Wax Worms question


When I went to the shop where I found Clapton asking about other protein sources beyond crickets, the guy showed me waxworms & mealworms. Both options were relatively small (I told him it was for a baby beardie). I got the mealworms that time. Today I went back & asked for waxworms; again I mentioned that my dragon was little. But I got them home & these seemed much bigger. I thought they looked too big. Clapton didn't hesitate, he seemed to have no issues with them. But I thought I'd ask anyway, could there be a problem in feeding him larger worms? And, what does it look like if a beardie is having trouble swallowing, what should I do if this happens?


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
When I went to the shop where I found Clapton asking about other protein sources beyond crickets, the guy showed me waxworms & mealworms. Both options were relatively small (I told him it was for a baby beardie). I got the mealworms that time. Today I went back & asked for waxworms; again I mentioned that my dragon was little. But I got them home & these seemed much bigger. I thought they looked too big. Clapton didn't hesitate, he seemed to have no issues with them. But I thought I'd ask anyway, could there be a problem in feeding him larger worms? And, what does it look like if a beardie is having trouble swallowing, what should I do if this happens?
Dont feed them -- mealworms can cause impaction because of the exoskeleton on the worm - wax worms should be fed sparingly and - they are fatty and long term and too many will cause liver issues --- please get your insects and worms on line - in the long run they are cheaper feed your baby BSFL on top of his salads 20-25 at time if he really likes them he will gobble them down and they will come out undigested - www.symtonbsf.com -- here is a bowl that salads and BSFL can be fed in so they cant get out https://www.amazon.com/MACGOAL-Rept...uGQB&pd_rd_wg=tLkwE&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_d
www.dubiaroaches.com they have a chart please go by their chart for size - you dont want a insect bigger than the space between his eyes
www.reptilianarts.com silk worms are a great staple feeder
you can feed superworms but feed only 1-3 every other day added to his salads - you want a main insect staple feeder like cricktets silk worms BSFL dubia roaches I recommend them - easy to care for - get a 10 gallon aquarium feed dubia food w/ some dubia dew for hydration - you can also feed them salad stuff you feed your dragon - do not feed carrots to both the dragon and the roaches or you will have orange poop - too much Vit A - what kind of UVB are you using?


Original Poster
I did read that about mealworms, which is why I bought the waxworms instead this time. I hope they don't cause him issues. What is BSFL? I've been afraid to order feeders online cause I read people's reviews saying they arrived dead. The reptorium didn't mention silkworms when I asked about alternative insects to swap out with the crickets every few days. The crickets are only lasting two days (even with the orange square thingies) so I'm having to run to the store so often!


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
BSFL is Black Soldier Fly Larvae (usually sold as BSFL). As they are fly larvae, they are much softer than those insects being beetle larvae (mealworms, superworms).
I can agree to what KarrieRee wrote: which feeders, and online is cheaper.
Something to add: To estimate how large insects should be, don't feed anything bigger than what's the size between the eyes of your dragon.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
I did read that about mealworms, which is why I bought the waxworms instead this time. I hope they don't cause him issues. What is BSFL? I've been afraid to order feeders online cause I read people's reviews saying they arrived dead. The reptorium didn't mention silkworms when I asked about alternative insects to swap out with the crickets every few days. The crickets are only lasting two days (even with the orange square thingies) so I'm having to run to the store so often!
Please visit the websites posted - I have been ordering from dubiaroaches.com for years as well as reptilianarts.com joshs frogs--- crickets never last long from anywhere you get them -


Hatchling Member
My crickets last up to 2-3 weeks. I will usually buy them smaller, then feed then high calcium Cricket diet and cricket quencher. Those orange cubes are a waste of money. A bottle of high calcium Cricket diet is about $5 and I think I paid $15 for over a gallon size of the quencher. The quencher is only about half gone after a year, and the Cricket diet lasts about 6-8 months.

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