Recent content by cla6665

  1. C

    Building wood viv--- glass vs screen side door??

    I agree bubba's. Tile is the way to go. In the past i used calcisand, playsand, paper and I have to say tiles are the best solution. Very easy to clean, you can even bleach them, sanitize them, and the viv will smell a lot better than any sand you could use. The smell from poo tends to get...
  2. C

    Building wood viv--- glass vs screen side door??

    Hi, just a note. I had a screen door to on my viv a while ago. I noticed my beardie was jumping and grabbing on the screen . I was just afraid of him getting stuck with their nails on the screen and get hurt. I don't know but i wasn't very comfortable with screens.
  3. C

    New viv

    Thank you so much.
  4. C

    My dragons

    Thank you very much, we all love them.
  5. C

    My dragons

    Here's some pictures of my dragons..
  6. C

    New viv

    Hi all, I just finished Lucky's permanent home today. A bit of work but it was fun. Now I got 2 more to go, one for Ozzy and one for Janis, the units are going to be stackable . They are 4x2x2 and I choose some natural stone for the floor. Let me know what you think , thanks...
  7. C

    Hasn't dropped "poo" in days! worried!

    yeah, sorry... warm bath :blob5:
  8. C

    Hasn't dropped "poo" in days! worried!

    Did you try a worm bath?
  9. C

    Sign of aggression?

    Hello, I have the exact size guys myself. One female one male. The male run and sat on top of the female and waved too, nothing happened. Then one day I saw him charging the female and try to bite her head. I decided to separate them immediately just in case he gets to aggressive. From my...
  10. C

    Superworms breeding

    Hello, I separated my super 2 weeks ago and they are starting to turn into pupae. Once they will turn into beatles can I put then all together in a separate container? Is bran a good substrate? How long before they they will lay eggs. Thanks
  11. C

    He likes calcium

    Absolutely not. Awesome video, great beardie.
  12. C

    He likes calcium

    Hi everyone, I just find out that Lucky likes vitamins and calcium. After Lucky eats his food dusted with vitamins, there is always leftover dust on the bottom of his bowl, today I saw him polishing up the dust too. Unbelievable......
  13. C

    Dubia breeding. Sorry if repost

    Thank you very much
  14. C

    Dubia breeding. Sorry if repost

    One white one is quite large, the other two are small. There are a bunch of babies in there too. Thank you roach guy. Awesome service, fast shipping. Very happy with it. Thank you for all the king responses. I will keep you posted on my colony.
  15. C

    Dubia breeding. Sorry if repost

    That is awesome, thanks What are the white ones in there, I got about three of them Thank you
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