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  1. N

    Long-Term Hand Feeding

    Happy New Year Everyone! :) I had rescued a neglected beardie from someone mid 2019- with normal care he's been doing great and has perked back up quite a lot. He's in a 120 gallon with a basking spot around 80ish and has a Reptisun 10.0 (just bought a new hood and tube today to try out the T5...
  2. N

    Starting New- Slight MBD?

    Hey Guys! I just recently rescued an adult beardie (between 2 and 3?) from someone who was not taking proper care of him. They had said he had barely been eating for several weeks (my guess was really not at all), and upon looking at the temperature in his tank when picking him up it was...
  3. N

    Brumation/Beard Coloring!

    Hey All! My little man Norton is slightly over a year old now (I believe his birthday is sometime around December?), and I am thinking he is having his first go round at brumation! He hasn't eaten very much in the past two and a half weeks, and has spent all day yesterday and today curled in...
  4. N

    Best Terrarium?

    Hi Everyone! I'm looking to upgrade Norton from his 40 gallon tank to a 75 gallon for Christmas! He is a little over a year now, and is due for an upgrade. However, I'm having trouble finding a tank that size for him? The big chain pet stores only have tanks that size for fish (I don't need a...
  5. N

    My Wallet Isn't Big Enough!

    Okay, so my heat bulbs KEEP blowing and I have no idea what to do about it. I have a Zoo Med 100 watt bulb in a Fluker's 150 watt dome; I've gone through about 4 bulbs in the past month and a half. Obviously lighting will have to be replaced around every 6 months (at least for UVB), but I know...
  6. N

    The Low Down on Worms?

    Hey Guys! So the website that I order my dubias from (, try them they're amazing!) recently sent a free cup of BSF larvae along with my last dubia order, and I've been trying them out. Now when I bought Norton he was only being fed mealworms (although they aren't great I...
  7. N

    Please Help, Inhaled Water

    Norton inhaled water in the bath, had water dripping out of his nose. He keeps puffing like he's going to vomit, but can't seem to get it out. His beard and tail are turning black. He will spark up for a minute, then close his eyes and stop moving again. What do I do?
  8. N

    Snow Storm

    So today is Wednesday, and the news is saying to expect probably a foot or two of snow between Friday and Saturday. I live in Virginia, so when it snows even a couple inches everyone panics and the power usually goes out. So if it really does snow heavily and the power is out for several days...
  9. N

    Small Appetite?

    How much do you guys know about smaller appetites? Everything that I've read about bearded dragons talks about their massive appetite, but my little guy doesn't seem to have a huge one. After bringing him home and getting him settled, he was eating around 5-6 small mealworms(used as a place...
  10. N

    UVB Lighting

    Hi All! I currently have a baby/juvenile dragon Norton, who lives in a 40 gallon tank. He's been home for almost three weeks now(?), and he's been doing great! About five days ago he just finished his first shed, and his behavior changed slightly during it. He skipped a day or two of meals, and...
  11. N

    Soaking Dish?

    Hi All! I was wondering what the more experienced beardie owners thought about the idea of a soaking dish inside the dragon's tank? I have a juvenile dragon named Norton, and sometimes he will tolerate holding and sometimes he will trot away from my hand when I go to lift him. Because I don't...
  12. N

    Beardie Coughing After Drinking?

    Hey Everyone! I am a first time dragon owner, and I just got my juvenile dragon last Friday evening. I house Norton in a 40 gallon tank, with a screen sliding top. I have a double dome light fixture, with his basking bulb and a Reptisun 10.0 light for his UVB intake. His basking area is around...
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