Weird shedding behavior


Hey guys! My little girl is 9 months and very healthy girl. She hasn’t shed since Jan and this week started shedding her face, arms, and tail.. she’s super hyper! She has been scratching at her door everyday. And I give her lots of time to run around the house because that’s all she wants to do. She’s never like this though! She’s not scared, she’s not hiding… she’s just very rambunctious. Another thing she has been pooping every day which usually it’s only every 3 days.. the poop looks normal..

Any idea why is she is so hyper? She just wants to run and climb everything.. I thought shedding meant Lethargy?


Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Hi there,

Sounds like she's starting to get a bit hormonal :)

Around this age is when it starts to happen. The shedding probably doesn't have much to do with her behavior at this point.



Original Poster
Hi there,

Sounds like she's starting to get a bit hormonal :)

Around this age is when it starts to happen. The shedding probably doesn't have much to do with her behavior at this point.

Oh wow good to know! Anything I can do to help? I can’t really just let her run all day everyday haha

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
She will get over it once she realizes there are no eligible bachelors to be found.. LOL

She might get a bit stir crazy in the tank, but she will settle down eventually. I'm sure she will appreciate being let out every once in awhile though.


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