Update on Lily! + Gravid questions


Juvie Member
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Drogon <3 RIP 2019- March 11, 2024 Lily: new girl in the house
Hi Everyone!

I hope you're all doing well, including your scale babies :) Just wanted to post an update on my newest beardie Lily! She's been doing great and GROWING like crazy! We are currently dealing with coccidia but hopefully on the mend soon!

Here are some pics of my darling Lily Habanero: from day 1 to now!

I also had some questions about being gravid. In your experience, when did your dragon first show signs of being gravid? What are some signs I should look for that she's ready? She's 8 months old btw. Additionally, I posted some pics of her belly today:


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BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
She is gorgeous. Signs of gravid are restlessness, digging, and with some loss of appetite.
For Coccidia the best way to beat it is by breaking it's life cycle. It has to be pooped out and reingested to multiply so if you can get the poop cleaned up and sanitized before she can lick something and reingest it, that is huge in getting it under control.


Juvie Member
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Drogon <3 RIP 2019- March 11, 2024 Lily: new girl in the house
Aww thank you XP!
She's a pretty hyper girl so I'll have to keep watch of her behavior. Never misses a meal lol xD
And yes, I've been making sure to use Chlorexidiine and cleaning up messes right away. When she's pooped in her bowl (which happens more than once!) I use a diluted bleach solution. Going to use bleach and steam this weekend for a good cleaning too


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Aww thank you XP!
She's a pretty hyper girl so I'll have to keep watch of her behavior. Never misses a meal lol xD
And yes, I've been making sure to use Chlorexidiine and cleaning up messes right away. When she's pooped in her bowl (which happens more than once!) I use a diluted bleach solution. Going to use bleach and steam this weekend for a good cleaning too
Your welcome 🙂
Coccidia will drink bleach for fun. It won't kill it. Strong ammonia and it needs about 10 minutes to work or hight heat 200 degrees or more and it also needs about 10 minutes of contact to kill it. Coccidia is a tough lil bugger. If you use ammonia be sure to rinse thoroughly and air it to zero fumes. I've battled it twice over the years it isn't fun 🥺🥺
Once it's under control I've had good luck with the chlorhexidine keeping it at bay.


Juvie Member
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Beardie name(s)
Drogon <3 RIP 2019- March 11, 2024 Lily: new girl in the house
Ugh great!
Well I do use it for 30 minutes on her surfaces so I'm hoping it does SOMETHING! Lol!
Any idea how she got it? It's weird, I usually order my roaches from dubia.com but noticed some of them started dying off pretty quickly as opposed to my reptile shop up the street that breeds their own


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Ugh great!
Well I do use it for 30 minutes on her surfaces so I'm hoping it does SOMETHING! Lol!
Any idea how she got it? It's weird, I usually order my roaches from dubia.com but noticed some of them started dying off pretty quickly as opposed to my reptile shop up the street that breeds their own
Most of them carry a small load naturally, their immune system keeps it in check. Being in a habitat kindda makes them more susceptible because they are limited on room to get away from their poop. If they track it around any then lick a surface, or eat food they tracked it through it can start to multiply.


Juvie Member
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Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Drogon <3 RIP 2019- March 11, 2024 Lily: new girl in the house
Did a 30 minute bleaching, scrubbed with hot soapy water and then a shot of steam. All clean for now but I'll keep you updated! :)

I've also been giving her nutribac once a day with her food


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Did a 30 minute bleaching, scrubbed with hot soapy water and then a shot of steam. All clean for now but I'll keep you updated! :)

I've also been giving her nutribac once a day with her food
Hopefully she'll be back to 100% quickly for you 🙂


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

How is she doing? She is definitely gorgeous! Coccidia is pretty common & as mentioned it is usually
present in low levels in most dragons. As long as you keep the levels low in their system then it wont be
a factor affecting their health at all.
I'm sure the nutribac is helping with her appetite also!



Juvie Member
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Drogon <3 RIP 2019- March 11, 2024 Lily: new girl in the house
Hi Tracie!
Thanks for reaching out! Lily is doing great although we are struggling with loose poop. The vet says it can take upto 2 weeks for the medicine to work. Is that true?! She just finished her last dose 2 weeks ago and I thought I would see improvement by now.

LOL she doesn't need nutribac for her appetite! She's a little beardie pig and is growing so fast :D


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

I'm happy to hear Lily is doing well! It may take a little bit to see progress after medication for it to kill
eggs & for her body to flush it all out.
At least she has a great appetite, that is improvement. I'm sure the meds have worked so keep on
letting her run around & eat!


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