Vet Appointment Secured! Tips and Things to Keep in Mind?


Beardie name(s)
Xion (she-on)
After asking my mom for months I finally secured a vet appointment by finding one in the area! I already checked their reviews and double checked via email if they can take beardies & do a fecal test. Xion tends to poop daily so it won't be hard to prep a baggie.

However, I do know there's some mishaps that can happen - I've seen time & time again across the forums to not let them do an enema for example. What are some other things to keep in mind going into the vet?

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
After asking my mom for months I finally secured a vet appointment by finding one in the area! I already checked their reviews and double checked via email if they can take beardies & do a fecal test. Xion tends to poop daily so it won't be hard to prep a baggie.

However, I do know there's some mishaps that can happen - I've seen time & time again across the forums to not let them do an enema for example. What are some other things to keep in mind going into the vet?
The no enema is the biggest.
Also get copies of any lab work and of the fecal results and post them here so you can get a 2nd opinion. Vets are a business and have to sell you stuff to stay in business, so if they say parasites get the results. Meds can be harsh, so don't let them put your beardie on them just to sale you something, post the results here.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Xion (she-on)
Sample double bagged and ready! Mom was not pleased with learning it has to go in the fridge. :LOL:
I don't blame her, it usually stinks up the room.

While there would I just ask for a copy of the lab work? (I'm guessing not all vets readily provide a copy unless asked) I know all too well how potent meds can be myself from juggling medications for my fibro lol, I can only imagine it's even more so for such a lil gal.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Yes you generally will have to ask, be persistent they tend to drag their feet getting them to you.


Sub-Adult Member
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Sir Henry of Scales
my vet wants samples that are from within 24 hours and NOT refrigerated

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
It can be helpful to have questions ready (perhaps written down) ahead of time so you don't forget to ask. It can also be helpful to have any past medical records, weight records you've kept, list of typical diet on hand. Having photos of the enclosure can be helpful for them to more easily check the environment (which they should be doing via questions about lighting etc).


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Xion (she-on)
Xion pooped right before we left, so I decided to swap the sample as the previous was over 24 hours old. In-house testing came back negative so they're sending it off for further testing. Lots of questions. She was only taken out to look her over and check her heart/lungs(?) though she was put back in the carrier because she kept trying to escape :LOL:

Vet recommended upgrading to a 100w bulb, which I've considered prior. Hopefully this time my mom's convinced to get one. I was also given a care sheet that was almost certainly printed off the internet and I'm not sure how to feel about it considering at some point it recommends building a hide out of loose bricks??

Will hear back in a few days regarding the fecal results, though I really have a feeling it might be the temps...again.

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
A brick hide would be flat on top to bask and retain heat pretty well. Relatively heavy and stable. Probably wouldn't look the best but it would work. There are a ton of good, valid ways to build hides and basking spots so stick with what you like and what Zion seems to prefer. Sometimes this takes a bit of trial and error at first. As far as the bulb goes, that really varies a lot between brands and bulb type. Wattage is certainly a component, but what you're looking to do is create basking surface temps around 95-105ish in a wide beam that has a diameter large enough for a dragon to bask under and have the beam cover their whole body at once. That can also take some trial and error but once you find a bulb that does the job, I suggest buying a few of them so you have spared on hand since they blow out suddenly.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Xion (she-on)
I just got a phone call and the guy sounded really confused, I was told that 2 medications were ready for pickup. I asked if the results came back and he said yes, that it came back negative but the medication was for parasites but he didn't know what?? So he goes silent for a bit as he checks the records and says pinworms. I still have no clue on what the medication even is or why so I just ask him to email me a copy of the lab results.

Here's the results, those don't exactly look "negative" to me? Maybe he misspoke. I'm going to email him back and ask what the medications are.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Xion (she-on)
The medications are Metronidazole and Fenbendazole.

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CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
Pinworms are relatively benign and not often treated unless they are in high count. Based on the results it looks like that may be the case here. If I recall correctly, the fenbendazole/panacur is used to treat pinworms, and the metronidazole/flagyl is used to treat protozoa. The combination is likely designed to target both the pinworms and the blastocystis. Neither of these tend to be very harsh when used at appropriate dosage, based on what I've seen and read. It looks like the test for giardia was negative (good).

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