What is this thing? Tumor?


So I have a female bearded dragon named Ahsoka, who has been diagnosed with gout. She doesn’t seem to have any pain from the gout as the tophi thankfully didn’t form in a part of the joint that would make it hard to walk. She’s been on Allopurinol for a little while, but I do need to get another dosage as I accidentally left the vial at my home in South Florida (I’m up in Orlando for college). Anyways, she’s always had very bad diarrhea, and no matter what I do, nothing seems to help. She’s been to the vet hundreds of times for stool checks, and they usually all come back negative for parasites. The stool is almost completely liquid with a gnarly odor. She did have flagelles at one point, which we treated, but that didn’t change anything. Ahsoka seems to have the vets scratching their heads with no idea what could possibly be wrong with her. Numerous X-rays have been done as well, and nothing has shown up on the imaging. The vet thinks it’s possible she may have some sort of autoimmune disease that is comorbid with her gout, which is most likely the case. She also did get spayed for preovulatory ovarian stasis back in 2021. This afternoon, she finally pooped after a few days and out came a big chunk of urate and what looks like a piece of flesh or tumor. It almost looked like remnants of her ovaries that just made its way out of her system. She’s on an all green diet, because gout and protein just don’t really work well together, so I know it’s not from anything she’d eaten. It was a pinkish hue.

Anyways, please let me know what you guys think it might be. I’ll attach an image of what came out.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Which greens do you feed her?
To me it immediately reminds me of Kimchi... So my thought: Could this be just a piece of kale or such, the thick leaf veins that are hard to digest?


Original Poster
Which greens do you feed her?
To me it immediately reminds me of Kimchi... So my thought: Could this be just a piece of kale or such, the thick leaf veins that are hard to digest?
Hmm. That’s definitely a possibility I hadn’t considered. I feed her mustard greens and turnip greens.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Thank you. That makes it very likely. The white/ thick parts of those greens turn translucent when fermented (=Kimchi) what's also happening during digestion.
A tumor coming off (which itself is unlikely) would have caused heavy bleeding as tumors are supported by a lot of blood vessels.

If nothing else is off (= no black beard or such, not avoiding food) I personally wouldn't worry. But if any of that, I'd go to the vet and also show a picture of that just to be sure. (I'm more of the kind: go to the vet early on.)


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

I have seen something of that nature before, not personally with any of our dragons but pictures from
other dragons. I agree, I don't think it is anything to be concerned with & likely just some type of fiber
from a piece of food. Since there was no blood it should be fine. She hasn't had a black beard or
anything, correct?


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