Broly the new super saiyan beardie


Gray-bearded Member
So the Alaskan heat wave continues – at least two more days of this insanity predicted with temps in the mid 80s today and maybe low 80s or high 70s tomorrow, :roll: then it’s supposed to drop into the mid 70s. :blob5: We try to cool off the house in the evening or early morning when the temperatures drop, but we don’t feel safe leaving the windows open when we’re asleep, so the house retains heat and doesn’t cool off much before the next day. :( We have a HEPA filter that makes a pretty good fan, but it doesn’t cool the air like an air conditioner, just moves it around, which does help a little.

Hoping I can get through the next few days, and hoping it will get cooler after that, and maybe some much needed rain. My husband reminds me that this is Alaska and it’s inevitable that it will cool off sooner or later, and then I’ll probably be complaining about the cold. :wink: Oh well.

Me too with the insomnia, and the heat doesn’t help. And then I have no energy to get up and get anything done even though I can’t sleep. It kind of sucks. :banghead:

I never thought about it that carnivorous plants could be a lot like bearded dragons in that if you try to feed them something that’s too big for them to swallow, they can be injured or even killed. :shock:

Sounds like springtails could be either beneficial or detrimental to the plants. I hope you can figure it out, but I think it might be a fairly good guess that if you found one springtail, there are probably more of them, so I hope it turns out that they’re doing more good than harm. :?

Poor California got the one-two punch with the earthquakes last week. The first one was bad enough, but then they had another one that was even worse – the same magnitude as the one we had here last November – I’d say one of the two worst earthquakes I’ve lived through in my whole life. That’s with the understanding that I wasn’t here for “The Big One” in 1964.

As for the fires, California seems to get them just about every summer lately, even worse nowadays than when I lived there over 20 years ago. They’re a problem here too when we have a hot dry summer like this one because we have so much forest land.

Anyway, I’m glad you found out that your friend in California got through it ok. :)

Yeah, it’s kind of frustrating when you think your beardie has put on some weight and it turns out to be nothing but poop. :roll: Puff’s weight continues to be more or less stable. My husband figures that his current “net weight” :wink: (beardie tissue minus poop and food with probably average hydration) is somewhere around 517 grams, and that’s probably within a fairly comfortable healthy range for his size. If I remember correctly, he’s about 2 inches shorter than Broly.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

The weight was definitely nothing but crap..hes 549 instead. It's not a big drop as I didn't get the weight after he did business. Idk the real weight. 572 isn't real it was full of waste. 549 more acceptable and again he didn't go potty yet.

I read sarracenia are sun lovers so maybe they're much more like bearded dragons than any other plant. All of them like sun. Idk how anyone can say a plant likes sun more than another...who knows.

It's been a weird summer lately. Either really warm or rainy and cold...our house heats up too. It's supposed to rain and be cold today and tomorrow. We're not supposed to get rain in summer so it's strange this year. We get a lot of partly to mostly cloudy. Doesn't feel like summer...more like winter without the drop to 37 deg.

I have had experience with springtail. They were all over my pots last summer. My plants all grew just fine. Idk if they damage young plants are not...I never had a problem.
My young plant going pretty well so I suppose they're not hurting him (yes I give my plants genders). My parents never thought it was weird. My sister and brother on the other hand...anyway...he's doing ok, growing slowly because summer is being wonky and he's probably confused. My other plants are used to crazy changes.

Ugh, insomnia puts me to sleep at ungodly hours. It's sometimes 5 or 6a. I feel so tired and I have some daytime animals and they're not waiting till 8p to get fed. Tom gets home at 8 most nights. Sometimes 5 but that's rare. I do my hardest to get out of bed no matter how tired. I feed my horses, dogs, cats,hedgehog, fish/frogs and my daytime geckos along with the dragons. Then at night it's the leopard geckos. I also take care of my african grey parrot.


Gray-bearded Member

It sounds like Broly is probably a healthy normal weight for his size, with or without the extra weight from the poop. :)

I guess the way it goes is that all plants need light – it’s how they make their “food,” but some plants are more able to tolerate direct sunlight and heat while others need partial shade and cool. It’s my understanding that even carnivorous plants get energy from light, but they get extra nutrients from the bugs they eat, so sometimes they can live in soil that lacks some of those nutrients because they’re getting them from another source. It’s amazing how many different ways living things find to survive, plants and animals both. Apparently the springtails have some way of not getting eaten by the carnivorous plants. :?

Some of our trees have names and supposed genders too, even though I know most of them have both male and female parts on the same tree, except for the cottonwoods. The ones by our house are apparently male, because they have never produced the fluffy stuff, which is supposedly a female thing. I think of our apple trees as female because they bear fruit. So I don’t think there’s anything weird about giving your plants names and genders – if so, then I’m weird too. :mrgreen:

I used to have a poinsettia that my sister gave me for Christmas one year. It had beautiful red flowers when it arrived, but they didn’t last very long. I managed to keep it alive for several years until it outgrew the window and I gave it to someone who had more room for it to keep growing :wave: , but it never flowered again while I had it, and I figured that was probably because it was “confused,” as you say. Me with my insomnia, I would get up and turn on the lights now and then at all hours of the night, and supposedly they need a solid 14-15 hours of total darkness per day in order to flower. Oh well.

Our heat wave seems to have ended too, at least for now. They’re not expecting a good drenching rain for a while, like what we need to put the fires out, just maybe a few “splash and dash” showers. But at least the house has mostly cooled off and we’re a little more comfortable – turning Puff’s heat lamps back on and up. They had a fire in the woods near my sister’s house, but apparently they were able to put it out before it damaged any homes. My husband goes by there on his way to work and says he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but he did see one of the city water trucks finally doing their job. :blob8: People have been complaining that they haven’t been watering the park lands enough lately.

I’ve probably said it before but I’ll say it again – I don’t know how you manage to keep dragging yourself out of bed every day and take care of all those critters, :shock: and me with one little beardie and my husband has to help me. :oops: And I guess I shouldn’t complain about my husband not getting home until 7pm because it could be worse! At least nowadays he’s got a job that he really loves, and his supervisors and coworkers treat him with respect. :D It hasn’t always been that way.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

The extra humidity has died down. I don't know how much more I could stand it.

Tom wonders how I get up every morning as early as 10a and get everything situated. I have a lot to care for so many animals and plants...I gotta give water. My animals were hot with the extra humidity hanging around. No reptile was harmed with RI during the humidity rise. Plants loved it.

Springtails don't do any harm. They don't get detected by carnivorous plants because they don't go up the plant they stay by the soil. The base of the plant in my experience is where they stay and breed. My youngest "son" sarracenia isn't affected at all. He's still growing that fifth pitcher.
He's also stopped curling up on me and learned to like full sun. I think he was raised in a greenhouse. Now he sits out for 3-5 hours (depending on weather) with his brothers and sisters.

All animals are fine.

Yes, Tom gets home at 8, he leaves like 740 most nights. We have dinner around 9p and then to bed lousy sleep schedule Im up longer than him. I go to bed 4-5a these nights now...and get 5-6 hours of sleep a night before getting up and taking showers and feeding/cleaning everyone. Harder part is trying to get everyone ready before I leave so my friend doesn't have too much on her hands. I'll have to find time to get the fish/frog tanks water changed at a good day so next week when Im gone Im not sitting around worrying about them getting sick because no one will do water changes. I may do it Tue morning the day before leaving so the week after, Tue won't be a big deal as Im home Sat late night.

My friend loves my african grey parrot so she's definitely staying over my house. He's 9 years old now and he definitely loves conversations.


BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I got home late last night.

I did take pictures with Blue the raptor, Scooby gang and something from The Mummy movie (Brendan Fraiser version).

I got on Jurassic World saw the updates they made to the ride. They added a CG effect of the Masosaurus or whatever that things name is, Blue standing off to the side and Indominus Rex blending into the plants. They also had the T Rex in two different places.

Next was Transformers, it was awesome! It's a simulator ride. You're looking at a screen and what you're sitting on moves around like you're really there in the action.

Harry Potter simulator ride, omg! That was very awesome! You're tilting back and forth and sideways. It was fun! I may not be a fan of the movies but at least I know their names. I would definitely do that ride again.

I also did The Walking Dead attraction walk through. It's like a haunted house with actors reaching out to you without actually touching you. Me and another girl was screaming though we didn't know each other she allowed me to hold onto her bag so we got through together with her friends.

I did more walking around...and trying to stay out of the sun. I didn't get a sunburn everyone else did. Ha! I win.

Broly has an Avengers blanket (why not he's more a human child without actually having human kids). According to my friend...the uvb busted..the fixture not bulb. In reality, it's just too hot to turn on it has a sensor to protect itself.

My sundew is flowering, bees are coming over to pollinate it for me and get some seeds. Next year, I will have seed grown plants to sell. They're just sundews and they will snag anything that comes to their leaves. They're the hunters of carnivorous plant world. I gave my dad four seed grown sundews and he loves them! They catch mosquitoes and no see ums...look it up they're real. I thought at first the same...they can't be real that's not a name! It's real and it's a name.

My sarracenia very upset it's been stuck inside for five days. He's better now and might be growing a sixth pitcher soon.

Cobra lilies, well they can care less what's going on. Inside or outside...though I can't bring them inside...giant tub they don't care.

My trying to save him Idk what's wrong with him. I think he actually MIGHT be getting sunburned...which is what black unformed traps are. Mom says I should probably spray him or turn him so other traps get red. I've been doing it and it's working so far. The rhizome isn't black and squishy so it isn't rotted.

Another TLDR.


Gray-bearded Member
Hi -- It's been too long since I posted anything again. :oops: At least our weather has settled down. Not so hot anymore and we got some rain to help with the fires.

It sounds like you had a lot of fun on your trip. :blob5: It also sounds like your carnivorous plants are keeping you busy.

The usual stuff around here -- Puff is still spending lots of time in his hide, but also still eating well and more or less maintaining his weight. :) He had a flap of skin hanging off his beard for several days, but it remained firmly attached on one side for a while, and finally came off in his bath. Not real serious about shedding anywhere else at the moment, as far as I can tell.

I found a roach in the washing machine after doing a load that was a mixture of my husband's clothes and Puff's towels, so I'm not sure where it was hiding. I was sure it was dead and I laid it upside down on a tray to show it to my husband later, but this morning I went to pick it up and it latched on to my finger and started crawling around. I'm at a loss to explain how one of those things could have survived the wash cycle. :shock: :?

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Hahaha roaches...of course. They would survive a nuclear war. I heard anyway.

Broly is doing well, he loves his new blanket. Avengers what boy doesn't like them? They're popular yeah?
He's also maintaining weight I just have to remember that he will drop a lot during spring. Well not a lot as in serious issue. Probably 9-15g again. He's 565g right now.

Oreo has been getting older day by day. She's about to hit two years old. She's fiesty as all hell.

Christmas Im getting some more Slipknot stuff. I asked anyway. Im also hoping for a bass guitar as well. Im good at guitar why not grab a bass now?

Frogs still buzzing and have been since April 14. No eggs though so I guess my female doesn't have eggs.

The sixth pitcher is finally coming through. You can never tell at first because it's soo tiny. Soon as it starts going up you can clearly see what it is. I think my sarracenia grows slower than my others...Idk as he's my first sarracenia.

Cobras are dividing so I think next year the new gen of cobras can go to homes. I'll also ship them only in the US. First I'll start locally because I'll need money for the two day shipping. No plant will want to survive in a box no water for seven days. I definitely don't want a bad review because my plant arrives in seven days.

Venus is doing better I will unfortunately cut the black traps off. Some cobras need to be cut off too. I'll need some pots and soil hopefully I can Sunday. Relocation stress will happen again after the tropical pitchers have a huge problem with aphids right now. Some have been repotted with new soil and a heavily cleaned pot. So they survived the attack. I think some aren't so lucky. I didn't even know they were being attacked...I know now to go look at them instead of from a distance. I should've known better honestly. My fault if she dies.

Been playing online games and making friends though I sucked at this one game and kids pointing it out. They're like " suck." Im like "uhhh of course I hadn't played in a long time.." they're like "oh sorry I take that back." 12 year olds Im sure...definitely didn't hit puberty yet. Made friends with a couple 13 year olds though they were nice. They had mics so we were talking.

Another TLDR.


Gray-bearded Member

Wow, another week went by. :oops: Time flies when you get old :roll: ...

Yeah, if we ever wipe ourselves out with a nuclear war, the roaches will probably still be here long after we’re gone. They’ve supposedly been around since the time of the dinosaurs – I guess they’ve found fossils. I don’t think they can survive the dryer, though – I’ve found some apparently dead ones in there, but who knows, maybe they would have revived if I’d kept them for a while? :? If not, then apparently they can survive being drowned, but not being cooked. Hopefully they do not survive being chomped by a bearded dragon. I’d hate to think that my beardie could get eaten from the inside :shock: , especially since he’s not very good at chewing his food. So far, so good.

Puff’s blankets are nothing fancy – we wrap him up in hand towels after his bath, and cover him up with them at night, hoping it makes him feel more cozy :sleepy2: , although he can sleep without them in a pinch.

It sounds like Broly is maintaining a healthy weight. Puff’s weight has dropped a little, maybe about 15 grams, but holding there so probably nothing to worry about. Eating and pooping just fine, and he seems to be spending a little less time in his hide lately, now that the days are getting shorter. Go figure. Oops – maybe I shouldn’t have said that. He just made a liar out of me by moving from his basking platform into his hide. Oh well. :roll:

We’re having another heat wave, but not as bad as the one we had around the 4th of July. Ever since then, I get nervous if the temperature gets into the mid and even low 70s, especially in August, when it normally turns cool and rainy. We’ve been opening our windows in the early morning before sunrise to try and keep the house as cool as possible. The arctic is ground zero for global warming, so I hope this summer has been just a fluke and not the new normal. “Weather” and “climate” are not the same thing.

So I’ve got half of Puff’s heat lamps off to keep it a little cooler in here, but I we still need to have some of them on so his basking temperature will be as hot as he needs it.

I still can’t believe that Oreo is getting into old age. It seems like you just got her only a few months ago.

You may not believe this, but I’d never heard of Slipknot so I had to google them. Sounds like your kind of band. :D I’m getting more and more out of touch with the current music scene. I guess I’m turning into an “old fogey,” as much as I hate to admit it.

The new guitar store up here is finally open for business, but I have yet to get over there and check out what they have.

Aphids are nasty, and really hard to get rid of. :( I guess they’ve also got some way of avoiding the business part of carnivorous plants.

Years ago, when I was about your age, I made online friends with a bunch of teenage boys. I was afraid to post anything at first, because they were all “flaming” each other. But I found out that most of them were really pretty nice as long as I was nice to them. :) One of them even proposed marriage. I did not, of course, take him seriously. Back then, the internet was nothing like it is now – it barely even existed – just a few computer wizzes running “bulletin board systems” from their basements.

One TLDR deserves another, huh? I guess that’s about it from the north. :mrgreen:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Roaches won't survive a dragon bite. They're pretty chewed up anytime Broly goes to the bathroom I see them chewed up. They definitely survive water apparently at least the nasty variety do. I lived with gross roaches in Vegas. These MFers lived in my room! The family couldn't figure it out till we were moving out and saw a bunch scatter when we lifted my stuffed animals and had to leave them behind because the nasty monsters. Im so grossed out by roaches but made peace with the dubias.

This summer has been strange. Cloudy, rainy or sunny and warm. I have windows open all summer and the second part of spring. Sometimes in winter too if Im too hot. Humidity is normal in summer more sky rockets in winter because it rains 24/7. Fall is next month already. So far in the four years I had Broly no brumation so we'll see if he goes down this winter. Hours will stay at 14...though there's conflicting info about how long the uv should stay on.

Oreo is already not too young when purchased. She was bigger than the other Syrians that were there.

Football is on boys (Eagles) lost by 17 points...they better clean that up. They always struggle.

I didn't know Slipknot till I was 12 years old in 99. I got more into them in high school and my (ex) boyfriend really loved metal/rock. He brought me their cds, shirts and posters. I had since lost the posters when I moved out. I have the cds and shirts. Because Im with Tom and not my high school sweetheart doesn't mean Im disowning a band I liked before meeting my high school boyfriend. Tom likes them now too. Hahaha my friends in school all said that's the band for you. I bet it's because they look scary.

I have repotted all my tropical pitchers and everyone survived the attack. No fatalities and added neem oil to keep them gone.

Being 15...I think I met kids my age online. Now I think about it...I met 20 and up year olds. Some teens but some adults too and ewww...I believed how nice they were but luckily lived very far away. I never met any of these adults.
Im 32 and I learned to not act like that with my new 13 year old friends. I can talk but I will not act gross or creepy as it was done to me as a teen. One boy doesn't sound 13...he is but he sounds different like he's 16 or something. He says he hit puberty. I played a few games with them and they noticed I wasn't acting as cheery as usual...they got worried and I assured I was fine. I might be getting the depressed bug Im gonna channel it into shredding guitar. Sometimes I can't play my depression off with guitar and I have to sit down and watch something cool/funny/action stuff on tv/YouTube to stop from doing something stupid. It works unless I fall asleep LOL. I try not to sleep on depression because it feels worse when I wake up and have to try really hard to not do something stupid. I succeed most times.



Gray-bearded Member
Hello again –

Nice to know that roaches can’t survive getting chomped by a beardie, since Puff does at least do that even if he doesn’t do a lot of chewing.

Lately Puff’s poops have often been orange and squashy, without too many chewed up bug parts visible, unlike Broly. He still likes his butternut squash, and what goes in one end eventually comes out the other. The squash seems to be a bit of a laxative too, but probably not as much as Repashy grub pie. My husband recently found him some kabocha squash at the local health food store, and that seems to be his favorite. Sometimes we can get him to eat a tiny bit of the fresh greens my husband has been growing for him in the backyard, and that’s about as close as we can get him to a balanced diet lately.

I had cockroaches in my apartment in California. My cats thought they were the neatest little toys, but I hate to see anything get tortured so I’d take the roaches away from the cats and flush them down the toilet. Those things could probably survive in the sewer as long as the cats hadn’t already mangled them too badly. The little bitty bugs could also make a surprising amount of noise in the middle of the night if they got into a plastic bag and rustled around. It was pretty annoying when I was trying to sleep. But probably the worst thing was when one of my coworkers found a cockroach nest with a bunch of baby ones in her phone. She totally freaked out and started spraying Raid everywhere until the supervisor finally told her to stop before she fumigated all the humans out of the office as well as the cockroaches. :roll:

Yeah, dubias aren’t so bad as far as roaches go. :)

High temperatures are even less fun when the humidity is also high. Fortunately for human comfort, but not so much for fire danger, our weather has been hot and dry. They’re predicting rain in a few days, but it’s supposed to cool off too, so hopefully it won’t be so bad.

For the first time since I moved to Alaska, I’m actually looking forward to fall. I wouldn’t even mind a little snow. But my husband predicts that I will be complaining about the cold then, and I hate to admit that he’s probably right. :oops:

Ordered some new UV tubes for Puff, and they arrived yesterday. His current one is about due to be changed out sometime around the fall, but it’s still cranking out an adequate amount of UV according to the meter. I might be able to give it until the end of the year because that’s easiest to remember. It got changed a little earlier than usual last year because the lamp fixture developed a short. So Puff will probably get new UV for Christmas, or maybe Thanksgiving.

That explains it about Oreo. Time didn’t fly by quite as fast as I thought.

Checked out my Packers – they won their latest game against Houston, but only by 2 points. They play against the Ravens next week, and then the Raiders the following week, and then your Eagles will play against the Ravens, so we’ll see how the preseason goes from here.

Neem oil is supposed to be a really good natural organic pesticide according to what I’ve heard. It’s probably a really good thing for you to use for your plants.

I never met any of the teenage boys I corresponded with online. They didn’t use their real names and I didn’t use mine, so I don’t know if they lived close by or not. Probably best that way.

You and me both with the depression thing. As much as I hate to, I’ve been on meds since I got out of the hospital at the beginning of this year, but I really can’t tell if the ones I’m on now are helping, doing more harm than good, or not having any effect at all. I want to be off of them as soon as possible, but for now my main goal is to stay out of the hospital.

I have a similar problem with sleeping. When I’m depressed I often take a nap in the middle of the day or in the early afternoon because I can’t make myself do anything else, but then I’m still too tired to get up later and I’m still in bed when my husband comes home from work, and I don’t have enough energy to get up until the next morning, and then only for a little while. Depression really sucks. :(

At least I’ve been feeling a little better for the past couple of days. :)

Well, as usual, one good TLDR deserves another. :mrgreen: Almost time for Puff's good morning cuddle. :love5:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Im better today. My hamster is out playing around, hopefully vacuumed up all the shards of glass. I accidentally stood on an old reptisun 10 bulb and it shattered under my weight because of course. Im not entirely sure what I was thinking. My brain might have shut off. I had to remember everything else I had to do. I was on autopilot.

With Broly, only the ovipositor and eggs stick out when he craps out crix. Roaches hardly anything shows. It's orange and full of squash. I have to give vitamin again tomorrow because he wouldn't take it on his food. He'll eat squash and I should have done that instead of eating greens. He's slowing down on eating greens.

My brother and I sprayed so much Raid my sister had to stay with a friend so the house would air out LOL. We were dumb, my brother was with a friend as well as I was too. My parents had the animals with them in a pet friendly hotel. No casualties...just roaches popping up one after another.

My brothers team is the Ravens. It's preseason so nobody cares. Probably will face them regular season next year. I face my dad's team regular season this year so that will be fun. Mom also will trash talk like dad. They're big Seahawks fans. Hate 49ers. My brother hates Steelers. Im supposed to hate Cowboys like any other fan...but I don't. I have a friend who likes Cowboys and he doesn't hate me so Im not hating him.

Congrats on Packers winning,

Neem oil is perfect if you have sensitive plants like carnivorous. Im sure it works on regular houseplants too.

Hopefully you check out the music store. Guitar could help or any instrument you like. Depression doesn't catch up as much without the guitar as much. If you find instruments don't work then no worries. You'll find something that helps.


Gray-bearded Member
Hi –

Your accident with the light bulb sounds like something I would do in one of my scatterbrained/autopilot moments. Hopefully you were able to get all the broken glass cleaned up without getting cut.

I have a to-do list that frees up my mind to focus on what I’m doing at the moment, because I don’t have to worry about forgetting the next thing since I have it written down. But it doesn’t always work because I have too much other stuff going on in my head. :roll:

Puff and Broly seem to be in similar nutritional states – eating bugs and squash but not interested in greens. I’m going to have to see if my husband and I can get into the habit of wiping his face after meals because he gets squash all over his beard and it’s dried and stuck on there by the next day if we don’t get it off while it’s still soft. :bleick:

Good thing you and your brother didn’t do any damage to any of your animals with the Raid…

I once accidentally left some food out before I went to work one day back when I lived in Long Beach. You can’t do that in California or you end up with ants everywhere, and sure enough, that’s what had happened by the time I got home from work. I went and got one of those foggers, but after I read all the instructions and safety precautions, I was afraid to use it. Fortunately, once I got rid of the food, the ants went away too. I still had the fogger, unused, when I went to move out. I don’t remember what I did to get rid of it.

One of my former coworkers was a Dallas Cowboys fan. He had a pet rock named “Rocky” and painted with a Cowboys helmet, etc. One time an office terrorist organization calling themselves the FFWT (Football Fans With Taste) kidnapped Rocky and held him for ransom. They wanted a box of Godiva chocolates. Such fun. :lol:

I guess the preseason is just for practice? We’ll see who does well when the “real” season gets going.

My current form of “music therapy” involves singing and practicing the harmony parts to hymns from my husband’s church. I’m not a member of that church anymore but I still like the hymns. The church has a website with a MIDI player for practicing. Old technology, but it works very well. I have my cheap flute and my old electronic keyboard too, but I’m out of practice on those things lately. As for the guitar, we are still trying to recover from my hospital bills so it will probably be a while. If I’m not willing to let my husband spend $15/pound on his favorite smoked salmon, then I’ve got no business even thinking about spending around $200 on a guitar. That wouldn’t be fair to him. Besides, the cheapest musical instrument (or anything else, for that matter) is the one you already own.

Any kind of music practice that isn’t too difficult seems to help the “bumper cars” in my head line back up into some sort of a “train of thought.” The effect can be temporary, but every little bit helps. Something about the rhythm and the melodies, I think. But if I’m trying to practice something that’s too difficult, I get frustrated and my mind wanders, so I have to find a happy medium between just enough of a challenge and too much.

So far, Puff is still on his basking platform this morning, and giving me “The Look.” I try to make a note of what time he goes in his hide, but I often get distracted and don’t notice when, and then I see him in his hide later. He’s real sneaky about it.

Oops. There he goes. Oh well. At least I noticed what time it was and made a note of it today. :mrgreen:

Yet another TLDR :oops:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Hahhaa no the Raid incident was when I was 17 yrs old. Young and dumb...I was in charge of the house at the time.
I had to take my dragon to my friend's house and stay there.

I haven't been cut yet, then again I wear flip flops around the house. I vacuumed twice so hopefully it's up.

Preseason is practice for the rookies on the team from college getting into football. It's also to try out who's staying on or going back home to try again next year.

Yeah, Broly isn't too keen on greens I guess because summer is coming to a close. September is gonna get cool very soon. We had a very warm summer, humid days and cool nights.
Nights have no winds so it's humid again late night.

Broly wants bugs, squash, carrots, apples, grapes and blueberries so he's picky. His siblings can care less they'll eat what I give them. They're good kids (my 3 yr old son and 5 1/2 year old daughter). My 4 yr old son (Broly) has to throw curveballs at me. Yet, he'll take water from my husbands cousin (he stays with us to be close to his job) just fine. If I do it, he'll make me go through hoops first. The other two will take water from me fine. It's like "hey, Im an angel to others and with mom Im mean" LOL. We don't know why he likes the cousin more than me LOL. I don't take it personal, he's a dragon he just likes other people.

My Eagles won! Finally not a struggle against Jaguars.

Im playing more this game Friday the 13th, played with my friends and made older friends too. They don't sound like kids they sound like guys you could tell they are. They're really chill. One added me as a friend without playing a game first. Usually you play then add. I had to leave after an hour and a half. They got sad but we're added so no worries. My young friends are friends with the older ones I met today. I think by older (not asking their age it's weird) they're like 17 and up. We all had mics so it's easy to make friends all you gotta do is talk. Our one friend was Jason, he was like cmere I wanna kill you. Im like no he's like i'll kill you with love. Im like "bad friend...hahaha" he said "you too buddy." Our other friend was "dang bro, what kind of friend are you?" He said "i did it with love." We played three games together we earned each other's love as friends. We spoke through all three games. I was very shy upon first speaking and they're like "it's ok we're friends you can speak up a little bit " I did and they're like "there she is, we'll be nice I promise". I have social anxiety even if not face to face. On mic, my voice trembles they can tell Im nervous.
They let me have some time to warm up to them (didn't take long as long as I kept talking). My two young friends were cheering me on saying "keep talking you're ok." Before making those two my older friends. I met other people not friend worthy and one was firing shots at me for being nervous my two 13 yr old friends stepped in and defended me. Like I said the nicest kids. Tbh the guy said "if you're too nervous to talk you shouldn't play a multiplayer game online!" My friends said "leave her alone you don't know what she's been through with people online!!" My adventures online aren't always pleasant.


Gray-bearded Member
I’m no longer tempted to use Raid or any other pesticides these days, but we’re having issues with wasps lately. It was even on the news last night, and they pointed out that their nests won’t survive the winter and won’t come back in the same places they were this year. Meanwhile, two of them had gotten into our house and Puff was going crazy for them. I did a little research and found out that the general consensus is that wasps are not deadly to beardies, just in case he manages to catch one. Good thing there are no fireflies around here.

I don’t have the heart to kill anything so I use a cup and a piece of cardboard to try to catch them (hopefully without making them angry). I managed to evict one that way last night, but there was another one in here and I don’t know where it went. I haven’t seen it yet this morning.

I got stung the other day – OMG that hurts. Then a few days later I found a dead wasp on the floor. Not sure if it’s the same one that stung me, but could be. I don’t hate them for it – I don’t take it personally. I also know that they have ecological value in terms of controlling the population of other insects that they prey on. But I still try to protect us humans from them as much as possible.

Can’t imagine you having a tame “pet” wasp that you can actually pet. :shock: But you wouldn’t want to mess with the wild ones around here.

Puff has never liked fruit or berries – not into “sweets.” I kind of envy him for that. If I didn’t like sweets as much as I do, I’d probably be healthier. :roll:

Beardies can be complicated little critters. Who knows why they like one person better than another? But Broly’s not unlike a little human kid who seems to like some other people better than his own mom. :?

I see the Eagles won their latest game by a pretty good margin. My Packers lost theirs, so we’re about even. Oh well. It’s only the preseason so far, right?

We used to get together with friends in person to play games. Nowadays with all the microphones and other technology, I guess online gaming has gotten almost as good as doing it in person – maybe even better, because if things don’t go well you don’t have to get up and leave. All you have to do is just turn everything off. But it sounds like overall you have more fun than trouble with it. :)

Almost time for Puff's "Good Morning" cuddle. :wave:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Wasps aren't exactly great for "pets". I found this egg on the ground. I raised him from egg to adult. He has died about 1-2 months ago. It's a mud dauber, I heard they aren't interested in stinging people. They don't defend their nests and not social so no multiple stings. They're not like the paper wasps. I can't kill heart to do that.

I envy my dragon for handling "controlled" sweets as in not having much. I give him what he gets and he's ok. I wish someone would control my sweets intake LOL. I try to go with more fruits for natural sugar.

Yeah, so far Ravens are good, 2-0. My guys are 1-1. I don't know if they'll win a lot of games. 2017 was still their year.
I might get a 1-2 because Ravens know what they're doing.

Broly really loves Tom's cousin. He's just doing everything well with him. He's like a human child, but most kids are behaved. Well...some.

So far I haven't been angry with any friends. Some play some don't. I played with another friend that I met yesterday. Sucks to leave...specially when your friends have work on weekdays and you have to play publicly with other people and some are mean as I've noticed. My younger friends will have school soon. They told me they're going to 9th grade. One turns 14 in October and the other turns 14 next month. I did play with a well behaved 13 yr old today. He didn't know how to play. We told him some helpful hints and he thanked us. My brother thought he was a she, good thing he didn't hear it. Young boy probably between 11 and 13. You call young kids "squeakers" I don't call them that. I play with friends great...if not then other people who are on. Sometimes good experience sometimes depends how well you take bantering from people you don't know.


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