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  1. C


    Mer, I took my beardie to the vet today and found out he has pinworms (he has disgusting poop and has been going like, twice a day). At least I have medicine now! How contagious are they? How can I make sure that my dogs and family do not also get pinworms? My mom isn't very happy about it. I...
  2. C

    Couple Questions...

    Welp, my beardie finally shed his whole body (except the head and tail) so that's good. He's kinda itchy right now though, I feel bad. Anyway, he's been having really runny, smelly poop lately, which is progressing to diarrhea. When he went this afternoon, it just soaked through the paper liner...
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    Can beardies eat beans? Just wondering if they enjoy that sort of thing/is it good for them.
  4. C

    Poop looks like it has corn in it...

    Okay, so I went to say good morning to my beardie, had breakfast, and came back. His poop was super weird. It looked like it had a couple kernels of corn in it. He has never had corn. Does anyone know why this would happen? Should I take him to the vet? This has never happened before. He seems...
  5. C

    Head beardies!

    Today, after giving my beardie a bath, he climbed up the back of my neck, through my hair, and onto the top of my head! It was ridiculous; I wish I had my camera around. Have your guys ever done such a thing? They are so silly, but I love them <3
  6. C

    I'm not sure if this is the beginning of a shed or not...

    Hi guys. Beardfacé, as far as I've had him, has never done a big shed, so I don't really know the signs. His tail is a dull gray that's different from the rest of his body, but he also has this beautiful orange pattern around his eyes, and I'd love to see more if that's his true color! Could...
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    EDIT: The red on his face is not blood, it's raspberry, haha. It is a very silly name...I mostly just call him lil' guy or buddy. So I mentioned before that he's really small.... Cute! Juvie size! But he's three years old. Yikes. Do you see any signs of shedding? Will he grow or be mini...
  8. C

    Crickets freak me out.

    Yeah, I know, not the best for a long time reptile/amphibian owner. How do you guys handle having so many crickets in your house at a time? I know it's so much more cost effective to buy them in bulk/breed, but they're so creepy/smelly/loud. I only ever buy a couple dozen at a time...I hate...
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    Dr. Beardfacé

    Hi everyone! My name's Rebecca and I've been lurking on this forum for a bit. Everyone seems really friendly and I love looking at people's beardie pics. My dragon belonged to my brother, but he was getting super neglected, so I've taken over his care. I call him Dr. Beardfacé, after the doctor...
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