8 Year Old Beardie Jack

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BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Where are you located, the US?
Jack is a nice looking dragon. I am shocked that he doesn't have metabolic bone disease but his age of 8. He has an interesting pattern & scaling, almost like he has some barbata or other hybrid in him. He is from older stock being his age. Where did you get him, originally?
To not have metabolic bone disease for this long period of time, he would have to be a very hardy dragon, one that came from parents that were not inbred anyway, even if he is not very large.
Everyone has covered all of the nutritional aspects for you.
The Reptisun 10 flourescent tube bulb is the best tube bulb you can get here in the US. If you are in the UK or Australia look for the Arcadia D3 12% too.
Yes, liquid calcium is probably the best for him right now. That is more easily absorbed than the powdered type of calcium is.
Or with your larger tank, you could consider either the Megaray or the T-rex active UV heat both of which are mercury vapor bulbs & have great UVB output. The 100watts put out UVB along with heat & need to be 12 inches from him. Your tank looks a little tall so that would be a good addition to your setup.
OOPS, so your dragon is female??
So has she been eating alright lately, or has she been lethargic? It looks like she can support herself pretty well, does she climb without an difficulty?



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Thanks Dawn,
You know the spot lamp is about the only thing I think I am doing right. Thanks for all your help
I really appreciate it. I have got him the butter worms and I am throwing them into the bag of powder
calcium and giving him those twice a day. 3 at a time and 1 at a time because he wants to gobble them
all down right after one another, so i had read about them regurgitating live food back up and after yesterday
feeding him 5 he did regurgitate one small bit back up but not all 5 thank goodness. So like I said I read that
feeding them spacing it apart at first would be better and so I did that this morning and he did fine with them.
So I am going to give him another 3 later this afternoon.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Hi Tracie,
Yes I am taking everyones advise very seruiously. Jack climbs great walks around great eats his veggies and these new worms great. he just looks very thin, I got him in Oregon at a Pet store, they didn't tell me where he came from Other than he was a beardie that comes from Austraila, so I know nothing about his background what so ever. He looks like the one that is right next to the BeardedDragon.org Logo at the top of this page here. He doesn't look like the Lightish color ones that are so large and muscular looking. I am thinking that he is a bit different myself, from all the others that I see that are way heavier. But he is the spittin image of the one dark brown & tan one in their logo here don't you agree? So in saying that do you know what kind that beardie is? Cause I am thinking that maybe jack is just a bit smaller than the normal everyday beardies you see.
Thanks singtoyou


Sub-Adult Member
For the record, my male arm waves, and he only black beards in the presence of my older female. So it could just mean that yours feels submissive to everything in his environment, not nessisarily that you've been wrong all these years. Here's a great little article with pictures so you can investigate yourself in a more scientific fashion: http://www.beardeddragon.org/articles/sexing/.
Pinkies are ok. They are not recommended because of the high fat level, but if you want to have your beardie to gain some extra weight, there is nothing wrong with giving pinkies.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
See this is what is very frustrating about this website to me, is that One person says this is perfectly fine to do,
and then another says No absoulutly not! I am so confussed. I have always been told that pinkies were fine from
both my local pet stores I use. And then I come here and people are saying that beardies should not have pinkies. Auh!
Also I have been told the same about some of the worms some say no others say yes. Because of the chietin I think you call it.
It doen't seem like anyone is really on the same page with all of this feeding. The only thing that the pet stores and this website are in sink with is the UVB lighting. That is it. And I sure hope that, that is right for me to do too because I really don't have the money to
be spending on that.
So Both sides disagree on feeding. So I'm not sure who to believe anymore here.
This is really frustrating. :( :banghead:


Sub-Adult Member
Don't stress about the food issue. Basically everyone has different opinions on what the best food staples are. Some get very serious about those opinions. If you read enough threads on hear you will find people who disapprove of just about every feeder. I feed my beardie a little of everything and he is perfectly healthy. Perfect bill of health at vet check today!
The way I think about it is who would want to eat exactly the same thing everyday, so diversify the diet. There are plenty of feeders that are not healthy for you to feed if it were his only source of protein like the pinkies or wax worms but that doesn't mean they should be completely cut out of the diet. So give him crix, meal worms, butter worms, horn worms, wax worms, phoenix worms, pinkies, roaches if you can stomach it. The more variety the better it is for him. Mix it up as much as you can with the protein/bugs and the vegies/fruit, and you will have a healthy and HAPPY beardie.

P.S. Allot of people don't like the meal worms because they are concerned about the hard shell, but I buy the big cup of 500 and feed my beardie the white ones that are freshly shed so they are nice and soft like a wax worm. Then if it doesn't gross you out what I do is smash the head so even if the shell isn't that easy to digest the guts are basically spilling out as soon as he chomps it down.


Sub-Adult Member
Well if some people say no and some say yes you should just not feed them. Its not worth taking the risk!

Have you tried the new greens yet? There is no nutrition in romaine lettuce. I think that when you get him the right vitamins and the right feeders he will start to put on weight. When his body is healthy he will start to look healthy. He is probably small becuase of lack of calcium and the right vitamins. Carrots, apples and romaine lettuce dont really have the nutrition that a bearded dragon needs. I have found that my beardies like turnip greens and dandelion greens the best. Both I have found at Tops for only .75 cents each!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Thank You Thank You VegasLizard! Out of all of the things people have been writing to me yours makes the most since to my way of thinking. I think that I am going to just go with what you said. Cause you are right everybody is going to find something they don't like with something I am doing or not doing. I got a UVB Light today. And a new Black light warming bulb for him. So Now I can really start on a good path and just start making smart choices with his foods. I am going to take your advise on giving him a more larger variety of greens and fruits. And just try to relax here a bit. So Thanks again Vegaslizard for all what you said. Best advise yet.


BD.org Addict
Hello again,

I'm so happy you are getting things back on track for Jack. I think you will see a noticable difference in him with time.

As far as all the debate on feeding, that can be a very touchy subject. Like vegaslizard said everyone has their own opinions on the live feeders. I think when most people say "No, don't feed them that" it's because there have been cases in which bd's have become impacted or died from say mealworms or pinkies. I think that most people don't want to take that risk with their beardie, so therefore they just don't feed them and are dead against it. It's just like the advice you get when you have a toddler(human that is) and people say don't give them candy or gum, they could choke on it. It's the same basic principle...some people will do it and some won't.
I try not to tell people what to feed and what not to feed. I offer suggestions. I happen to give my beardie mealworms and have been doing so for years. I personally have had no problems, but that is not to say someone else won't. I do believe though the mealworms are not great for them as babies(because of the chitin factor). There are alot of beardie owners that feed there bd's pinkies. If that's what you want to feed go ahead. I cannot because I like animals with fur.. :D , but that is my personal opinion.
So, in short don't let all the advice you get overwhelm you. Sort through it and do what you think is best for you and Jack.

Anyway, I'm just glad you got Jacks lighting figured out and hopefully you are on your way to many more happy years with your bearded friend.

Good Luck,



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Thanks Dawn,
Good advise from you also.
I wanted to tell you today I gave Jack a Bath Tub soak and he went to the bathroom very well. This is his first time ever having the super worms so I thought I would help him out a bit and let him soak so he could go and he did! VERY WELL :mrgreen: INDEED! He has had the worms since Sunday and his greens and calcium, and his new lighting fixtures. All of this is making him very active. He is wondering all around his cage and going up and down his branches. It is really nice to see. I can't stop watching him. We are having a staring contest, but He always wins! Auh haha. His body doesn't look any different and I don't expect to see that for a bit here. But his attitude is very good. He seems very happy with himself. Talk Later

bye singtoyou :wink:


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Here are some pics of Jack
Just in 3 days time. I am so happy
Thanks :mrgreen: :lol: :) :D :p :blob5: :blob8:




Here Is a Picture Of Him tonight He has had a busy day!


Juvie Member
I'm so happy to hear he's doing better! I remember when my boyfriend and I first got Nexus, it was sooooo confusing at first. And it's tough when they're a picky eater. Nexus still will only eat when hand fed. He'd refused food for long times before. We'd had to force feed him chicken baby food before, just to make him eat. I understand your worry and confusion, and am happy things are getting better. It's such a relief, eh?

I think you're doing wonderful. Personally, I think having fed Jack pinkies may be what kept him alive without UV for so long. The bones do contain a lot of calcium. From what I know of their nutrition, feeding one a month would be the most you should while he's eating bugs. It should help add weight, and nutrients. But after he's a good weight, it's generally best not to, especially at his size. You have to remember his digestive tract is smaller then a normal adults should be, so feeding pinkies does carry an additional risk for him. But he's also shown he can eat them. You simply have to figure out what you want to do based on the risks and benefits. Now you have a lot more knowledge on which to base your decision.

For the record, I couldn't feed pinkies to my beardies, but that's just me. I understand why other people would, I just couldn't do it cause I like mice. I use roaches as feeders, and they put weight onto Oscar, our rescued armadillo lizard very quickly. Nexus and Loki both thrived on lobster roaches. I use crickets now to allow my roaches to keep up with Loki's eating, and I despise them beyond words. They stink so much in comparison, they're loud and they jump (I've got a phobia of bugs, so it makes my heart race when they do. But I push myself cause I love Nexus and Loki that much). And if money for food is a concern (as it is for us) keeping a roach colony is an excellent way to ease costs. I'd recommend Dubia roaches for a Jack, they breed a little slow, but they're large, meaty, don't smell, can't climb, and aren't tough to handle at all (read: don't move very fast). I use crickets right now to supplement Loki's diet, and they drive me up a wall. The roaches are way easier to deal with, and they never escape. Not a single one. And the roaches commonly used for feeders don't last in the cold, so they probably wouldn't last if there was an escape. Also, you can just get a bag of kitten food, give them that, and leftover veggies and they'll thrive (and water of course, water crystals being the easiest to deal with). And they only need their tank quickly cleaned a few times a year. It only costs about $5-10 a month to maintain roaches.

But one of the best and safest things to feed to add weight I think is hornworms. They're a little expensive, but if you add them as a treat to his diet, I think they'd help. They feel like caterpillars, they're extremely large (like 3+ inches full grown), but VERY soft-bodied. They're quite healthy, and both our beardies go crazy for them. And they always get a bit heftier after eating them.

And for veggies, trust me, try butternut squash. It's kind of sweet, and Nexus adores it. It was the first veggie he ever ate willingly. You just grate/peel a small layer for them. It's very healthy, and has lotsa fiber and should help put on weight, and maintain the digestive tract. It also keeps for a long time (at least 2 weeks, if kept in a bag in the fridge. I cut a layer if it starts to feel soft. And I cut off the outside skin, and use a potato peeler to make squash "chips") It's not expensive either.

Grapes, strawberries, mango, and various melons are good fruits to add in now and then. It also doubles for being good for you to eat as well. Just check for what's in season (on sale) and go for that. They can eat a lot of fruits. I don't offer it often, but Nexus adores grapefruit (so do I). And some of the greens (like mustard greens or argula) are good in salads for you too.

Offering baths in the bath tub would be one of the best things you could do for Jack as well. It keeps him clean, hydrated, and able to poo. AND, if that wasn't enough, it's a wonderful exercise. Most beardies seem to enjoy swimming as well. Nexus could swim for 2 hours straight if we'd let him. He's regularly stayed in for an hour at a time. It'll help him develop muscle tone.

And once it's warm enough, you should clean a screen in a window, and set up a spot where Jack can sit in the real sunlight for a while. All our lizards adore this, and will watch the world go by for hours. It's the healthiest UV you can offer, and the fresh air doesn't hurt. It also means you could leave their UV light off for a while in the warmer months, preserving the light and some power usage.

I'm not saying you absolutely need to do any of these things, but sharing knowledge and experience is what this site is for. And that's what I've learned since getting Nexus back in 2006. Hopefully, he'll continue to thrive for many years. I wish you both much happiness together. :)
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