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  1. S

    need some friendly help!

    just a quick question if someone can answer for me! when my beardie goes under his heat rock(has a hole in it) which is heated above by his red light! he turns a real light color from his usual grey color after i remove the rock he is hiding under is this normal?
  2. S

    help with feeding my baby crickets!!!!

    i am feeding my baby dragon crickets! the problem is he really doesnt go after them! he kinda just watches them run around he will eat a few. but then the crickets find hiding spots! i tried putting him in another container with the crickets and he just seems shocked and wont eat! i dunno i...
  3. S

    need some friendly help!

    im to my dragon and he is a baby! i would just like some tips on how to feed him and how much! he doesnt eat his greens! i give him 10-15 crickets a day and a bath every other! i m ist him also his greens! some tips on this would be helpful!
  4. S

    best insects to feed my beardie ludacris

    what are the best insects for my baby beardie? phoenix/super/butter/silk worms? i know crickets are good but what else?
  5. S

    no poop

    i have had my beardie for about a week! it is a baby and it hasnt seemed to poop yet? any answers for me im new to them! also he looked very pale this morning and now he puked! i think it was do to the meal worms i fed him! i didnt know they arent good for them?!
  6. S

    bathing my bd

    he/she is just a baby how and when can i give him baths? and he hasnt pooped at least i think? it been about 5 days since i got him from the pet store?
  7. S

    mealworms and baby beardie

    i got a young baby beardie! are mealworms no good for a baby?
  8. S

    beardies color

    i recently got a baby beardie and he seemed to be a grey color! today his color has seemed to changed? he is more of a sandstone color today? is this normal?
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