
  1. T

    Drastic diet change

    Hey everyone, i have a female Bearded dragon that i adopted when she was 2 years old. She turns 5 in August! She has always preferred bugs over greens ( just like the average Bearded dragon). I used tricks to feed her greens, such as aragula, dandelions, tomato, salat and fruits. She didn't...
  2. PixilBun

    Post-brumation appetite; a question

    Hey all! First time beardie owner here! Our little guy Hekr (1 year old as of April) just recently finished his first solid brumation cycle. His instincts to brumate only kicked in about halfway through winter, and funnily enough, he brumated from early march to early june. During this time we...
  3. quantum

    How Many Dubia Roaches/Times do I feed my Baby Bearded Dragon a Day?

    I recently got 700 Dubia Roaches. I sort of just feed my baby bearded dragon the Dubia Roaches until he doesn't want to eat any more. But I'm wondering if there's a more consistent way of feeding him instead of just feeding him until he stops eating, so I can more skillfully keep track of how...
  4. W

    Gout related questions

    Hello! My beardie willow has gout and I have a few questions. First of all, I saw somebody say alfalfa helps but could somebody give me more details on that? Currently her substrate is paper towels that I change whenever she poops which is very often, but is there any other substrate that would...
  5. K

    Adult Bearded Dragon Diet Suggestions

    I was curious on what's the best diet for an adult bearded dragon? Ramses currently eats greens (turnip greens, little bit of arugula or watercress, and cilantro) daily. I dust her greens 3x a week with calcium supplement and 1x a week with a multivitamin supplement (per a vets recommendation)...
  6. zonkey

    Green and bug diet schedule help

    Hi all! I unfortunately made the mistake of giving my beardie too many bugs, and the salad she once loved she no longer wants to touch because, you guessed it, she just wants the bugs (albeit I did get her to eat a few leaves today..) frustrated with myself over it, a s I just want her to be...
  7. A

    Beardie Health and Weight - Advice

    Hello There, My bearded dragon has gained a significant amount of weight over the past few months and her activity has lessened. I took her to a vet but he said she was fine and could have eggs. I watched her and her bathroom sessions are normal, she eats, but no eggs. He said if she hasn't...
  8. F

    How Much Should My Beardie Be Eating (and What Do I Do?)

    Hello!! My daughter (age 5) has been saving up for a pet for over a year. We finally got her a beardie on Saturday. But while I’ve done a ton of research, I’m finding a lot of it to be conflicting and am just worried about how much Annie (the dragon) is eating. On Saturday when we brought...
  9. fluffyseanut

    Third day since I've taken new beardie home, and (probably?) hasn't eaten. Any way to encourage bug consumption?

    My five and a half month old beardie has been with me for about 2 and a half days now. I know that part of relocation stress is a lack of appetite, but I was wondering if there's any way to help get him to eat? I think he's been drinking water, since there's consistently been sand in his water...
  10. Forrest T.

    Uro Won't Eat

    I have what is believed to be a female uromastyx that is around one year old, and no matter what I feed her, she strictly sticks to peas. I have given her various greens, lentils, vegetables, fruits, and seeds, but she won't eat what I give her. She is atm 45 g and 7 in (which I'm not sure if...
  11. M

    new adult beardie owner: unusual poop/urate experiences seeking guidance!

    hi! i rehomed an adult beardie (thought to be ~7 yrs old) from a friend who loved her but couldn't take her in their move. i've named her clementine (aka clem aka cowboy clem). i'm seeking some advice for her waste/consumption behavior because it seems different than how she was with my friend...
  12. S

    Feeding Veggies to a 3 months old

    Hello everyone. I'm a newbie to keeping beardies, but have read quite a lot of internet and saw info that some people start to feed veggies to their pets at about 6 months, when their eating tastes change. So my question is - should I just give up on veggies at the moment and feed only feeders...
  13. logann._

    General diet questions!!

    Just a couple quick questions.. This is my buddy spot. I believe he/she is around five months based off of size . However here recently he hasn’t been as interested in his greens. Vs a couple weeks ago he was all over them as soon as they were put in the tank. He is still very much interested...
  14. SarahNancy13

    Possible gum disease?

    Hello! I have already gotten some great input for taking care of little Ember here and am so grateful for it! I’m asking if you can help calm some worries once again. I was taking some pictures of little ember basking and noticed that he has what looks like hardened gums and dirt between his...
  15. Wonderful Lizard of Oz

    Super Worms?

    Hello! I've had my dragon for around 4 weeks now and I've been regularly feeding him super worms as his main course. He just turned a year old a little less than a week ago so I was searching how many to feed him now but I came across something. There were a few websites that said super worms...
  16. MangosMom22

    Collard Greens

    Howdy, My lovely Mango, 4ish months old, has just begun eating collard greens and thankfully she loves them! I’m so excited that I got her to eat them, as I heard it’s almost impossible to get younger ones to eat greens. I was just wondering how many little pieces should I be giving her? I...
  17. catwu20

    Feedback on diet?

    Hey y'all, I'm sorry for clogging up the forum with my posts tonight but I really want to review how well I'm taking care of by 3yr old beardie, Ginger. I've heard that adult dragons' diets should be 80% greens and 20% protein. Ginger always didn't seem to have that much of an appetite. Her...
  18. C

    New Bearded Dragon Unhappy and General Care Assistance

    Hello! I recently adopted a juvenile bearded dragon. His hatch date was 9/24/2021 and we received him on 3/30/2022. Overview: When he first arrived at our home, he did not seem to be unhappy at all and was eating veggies for me. His left leg shed and sluffed off super easily, but not long...
  19. S

    Runny Stool. Want to get some advice on what to do!

    Hey all, my beardie, baby, has had runny stool for the past 2 weeks or so. I’ll put a picture in the thread so you can see it and decide what action needs to be taken. Baby currently lives in a 40 gal tank, is fed lettuce with food pellets for veggies and for protein, crickets often and meal...
  20. fcooper

    What are your beardies favorite fruit or veggie?

    I've tried multiple things with Smaug to help diversify his diet, but the only vegetable he is ever really interested in are collared greens. What have you had the most success with?
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