegies at all -- she passed last March- dont know why she quit eating and I thought she was going into brumation but at that time I had no idea she would of been coming out of brumation not going into -- anyway she passed away one morning in the corner of her tank -- I felt horrible- so I know how you feel - you really tried w/ Aerogore and I am so sorry that the outcome was what it was --- We waited till the end of April before getting another dragon - her tank sat empty for approx 6 weeks - we then went to one of the Reptile shows in MN / St Paul and they had one bearded dragon there - needless to say we left there w/ out one- we stopped at a breeders store on the way home and bought Hiccup who was about 3 months old - we were told he was a red leather back of which he is neither- he is a Citrus Tiger-- and regular dragon - he is now 7 months old - we could not tell if he was a he/ she when we first got him so he was a surprise-- I have had him to the vet once to be checked out and is going in again this month for another check up before winter- I am going to be getting a 75 gal here by next summer -- but anyway grieve for Aerogore for as long as you need -- there are so many dragons that people buy and have not a clue as to what it entails to take care of them the proper way and they end up sick and die or just plan sick the rest of their lives-


Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am so very sorry that you lost Aerogore like that. :cry: It is heart wrenching & it does take a
piece of your soul with you when they do pass no matter how old or young they are. It was
definitely not your fault at all. Based on the information, it sounds like he probably had Adeno
virus which accelerated the liver failure/issues. He was very well loved & pampered so he had
a wonderful life, wit you.
I would take your time getting another dragon, so that you are emotionally ready. You will
know, when you are ready to bring another one into your home. He or she will never replace
Aerogone, but will bring companionship for you.
We all understand grief & heartbreak.



Original Poster
Re: Aerogore Passed Away...
Unread postby Drache613 » Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:43 pm


I am so very sorry that you lost Aerogore like that. :cry: It is heart wrenching & it does take a
piece of your soul with you when they do pass no matter how old or young they are. It was
definitely not your fault at all. Based on the information, it sounds like he probably had Adeno
virus which accelerated the liver failure/issues. He was very well loved & pampered so he had
a wonderful life, wit you.
I would take your time getting another dragon, so that you are emotionally ready. You will
know, when you are ready to bring another one into your home. He or she will never replace
Aerogone, but will bring companionship for you.
We all understand grief & heartbreak.


Yeah, I think he had it too. He did to the stargazing pose a lot when he was basking, I didn't think anything of it, I actually thought he was just putting his head closer to the bulbs. My vet classified it as MBD and nothing more, but I had my suspicions. Looking at the symptoms, the light seizures he had in his early months that my vet said was a symptom of MBD was also a symptom of Adeno virus. I know that nothing could have been done for him anyway whether we got the correct classification or not, but maybe I could have gotten him some pain killers or something to make his last days more comfortable (if I knew that they were his last days). I am assuming it was complete liver failure because he was completely yellow. I read that complete liver failure in humans is a painless death, so hopefully he didn't suffer too much. I just hope that he is at peace now. I did everything I could to help him and make his life more fulfilling with love and compassion. But when the upper respiratory infections started in April, it was kind of all downhill from there. I just keep telling myself he was sick when I got him and try not to feel guilty like there was something I didn't do that caused his death. I just feel like its my fault somehow. Like I didn't do something right. Like if I did something more for him that he would still be here. But if it really was Adeno virus, his fate was already sealed, and the fact that I got almost 2 years with him was more than any dragon could have possibly hoped for given the circumstances of how I found him and brought him home already in pretty bad shape.

I want to get another dragon, but I am afraid. Like what if I did something wrong to cause his death? I mean, I went over the situation over and over again. Maybe I fed him too many super worm and horn worm snacks throughout his life, and thats what caused the fatty liver? I mean he liked them so much and I wanted him to be happy, and they were easy enough to hand feed to him.

Or what if being on a diet consisting of nothing but Repashy Gel Food Premix did it? I mean, the ingredients and studies I read on that food was supposedly the healthiest thing for bearded dragons, but what if I was wrong? What if I should have sat there and hand fed 40-50 small dubias to him a day instead of making the premix food and letting him lick it up?

I just figured when he started having digestive issues, and I found worm casings in his poop that this food would have been easier for him to digest and reduce the risk of impaction because it was soft. I just thought it would have been easier on his system which is why I opted to use Repashy exclusively since October 2017.

Or what if I didn't get the supplements right? I mean, I added a dash of the Repashy Calcium Plus to everyone of his slurries, but what if it wasn't enough vitamins?

I just keep going over what if scenario after what if scenario. I know I shouldn't. I know that I did my absolute best in caring for him and making sure he was well provided for. I shouldn't beat myself up.

I even got a basement dehumidifier and plugged it into my room when his URI's started in April, even though my humidity in my room was fine, just to help him dry up the mucus faster.

I did everything I could to ensure he was comfortable. I just can't help but think I did something.

Maybe I shouldn't have hit him with so many antibiodics back-to-back even if my vet said it was okay to do. Maybe I shouldn't have fed him the medicine orally at first and just went right to the fogging method. Maybe I could have lessened the stress on his body from it.

I dunno. I want a new dragon, but I keep thinking if I did something to cause Aerogore's death, I don't want that to happen to the new dragon. I would just die.


Original Poster
Also, if he really did have Adeno Virus, what is the best way to disinfect the tank if I chose to bring home a new little guy/gal? Just hit it with some F10SC? Is there a way to ensure it is completely sanitized of that virus? I would hate to be the one that infects a brand new one because the tank was improperly sanitized.

AHBD Sicko
The F10 would be great, so would bleach and then very hot [ almost boiling ] water to rinse it all. Get all new tank decor, you can collect nice basking logs/driftwood and sanitize it [ it really doesn't need it except to kill any possible insects lurking ] by popping it in a preheated 250F oven for an hour. Nice rocks can be collected from outside as well, just a quick scrub in hot soapy vinegar water will clean/disinfect very well. All the cage decor can be free so no expense there.

Try not to worry too much, you can find a great dragon out there that needs you. :)


Juvie Member
Hi there,

I know you're broken up about Aerogore and that you loved him. That's plain enough from your post, but I think there's another way to look at the question of getting another dragon and about the care you provided him. My wife is a perfectionist, and I have to sometimes gently remind her that doing everything properly 100% of the time does not ensure that bad things will not happen anyway. Like everyone else who posts here, we want our dragon to have a happy, healthy existence and to feel the love and companionship that goes with it. We try very hard to achieve that, as you did for Aerogore, but they can still succumb to any number of things that have nothing to do with any of us.

Tragically, everything that lives dies, but you sound like you really care about dragons, and I am certain there is one out there right now that would be doing a whole lot better if you were its owner. For what it's worth, I say grieve for Aerogore, but then honor his memory by doing the best you can for another dragon, whether a rescue or a baby or one with special needs. Love is never easy, and perfection does not ensure success, but with your heart and beardie knowledge, you will make the world a better place for at least one of these special little creatures as you did for Aerogore.
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