Abnormal shed

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I have a 2 month old beardie and with his first shed he she everything but his tail. I've been soaking him and just recently, 2 weeks after his shed his tail is finally shedding. The new skin looks very dull, almost white still, and the very tip is a dark gray, almost black color. Is that just more retained shed?

Also; It appears that he has more layers on his back and head than his tail. If you look closely it's like there is a significant difference in thickness. Could this complicate shedding or will it come off with the next shed?

Should I take him to a vet? I'm so worried!! :cry:


New member
I'm also interested to know someone's opinion on this.

My beardie has the same issues. His shedding is "scattered" and he never sheds all at once. He also seems to retain the scale on the point of his nose. It's significantly thicker than the others. On top of this, he's very dull. No, we didn't get him from a breeder and some lizard "people" at Petsmart said he may be albino but I was wondering if there was anything we could do to brighten his color?

Thanks and to the original poster - sorry for invading on your board, just had a few similar questions. :roll:


BD.org Addict
Retired Moderator
Beardies aren't like geckos, they don't shed their entire bodies at the same rate. And sometimes you'll feel (if your beardie is really young) that they are in a constant shed. I remember thinking that I would never get to see Whiskers real colors, that I'd been ripped off, the beautiful yellow dragon I bought was not sitting in my house! But it did eventually slow down and his yellow was abslutley beautiful!
Try pure aloe vera jel. Put it on the beardie and rub it in then after awhile give him a bath to wash it off (you don't want him to fry under those hot lights), do this a few times and that stubborn shed will come off much easier. :D


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komodo":ff8bd said:
I'm also interested to know someone's opinion on this.

My beardie has the same issues. His shedding is "scattered" and he never sheds all at once. He also seems to retain the scale on the point of his nose. It's significantly thicker than the others. On top of this, he's very dull. No, we didn't get him from a breeder and some lizard "people" at Petsmart said he may be albino but I was wondering if there was anything we could do to brighten his color?

Thanks and to the original poster - sorry for invading on your board, just had a few similar questions. :roll:

It is quite alright. If you want to get the most out of their colors, make sure they are getting a really good amount of UVB light.


Original Poster
whiskersmom":a07d8 said:
Beardies aren't like geckos, they don't shed their entire bodies at the same rate. And sometimes you'll feel (if your beardie is really young) that they are in a constant shed. I remember thinking that I would never get to see Whiskers real colors, that I'd been ripped off, the beautiful yellow dragon I bought was not sitting in my house! But it did eventually slow down and his yellow was abslutley beautiful!
Try pure aloe vera jel. Put it on the beardie and rub it in then after awhile give him a bath to wash it off (you don't want him to fry under those hot lights), do this a few times and that stubborn shed will come off much easier. :D

Thank you! I'm mainly just worried about the darkening tip and whether or not it's tail rot.


BD.org Addict
Retired Moderator
Most likely it's a stuck shed, tails are real hard to get them completed. Try the gel for a week and if you don't see a difference get ahold of a vet. But I'm pretty sure it's just a stuck shed. Good luck, let us know how it turns out, ok? :)


Original Poster
whiskersmom":7ed32 said:
Most likely it's a stuck shed, tails are real hard to get them completed. Try the gel for a week and if you don't see a difference get ahold of a vet. But I'm pretty sure it's just a stuck shed. Good luck, let us know how it turns out, ok? :)

Yeah, sure thing!! Where would you recommend I go to buy the gel?


BD.org Addict
Retired Moderator
You can actually get bottles of pure aloe from Walmart or the produce section of most big supermarket chains sell the actual aloe leaf. :D
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