- Beardie name(s)
- Finnegan
Finnegan has been doing well lately except for his eating habits. Lately the only thing he wants to eat is green beans. I bought him collard greens cactus endive and squash and he liked it the first day or two and then wouldn’t eat them again. And since the store sells them in bunches I’m wasting a lot of food and money. I’ve tried fruits as well like strawberries blackberries raspberries and blueberries and he only likes the raspberries and blackberry juice not the actual blackberry. He also eat dubia roaches at times live meal worms and horn worms if I can find them. Any suggestions for things I can feed him in a daily basis that isn’t expensive and will keep him healthy? His stools are getting really watery most likely because he isn’t getting a sufficient diet and if there is a food that can specifically help with that I would love to know.