Recent content by TierraDavies

  1. T

    Coughing ! Help !

    it started last night, she doesn't see that bad as much now, and her beard is a little darker , and the bath is quite shallow, so i don't think so, i don't think she choked , i watch her very close well feeding her, and the setups in a 75 gallon cage, the temp on war is about 102 and about 82 on...
  2. T

    Coughing ! Help !

    My Beardies 2 years old in like 12 days and she is coughing, her beard puffs out and she makes ike a coughing noise, she has been curled up on this rock for the past day and a half, just sitting there not doing anything. She was out downstairs laying beside me for like 10 mins and she coughed...
  3. T

    Beardie getting used to Dad not me >=[

    My room has plenty of stuff in it, makeup clothing, ect , so basically i pushed it into a corner and put books tall enought not for him to get off , and SWEEP YOUR FLOORSS ! cause he could eat something ! ahah
  4. T

    Beardie getting used to Dad not me >=[

    Just talk to your beardie in calm voice , and make sure he knows your there before you pick him up , and let him just hang on your shirt or sit on your shoulder, my beardies with me for like 4 hours a day running around my room or having a bath, or downstairs. :D
  5. T

    Loud 12-year-old twins and a young beardie?

    I blast music with my Beardies, they love it ! And my 5 year old sister always jumps and screams around them, and there totally fine with it, so i don't think it would bother it that much, it just has to adapt to it's environment thats around it. .
  6. T

    Bobbing head non-stop ! uggh !

    even if he's down stairs, or anywhere he bobs his head non stop,
  7. T

    Bobbing head non-stop ! uggh !

    Ever since this morning , when i put him in his new 75 gallon cage he is always bobbing his head(he has a bit before but not much), there is a female dragon on the other side of the room in another cage, but his beard is always black! He won't stop bobbing his head?!? is he trying to claim...
  8. T

    Weird white stuff ? Help ?

    Bhaha 13, but i just wasen't to sure, cause he's never done it before, so i thought mabe something was wrong . Haha i'm just a worrier ! i wanna make sure nothing bad khappens to emm :blob8:
  9. T

    Weird white stuff ? Help ?

    BhAHAHA ! That's what i was thinking !!
  10. T

    Weird white stuff ? Help ?

    Okay, so i had a male and female beardie on my floor with 2 leashes and the Male started to Bobb his head and turn really black, so the we decided to let him go over to her to see what he'd do, if it was a mating call or whatever. So the he goes over to her a Bobbs his head more , and then bites...
  11. T

    No crix !?!? Superworms as staples ?

    My Beardie will not , refuses , fights to to eat crickets, but he loves Superworms !! Can he have them as Staples !?! Cause i'm going to breed them, and anyone with breeding help for them ?
  12. T

    Help with Dimensions.?

    Thanks Mike, i figured it out last night ahah !
  13. T

    Stuff animal in cage? would it eat it ?

    If i but a stuff animal in my dragons cage would it eat it ?
  14. T

    Help with Dimensions.?

    I have a 4 foot by 8 foot piece of plywood and i want the front slidding glass door, so what would the dimensions be the best for it's cage, and i would get the fullest use out of the plywood.. ?
  15. T


    Doctors office is closedd.. And yeah i'll take some benadral.
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