Thick saliva


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Leo’s got a bit of thick saliva and has for the past few days, I’ve misted his salad twice a day and his temps aren’t too high…

I know that’s also a symptom of a RI but he hasn’t had any other signs and there isn’t much that could have caused it…

Here is a picture, it’s bubbly and thick. He licked a piece of veg and I felt it, it was a bit sticky. What on earth is this and should I be concerned?


Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
I know that’s also a symptom of a RI
It is, but kind of in the same way that a fever is a symptom of a rabies infection, if that makes sense :)

Dragon saliva isn't going to be thin and liquidy like ours is. It's normal for their saliva to be a bit more viscous. And like you mentioned, without other symptoms, you have nothing to worry about.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
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It is, but kind of in the same way that a fever is a symptom of a rabies infection, if that makes sense :)

Dragon saliva isn't going to be thin and liquidy like ours is. It's normal for their saliva to be a bit more viscous. And like you mentioned, without other symptoms, you have nothing to worry about.

Ok, thanks Brandon

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