Therapy for brumation

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After almost 2 months of simply being a sleepy-head with a burst of energy in the late afternoon, Izzy had a bath 4 days ago, pooped and collapsed. He crawled into his cave, dragging his blankie into a ball under his chin, and hasn't really moved since. Yep, other than moving his head away from the morning sun, :sleepy2: he's been dead to the world. I beginning to go into Beardie- cuddle :( withdrawal!

Please, :help: someone, I need therapy to get me through this time of deprivation!! I've tried pulling him out and giving him a bath, hoping he'd be a little active afterwards. Except... he fell asleep in the tub! It's a good thing I had a rolled up face cloth under his head. Izzy gave me the evil eye, hugged the face cloth and passed out! After 20 minutes, I took him out and bundled him up and let him run around the living room, where upon he found a nice dark spot in the corner and went back to sleep. I picked him up for a cuddle and he was so cold, I put him back in his house to bask and warm up. As of this morning, he's still in the exact same position I'd put him in yesterday!

Is there a support group for brumation stricken slaves? Can we survive this horrific time with our minds intact? I shudder to think of the poor slaves with multiple masters, all sleeping at the same time! Help me!


Extreme Poster
All id suggest is post-bath snuggles to get your fix, as you do still need to bathe her during brumation.
They can get cold quick after a bath so I usually dry Dex off, fill a hotwater bottle with a little boiling water, put that on my lap and lay her blankie over. She'll usually run around my lap before she settles in for a snuggle, then i wrap the blankie around her and voila! Sleepy beardie snuggles.

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
EclpsPrinc":213e6 said:
The only solution I can think of is to purchase a non-brumating baby right now!
I was going to suggest the same thing! But I'm really not the best person to give advice for this situation because I want another baby.

I'm going through the same beardie-cuddle withdraws. During the week, Pookie would stay awake long enough for me to get an hour of snuggles before he's down for the night. On the weekends, he doesn't even want to wake up long enough for me to say hello.

Mommy of Sunny

Juvie Member
I guess I am kind of lucky. Sunny is not usually a snuggler. But now that he is brumating (1/2 way), he likes to be held for a bit after his bath. I put him in a beardie burrito and snuggle him and smooch him for a little bit before putting him back in his condo.

I made him a cave out of a box and put some bedding in for him, but he still prefers his hammock. So I can walk over anytime I want and just give him a little pat on the head. He seems to enjoy it because he closes his eyes until I stop. Then he watches where I go...probably thinking...come back and do that again!


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
We've had a sudden surge of sunny weather, :D Izzie woke up and demanded :x food. Unfortunately, he was not in a cuddly :evil: mood! He wanted down, he wanted to run and he wanted... :puke: crap! At least, he did it on the bare floor of his exercise room. I gave him a bath, scrubbed his butt and was rewarded with a "shove my nose so hard into her neck, I can't breath" :love5: snuggle-cuddle. That was yesterday and I'm still all gooey with joy at having him back, even if it was only for a few hours.
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