Recent content by ashen

  1. A

    Abnormal Beardie Poop! (don't read while eating)

    He was eating calci-worms and a few roaches and most of his salad before going off his food. Thanks for the reply, I'll give him some Bene-bac now :) Just wondering, when he was still recovering from his coccidia and pinworms he had half of a tube, now that he's bigger do i give him a bit more...
  2. A

    Abnormal Beardie Poop! (don't read while eating)

    This poop is super gross,if you don't like the look of poop, do not read this post while you're eating! A little info about my dragon before i show you the bomb site which came from his butt: We're not sure how old he is, we think he's about 8 months. He's 16" and weighs 410g. He's had many...
  3. A

    All he does is attack the floor?!

    I dust everything he eats with Neutrobal, but nothing else.
  4. A

    All he does is attack the floor?!

    He's definitely trying to eat it, there's little wet patches scattered on the tiles where his tongue has been. I'll definitely try out the dig box, just to see what he does!
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    All he does is attack the floor?!

    It might seem weird, but my beardie spends most of the day trying to eat the ceramic tiles he has for a substrate. They're rough and uneven so it files his nails down and doesn't dislocate his legs/arms. He has plenty of food available to eat but all he's interested in is the floor?! He's been...
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    How old is he? Younger beardies tend to always be shedding. Mine just finished shedding his body and now he has a shedding face! It's only when they're adult where they shouldn't be shedding more than three or four times a year.
  7. A

    Need Help and Some Advice Fast!

    I'm sure it's nothing to be majorly concerned about, but it's always good to show concern. It's better to be careful than be sorry! Since she's not pooping, feel around her stomach for any hard, irregular lumps. What was her poop like the last time you saw it? I suggest feeding her some baby...
  8. A

    Shedding and not eating-I'm new:)

    What's his poop like? If he isn't eating, I suggest buying some baby food and feeding him via a needle-less syringe. I recommend orange squash and chicken. Infact, if your beardie likes the flavor you won't have to force feed him, just put it on his nose and he'll lick it up. Edit: Get organic...
  9. A

    Crickets in at night?/Do Dubias bite beardies?

    From personal experience and reading lots of things about dubia's I can say I'm 99.99999% sure they don't bite. I've never used crickets so I can't say but I've read about them a lot when I was choosing a stable feeder for my beardy. Apparently they do bite and although it's unlikely that they...
  10. A

    Shedding and not eating-I'm new:)

    Some beardies go off their food when they shed, yours might be doing the same. If he doesn't eat in the next couple of days check his stomach for any large lumps. What are the size of the feeders you're giving him?
  11. A


    He's acting like nothing ever happened, i put him back inside his viv after checking his mouth and underbelly and he went straight to eat his salad and is still going at it now. He pooped a few minutes after his little episode and is now back to normal... I think. I think he enjoys giving me...
  12. A

    Need help fast.....please!

    That just means he's a bit hot. Since bearded dragons don't sweat, it's their way of regulating their body temperature if he gets too hot. Don't worry though, I wouldn't change the temps as long as he isnt in the cool side with his mouth open. :) As for the temp ranges, my beardy enjoys a...
  13. A


    OKay so my bearded dragon has had internal parasites for a week now and I thought that was the only thing wrong with him but all this morning he has been pacing round his enclosure, getting really close to the glass and looking at me like he wants something. Suddenly his eyes fluttered closed...
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    Even though I don't think it makes a huge difference but surely if you dry your beardie off before letting him/her back in their enclosure it wouldn't raise the humidity at all. So what actually causes RI in dragons being regularly bathed?
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    Wait... So why is bathing regularly a bad idea? Since their skin is water resistant I don't see what the problem is... or am I missing something? I've been told that regular bathing is good because it means the lizard doesn't poop inside the enclosure like daisy said. That's literally the only...
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