Recent content by TJeno

  1. T

    My bearded dragon is stinking up my room

    I'd suggest getting her tested for parasites as well - is the smell pretty bad? You say it smells like potatoes, have you tried changing foods?
  2. T

    Places for prices?

    Hi guys. As some of you may or may not know, I'm in the process to build Leyla her own custom viv. However, I'm not currently in the position to do so, and I'd like to get a temporary 40 gal. breeder for her, as she's growing and growing - soon to be too big for her current viv. So, does anybody...
  3. T

    warning Beardies eat Beardies

    Hello. I realize that you're upset, and I'm very sorry for your loss. However, making OP feel bad isn't going to help anything. I'm sure OP was upset about his mistake, but what can we do? We're human. We mess up. I realize that he should've done more research before taking in another beardie, I...
  4. T

    Does your beardie like certain colors?

    Because Leyla sure likes yellow! :lol:
  5. T

    did you buy your beardy from petco? if yes please answer

    Their growth depends almost 100% of their diet, husbandry, and care. I bought Leyla from Petsmart and she's currently above 7 in. long.
  6. T

    anyone elses beardy like to sleep in?

    I normally get up at 7, unless we have practice in the morning, which I then get up at 6. I always wake her up by turning her light on, and by the time I'm out of the shower she's usually ready to eat. Some days she's lazy until about 7 o'clock, but I don't blame her. :lol:
  7. T

    Another male or female question. Sorry lol.

    I sure hope that's Celcius. :wink:
  8. T

    Rocking a dragon to sleep

    The blankets just must be where he feels safe - give him time, he's just trying to get accustomed to his new home. After all, he's in very different surroundings than he was before you got him. He'll get used to it as your other beardies did, and everything will be fine. :)
  9. T


    As its' been said, it's usually a bad idea to keep two beardies together - especially if they're both males. Mixed genders or two females are usually safer, but I'd never do it regardless of their sexes.
  10. T

    Dealing with Emergencies

    I've got my own dubia colony, bottled water, and since I'm a hunter, hand warmers! :)
  11. T

    Zak-n-Wheezie the 2-Headed Bearded Dragon(s) RIP APR 4/16

    I've never seen a beardie like that - it's amazing! I'm happy to hear they're doing well, keep up the awesome work!
  12. T

    Power Out! (Hurricane)

    I'd recommend some hot water in a bottle wrapped in a towel. I'm sure you've learned your lesson, but be sure to always prepare for not only yourself, but your beardie as well in the event of a hurricane!
  13. T

    The 'Ultimate Feeder'?

    I was first scared away from mealworms when I found undigested remains of the shell in her feces. Yikes!
  14. T

    I'm in a tough situation again w/ feeding.

    That's odd. I've avoided feeding Leyla in her terrarium since I got her, and she takes moving quite well. I'll remove her, let her eat as she pleases and put her back - no harm done. I guess she's used to it by now.
  15. T

    This CAN'T be good for them..

    That's exactly what I thought. I can't believe some people like this are allowed to have exotic animals as pets. :banghead:
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