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  1. Loouees's Legacy Uploads

    Loouees's Legacy Uploads

  2. L

    To greedy and Choking on food.

    Good to know. He's my sons dragon, we just figured he was picking up my sons bad habits, ?
  3. L

    To greedy and Choking on food.

    Has anyone else had to *SAVE THEIR FREAKING BEARDIES LIFE* because they have simply gotten too greedy and devoured 30 bugs in maybe 5 seconds flat? Seriously Mouth hanging open, chest collapsing trying to breathe... had to massage his throat to get him to slowly swallow. Now he's pissed at me...
  4. L

    Crickets vs roaches

    Snickers = wax worms... big mistake starting those. Now any other worms get bit in half and spit out. Good to know on the roaches... I won't limit his intake then.
  5. L

    Looking for local crickets NOT at pet store prices!

    Whoop! Am buying a colony of dibias today for $50!!!!
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    Crickets vs roaches

    Hi - I'm just wondering if my dragon is "normal." Recently, due to my paranoia for his health, we have brought in some Dubia roaches for Loouee. Just for him to try before investing in a bunch... Here's my question. Does anyone else have an ultra picky eater? As soon as those roaches were...
  7. L

    Mushu the spoiled dragon who is rocked to sleep

    Loouee is 4 months old.... won't eat out of our hand yet, but won't sleep until we cuddle him in his blankets for at least 20 min at bedtime.... then gently place him in bed. Spoiled rotten dragon.
  8. L

    Looking for local crickets NOT at pet store prices!

    Hi, I'm wondering if there is anyone who is in the Washington/ Oregon area that breeds crickets or *gulp* Dubai roaches that would be looking to sell 500 or so every couple weeks?
  9. L

    Loouee is finally in his Big Enclosue but....

    Now he wants nothing to do with us, unless it's night time cuddles that is, then of course we have to put the baby to sleep and QUIETLY tuck him into bed. I honestly think he's just super happy. I open the door and he hides behind one of his rocks or under the shade.... If I reach for him...
  10. L

    Feeding greens - mom needs training

    I'm unsure if I need training or simpley need to stop spoiling. Loouee just does not eat them, or not much anyway. I do catch him eating maybe 1-2 cut up pieces a day, but have never seen him eating fruit at all. Is it maybe a matter of feeding too many crickets/ worms? (Yes he's getting...
  11. L

    We went to the store for....

    Oh it will take a bit of time, but I plan on it... if I can figure out how to up load more then 1 picture. Next task is hand knitting the crap green hammock cover with his favorite baby soft material.
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    We went to the store for....

    Yes, every penny on spoiling the baby!! (As I'm currently in Home Depotbuying tiles custom to fit the new cage....)
  13. L

    We went to the store for....

    Hubby has vetoed the Roaches.... which I understand. They give him the Heebie jeebies. Also we live in Washington State which is not the best for keeping them alive. We also went and bought hornworms thinking oohhh mummy nutritious.... bought a starter colony with the thought that we were going...
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    We went to the store for....

    Not going to lie.... just bought 1000 crickets on Amazon. Only about 10 were dead! It's nice not having to go to the store every other day.
  15. L

    We went to the store for....

    And we hit the Jackpot! Custom critter condo on Craigslist never used for $120
  16. L

    New Cage for Loouee!!!!

    Hit the Jackpot!!! Found a Critter Condo brand new on Craigslist for Loouee... it was too big for the people who purchased it. Cost - $120. Noooowww I have a lighting concern... This came with the housing for a strip light and another. My house gets super cold at night, so a ceramic is...
  17. L

    Minor bleeding when shedding???

    Oh and yes! He is super pissed... he doesnt like to be held this way!
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  19. L

    Minor bleeding when shedding???

    Hi Loouee is about 13 weeks old (per the pet store.... I know, I know!) I think maybe a bit younger.... He'S about 9 inches. This is the second time in the month and a half that I've had him that he is starting the shedding round... This time has been different. SUPER cranky while his head was...
  20. L

    We went to the store for....

    I have seen them on there... Thanks for the recommendation. The issue now is that he is rapidly becoming spoiled. The hubby wants a custom cage "for his comfort" ?
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