- Beardie name(s)
- Ramses
I was curious on what's the best diet for an adult bearded dragon? Ramses currently eats greens (turnip greens, little bit of arugula or watercress, and cilantro) daily. I dust her greens 3x a week with calcium supplement and 1x a week with a multivitamin supplement (per a vets recommendation). Now, she doesn't care for bok choy and collards. Her favorite greens was endive and escarole, but my local grocery store discontinued it. For proteins, she will only accept worms (mealworms and superworms) every 48-72hrs since they are not fast or jumpy. I tried giving her crickets and Dubai roaches, but since they are too fast + jumpy for her, she doesn't care for them. What do you give your beardie?